A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

He finally released her after some minutes and looked straight into her eyes and she also did the same. He wiped the almost dried traces of tears on her face with his thumb.

” You love me now? ” Mirah asked surprisingly and he hugged her again. ” I have always loved you. I was mistaken, the painting.. Cole said it was from Layla ” He said and she let out a gasp.

” No, it was me.. he was.. ”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

” I know now, he mistook you for Layla ” He completed for her and she nodded. ” I’m really sorry. I’m sorry for treating you bad but I really kept my promise. I found myself getting drawn to the painting every minute and I kept felling for you, but I only thought it was from Layla. But I promise.. ” He paused and broke the hug.

He trailed his thumb to her lips, ” I will transfer the love to you. I will love you instead ’cause my heart is for you.. okay.. ” He said and she nodded before pushing herself into his arms. ” I’m glad, I thought I was going to lose you. I thought my efforts were going to vain ” She muttered and Bryan hugged her tightly.

” It wouldn’t, I promise. I love you ”

” I love you more ” She said, snuggling more closer into him.

** Shane’s Apartment **

Layla spranged up at once when she noticed the environment she was, was different. She got on her feet and wore a slipper she saw, thinking it’s hers.

She rushed out of the room. ” Where am I? ” She thought but stopped abruptly when she saw Shane sleeping peacefully on the couch. She moved closer to him.

” I slept in his room? I slept over at his house? ” She thought with a silent gasp. She heard Shane groan lightly and roll on the bed like he was about to open his eyes.

She gasped and made to run but he gripped her by her hand. She turned to him slowly and his eyes were wide open.

In a swift, he pulled her to him and she fell flat on his body, she let out a gasp. She made to raise her body but he pulled her more to him, making her body press harder on his.

He winked at Layla who still had a shocked look on. His finger trailed up her face as he remove the fallen strands of hair from her face. His thumb landed on her pinky small lips and he trailed slowly on it, Layla took in her lower lips as he did that.

He suddenly tossed her over the couch and Layla gasped out shortly. Almost immediately, he pressed his lips on hers. Seems like she had been waiting secretly for him to do that, she reciprocated almost immediately and hung her arms around his neck pulling him more closer to her.

Shane kept nibbling on her lips but she wanted more. She bit his lips slowly and her tongue gained entrance into his mouth and he deepened the kiss.

Shane’s phone suddenly rang but they ignored it and continued sucking each other’s lips. Layla’s hand found its way under Shane’s unbuttoned shirt and that sent sparks to his body and that turned him on the more as he made the kiss more deeper that Layla had to release a sharp moan.

Shane’s phone rang out loudly again and he let out a groan before pulling out of the kiss. They both breathe out heavily as they stared at each other. Shane’s eyes landed on her lips again and she bit it slowly.

That made him go insane again as he smashed his lips on hers again, this time more deeper than ever.

** Bryan’s Apartment **

” You seems to like the exterior part more than the interior? ” Bryan asked Mirah as they both walked round his big compound.

” Yeah, it’s nicer ” She said, nodding her head. ” You know I didn’t change anything here, it’s still the same thing ” Bryan said with a big smile, looking around.

” I guess, But it seems different, it’s like I can notice and identify every single thing at each angle but then, they all seems like magic to me ” She said cutely and Bryan chuckled.

He sat beside her on a bench. ” Yeah,, 5 years ago.. your eyes ravelled all over this place and you wouldn’t stop staring and you always had this confused look on. You would ask me ” Bryan, what’s this for? “… And I would say it’s a car cover and you would only nod tho I knew it still felt strange to you ” Bryan said and she chuckled.

” Yeah, I was one innocent kid then and was always fascinated about bug houses like this ” She said and Bryan chuckled again.

Bryan looked at Mirah who took a glance at her phone. ” None of them still haven’t picked? ” Bryan asked and Mirah nodded.

” Yeah, I hope she’s fine but I think she probably saw them and didn’t want to answer cause she’s angry…. ” She let out a sigh. ” Yeah, she should be angry.. I behaved like a bitch and acted all angry at her for something she didn’t do ” Mirah said sadly and Bryan turned to her properly.

” Come on, any girl would get angry cause of this. It’s not your fault, and I don’t think Layla’s purposely ignoring your calls. She can’t do that, she loves you so much. She’s probably busy or something ” Bryan said and she nodded.

” Yeah, she’s probably busy with Shane ” She muttered but Bryan heard and he let out a chuckle. ” Shane’s one jealous freak ” He said, reminiscing on yesterday’s scene.

” Huh? ” Mirah asked.” Those two.. they are dating right? ” He asked. ” Maybe,, I guess ” Mirah muttered.

” They look good together ” Bryan muttered and Mirah nodded. ” Hmm Hmm ” She also muttered.

” We should try calling them again ” Bryan said and Mirah nodded. ” Yeah, we should do that ” Mirah said and dialed Layla’s number. She picked at the first ring.

” Hey, where are you? Our neighbour said you didn’t sleep at home yesterday? ” Layla rushed at once, worriedly.

Mirah and Bryan exchanged glances. Mirah let out a sigh of relief. ” I’m glad you’re okay. I’ve been calling you ever since yesterday ” Mirah said.

” I’m sorry, my phone’s been off. Where are you now? Are you okay? When are you coming home? ” She rushed again and the two exchanged glances.

” I’m at Bryan’s ” She said and waited for Layla’s reply but got none. ” Layla? ” She called to be sure if she was still there.

” Wait, you mean Bryan? Like Bryan Maynard? ” She asked confusingly and Mirah nodded.” Yeah ” She replied and Layla scoffed out loudly.

” Oh great! You got him now or what? after calling me all kind of names and telling me you hate me and this! I’m happy for you ” Layla snapped obviously rolling her eyes.

” Alright, I’m sorry okay? I wasn’t really mad at you, I just thought of venting my anger at you. I’m sorry baby ” Mirah said with a pout.

” So, when are you coming back home? ” Layla asked. ” You’re not mad at me anymore? ” Mirah asked slowly and Layla scoffed. ” Just come home, will you? ” She said more like a plead.

” Alright, Bryan would bring me home now, I guess? ” She said, looking up at Bryan who nodded. She smiled at him.

” Wait, are you two a thing now? ” Layla asked loudly and Mirah blushed heavily and when she remembered Bryan was with her, she coughed lightly and Bryan chuckled.

” Not really ” She said and Layla chuckled. ” But, there’s a high chance you two are gonna start dating soon… ” She teased and Bryan chuckled again while Mirah flushed in embarrassment.

” Can you stop, he’s right beside me ” Mirah said and Layla chuckled. ” Alright then, but wait.. how did it happen? I thought.. ”

” Bye, I will explain to you later ” She said and hanged up immediately. She turned to Bryan shyly. ” Um… I should start going now, right? ” She said more like a question and Bryan nodded.

” Yes baby ” He said in a tease and Mirah’s cheeks flushed and she turned away from him immediately.

He smiled and then pulled her face back to his, he touched it delicately and Mirah gulped down into nothing as his touch sent her shivers.

He brought his lips closer and Mirah shut her eyes immediately, he chuckled and instead placed a peck on her nose.

She opened her eyes and when he saw her look away and bit her lips slowly, he chuckled.

” Let’s go ” He said and she nodded, she grabbed her hand bag and they both walked over to Bryan’s luxury car parked in the widely spaced parking lot.


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