“Brianna, report to my office right now.” Mr. Adrian’s voice rang out from the intercom and then it got silent, no greetings, just an order. What was I expecting?

I stood up and left my office begrudgingly. I didn’t feel like doing anything today. I just want to sit and do nothing but that’s not possible since I had to work. I got to Mr. Adrian’s office and went inside without bothering to knock.

“Good morning sir.” I greeted grumpily.

“Good morning, Brianna,” he responded coolly, “take a seat.”

He gestured towards the chairs that are in front of his desk and I sat down on one of them. I hope I am safe this morning with the way he offered me a seat. If he tries to kill me, I’ll scream so loud everybody in the building will hear my screams, even though it means losing my voice.

“Is there something wrong, Sir?” I spoke up when the silence in the room was becoming uncomfortable.

“I have something to ask from you but let’s start with this first.” He said before opening a drawer and he brought out an envelope.

“This is your salary.” He handed the envelope to me. I collected it from him and a loud gasp left my mouth when I saw that it was filled with money. Is this my salary or he made a mistake?

“Uhm Sir… are you sure this is my salary? You didn’t give me the correct envelope?” I asked just to be sure.

“That’s your salary and I gave you the right envelope.” He answered.

“Wow, this is really much and too good to be true.” I stated, looking at the envelope in my hand, already thinking of the things I was going to buy with the money, foodstuffs, mom’s drugas and the others.

“Alright, enough drooling over the money.” Mr. Adrian’s voice broke through my train of thought and I snapped out of it.

“Now that you’re done gushing over that money that is not up to what I pay for my cologne by the way, I need your help with something.” He uttered and I sat straighter.

“How can I be of help to you?” I asked curiously. I don’t think someone like him will need help from someone like me.

“There’s this gala that I was invited to and I am expected to come with a date…” He trailed off.

“Okay… so why are you telling me?” I asked, slightly on edge.

“I need you to go with me to the gala. Be my date for the night.” He stated without mincing words.

“Erm Sir… you’re talking to me, Brianna, your crazy personal assistant, the girl that kicked you the other day.” I blabbed nervously.

“I know, I also have not forgiven you for kicking me that day. The memory is still very fresh.” He said and glared at me a little while I tried my hardest not to laugh.

“Don’t glare at me like that. You made me kick you. I’m usually gentle and easygoing, I don’t go about kicking people in their private parts.” I stated seriously but inwardly, I was laughing very hard.

“Whatever, witch.” He muttered.

“Witch? Really? Since when did you give me a name? And why are you calling me a witch?” I laughed out loud.

“Since today, and I’m calling you a witch because you act like one, not only that, you are one.” He continued glaring at me while I just kept laughing.

“Enough of the laughter, let’s get back to what I called you for.” He snapped and my laughter died down slowly.

“Okay, okay. I’ve stopped laughing.” I said in-between chortles.

“Doesn’t quite look like that to me.” He sneered and I put more effort in stopping my laughter.

“Okay, I’m done now.” I said soberly, all traces of laughter gone even though I still felt like laughing.

“Good,” He stated, “Now that you’re sober like a normal human being, let’s go back to what we were talking about.”

“Alright, you were the one talking.” I said.

“Right, so about the date stuff, you’ll just be my date, no feelings attached, infact, I’ll be paying you for your services.” He uttered and the thought of concurring to this offer instantly came to my mind. I mean, this is another way to make more money, without much stress, just for me to be his date for a night. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

“I’ll go with you.” I said after thinking about it and a look of surprise flashed on his face.

“Really?” He asked disbelievingly.

“Of course, as long as you fulfill your promise of paying for my services, then I’ll go with you.” I stated.

“Wow, I didn’t think you’ll agree easily.” He said.

“As long as it involves money and doesn’t involve me killing people, then count me in on anything.” I responded.

“Anything that doesn’t involve killing? What about prostitution? Can you do it for money?” He quizzed.

“Eww, of course not. I would never sell my body for money.” I answered.

“Good for you then.” He stated.

“So, do you have a dress fit to wear for a gala?” He suddenly asked and I mentally went through the type of clothes I had in my wardrobe.

