A Game Of Temptation



My eyes bounced between his face and his hand on mine.

Honestly, I wasn’t even mad that he was putting his hands on me. I was just surprised that he’d taken such a bold move especially considering the fact that we didn’t know each other.

Well, we did know each other-just not in the ways that mattered.

And maybe I was a little bit alarmed that he was holding my arm right there in the hallway where everyone could see and speculate about all the ways we knew each other. I mean, I didn’t particularly give a fuck if they found out that I’d slept with him-even though it still didn’t mean that I was going to put it out there-I just didn’t want them to think we were something more.

And with the way he sat beside me on the jet, stared at me and was now holding my hand, anyone that came up here was going to start thinking that we did know each other far more than on that level.

Which wasn’t true. And I didn’t want them getting the wrong idea.

He must have seen the alarmed expression on my face because he suddenly jerked his hand off mine, cursing as his eyes darted away for a second, before coming back to rest on mine.

“Shit, I didn’t mean-” He cursed again, running his free hand through his hair as the other one was crying his duffel. “I had no right to stop you like that. I just wanted to talk to you.”

That got my back up and the alien feeling that was just starting to form in my chest at the sight of his obvious distress, disintegrated into dust.

Poof. Just like that.

And probably for the better because what the hell was that anyway? Had I pulled a muscle?

“About what?” The words probably came out more forcefully than I’d intended them to and from the way his eyes dimmed warily, I could tell that he was already starting to realise that ‘talking’ to me was a terrible idea.

“About us-”

“Us?” I cried, eyes wide and alarmed as I involuntarily took a step back, which brought my back up against the wall. Literally. “There is no us.”

He sighed, raking his hand through his hair again and causing the jet black locks to scatter even more than they already were. They stood up in all directions on his head, giving him a sexily messy look.

He ran his hand through his hair a lot. Was that simply my effect on him or was it a thing he did whenever he was agitated?

Clear as day, I remembered that when he’d stepped into the elevator that night, his hair had looked exactly the same way. Then I’d made it all the messier by running my fingers through the soft, full, silky mane when he’d gone down on me.

Goosebumps broke out on my skin at the memory and it was all I could do not to shiver or give any more outward reaction to what was happening to me.

“Okay. There’s no us,” he agreed quickly, surprising me. “What about this?” He waved his hand between us. “This thing between us.”

I pressed more against the door. If it were possible for me to disappear through it and appear on the other side, I was sure that I would already be safely on the other side by now, breathing better.

“What thing?” I croaked.

Swiping the back of my hand across my forehead, I was appalled when it came back with sweat on it.

Sweat. I was sweating.

Why on earth was I sweating?

Alex’s eyes suddenly grew intense and, unable to do anything about it, I watched like a deer caught in headlights-albeit a horny one-as he took a step closer to me. A step that had him standing toe-to-toe with me, his chest a few inches away from mine.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

When he spoke, his voice drifted into my ears like smoke. “Don’t pretend, Laura,” he whispered softly, bracing his hand on the door and bending his head until I could feel his every exhale and inhale, “If you’re going to lie about everything else, don’t lie about this. At least admit that you still think about that night.” He wasn’t touching me, far from it actually, but somehow, it felt like he was. “Admit that you still think about my cock and how good it felt inside you.”

My brain blanked right then and there. Right fucking there and my usual sassy and snarky responses were nowhere to be found. They’d bailed on me. Along with the strength in my bones-because suddenly, my knees were too weak to hold me up-and maybe even my spine, because why the fuck was I not taking control of the situation?

Opening my mouth, I attempted to speak. “I-”

“I remember how you felt around me.” He admitted brokenly, his eyes, two balls of fire and lust, “I remember every single fucking thing. How you clamped around me every time I pulled out, sucking me back in like a greedy little thing, begging for more.”

Okay, I was pretty sure I had a mini orgasm at that point because my panties suddenly felt sticky. I might have even moaned, I wasn’t so sure.

“Now, tell me the truth, Laura,” Alex ducked his head until he was staring straight into my eyes, his own green ones not letting up in their intensity. “Do you still think about that night?”

Hell yes, I did. I still got myself off to thoughts of that night. It had gotten even worse lately because Cory didn’t do it for me anymore.

But that wasn’t the answer I gave him. I might be horny, but it hadn’t gotten to the point where my brain stopped working.

I hardened my voice as much as I could before saying, “No.”

The frustrated expression on his face told me that my answer hadn’t been the one he’d been hoping for and if I could do anything about it, he wasn’t ever going to get the answer that he so wanted.

What game was he playing anyway?

Okay, say he’d gotten me to admit that I still thought about that night, what next? We still weren’t going to have a repeat-I would make sure of that. Which was why I thought that it really made no sense why he was trying to get me to admit that I still thought about him.

“Why are you so bloody stubborn?” He snapped, sounding a touch frustrated now.

Cocking a brow, I said, “Really? I’m stubborn?” When he simply stared at me as if I was talking out of my ass, I snapped, “You’re the one who wouldn’t take a hint.”

“What hint?”

“I’ve been telling you to leave me alone since you sat down with me on the jet.” I flung my hands, exasperated.

His mouth formed a flat line and he stared at me through slitted eyes. “You never told me to leave you alone.”

I scoffed. “I might not have used those exact words, but you must have known that was what I meant.” I shrugged. “Besides, I’m telling you right now. Leave me alone.”

“You don’t mean that,” He said through gritted teeth.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “Yes, I do.”

What was I even still doing out here anyway?

I was supposed to be in my room unpacking-or at least trying to-and doing every other thing but talk to him, really, so why was I indulging him? Most importantly, what was his deal?

He was drop dead gorgeous and could probably get any girl he wanted just by blinking his eyes. He didn’t even have to talk if that would be too much work for him-although with all the talking he was doing, I doubted that he’d mind-but seriously, the man had walked into an elevator I was in and I’d started melting.

Why was he so adamant on having sex with me again?

Totally fed up with this conversation, I shoved the key I’d been holding this entire time into the lock, a bit surprised that it hadn’t fallen out of my hand, and twisted it, unlocking the door. “Look, I’m really tired and I need to unpack.” I didn’t wait for him to reply before saying, “I’ll see you around.” and slamming the door closed behind me.

As I’d suspected, the oxygen on this other side of the door came quicker.

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