“Erm no.” I answered sheepishly.

“What were you planning to wear then?” He asked.

“I didn’t think of it but I would definitely figure something out.” I shrugged.

“Seriously? You’re unbelievable,” He scoffed loudly, “We’ll be going to shop for a perfect dress with shoes and purse or do you have those?”

“I don’t.” I replied, still feeling sheepish.

“Then we’re going to get all of those then, meet me at the parking lot in the next two hours.” He said and I nodded.

“Okay sir.” I responded.

“You’re dismissed.” He stated. Back to his rude state I see.

“Whateves.” I said under my breath and stood up.

“Dis you say something?” He questioned.

“No I didn’t.”

“I could swear I heard you say something.”

“You heard wrongly then.” I rolled my eyes and literally ran out of his office before he could come up with a comeback or maybe an insult.

I got to my office and plopped down on my chair. I can’t believe that I’m going to be Mr. Adrian’s date to a fancy gala. I can’t even believe that I accepted in the first place, anything for the money.

Let me call Cherry and gist her about it.

I picked up my phone and dialled her number. It rang for a few before she answered the call.

“Hey girlfriend!” I hollered.

“Hey babe. How are ya?”

“I’m great, you?” I asked.

“I’m fine too.”

“So I wanted to tell you something.” I said.

“Okay, what’s that?” She asked and I could hear the curiousity in her voice.

“I’m going to a gala.”

“A gala? What’re you going to do there?” How did you get invited in the first place? And this better not be a joke.” She said all in one breath.

“Calm your tits, Cherry” I chuckled.

“Answer me, bitch.” She snapped jokily.

“Okay, so I was not invited but Mr. Adrian asked me to be his date so I’m going to a gala.” I explained.

“Your crazy boss asked you to be his date and you accepted? What the fuck?”

“He’s paying me for it, I’m only gonna be his date for the money.” I answered.

“Hmm, that’s fair.”

“Yes it is.”

“So do you have a dress for the gala?”

“No I don’t, but he’s taking for shopping in the next two hours.” I responded.

“That’s cool. You’ll tell me all about it when you’re back and you must take a lot of pictures.” She said with a hint of authority in her voice.

“Yes mummy.” I laughed.

“Good girl. I have to go now, my boss is calling me.”

“Alright, bye Cherry.”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Bye Bee.” She said before hanging up.

I dropped my phone and switched on the computer. I should do the rest of my work before the time to go and meet Mr. Adrian reaches.


I made my way to the parking lot, when I got there, I stood in a spot and tried to figure out which of the cars that belonged to Mr. Adrian but I couldn’t even get it. The man changes his cars. and one can’t know the specific one he will use in a day. I was still trying to get the right one before a voice called my name.

“Brianna!” The voice called, I looked towards the direction that the voice was coming from to see that it was Brandon calling me, his head was peeking out of a car window. I walked towards the car and stood by the window.

“Hey Brandon, thanks for calling me, I was having a hard time figuring out which of the cars was Mr. Adrian’s.” I said.

“No biggie, Mr. Adrian is in the backseat, come on in.” He stated. I opened the door to the backseat and sat down. Mr Adrian was indeed inside and he wasn’t smiling one bit.

“You kept me waiting.” He said in a monotonous voice.

“I’m sorry about that, I got carried away with the work on my desk.” I replied.

“And you couldn’t check your time or even set an alarm to the next two hours from the time you left my office?” He asked.

“Why’re you making a big deal out of it? It isn’t as if I was playing, I was working on the things you gave me to do.” I responded with a roll of my eyes.

“I could have used the minutes you delayed me with to do something precious. My time is special to me if you must know.” He said.

“Oh please. Time is special to everyone.”

“I don’t think it is to you.” He uttered.

“Can we just drop this please? Isn’t your time precious to you anymore?” I asked with a hint of rudeness in my voice.

“Oh shush it,” He said and diverted his attention away from me, “Brandon, drive us to the mall downtown.”

Brandon did as he was told and drove out of the parking lot, down the street, and off to the mall.


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