**MARIANNA**© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Tyler is the one behind all of these.” Stanley spoke up and loud gasps rang out throughout the cafeteria. Even I was shocked that he mentioned Tyler’s name.

“I’m the one behind this?!” Tyler exclaimed loudly, disbelief evident on his face and his voice too.

“Really? Tyler is the one behind this?” Principal Raymond asked as he gestured at the cafeteria that was covered with all sorts of foods. Surely, Tyler have not done this sort of thing before.

“Yes Sir, Tyler is the one.” Stanley bobbed his head.

“But Sir! This stinky girl here called Marianna was the first person to empty a plate of spaghetti and sauce on me. Have you seen me?” Tyler pointed at his head and clothes.

“You’re the one behind this?” Principal Raymond turned his accusing glare towards me and I squirmed as a result of fear.

“Erm… huh…” I stuttered, not quite knowing what to say with that scary glare of his that is focused on me.

“Answer me with well-formed words!” He barked and I jumped in fright.

“Sir, it is Tyler’s fault. He put his leg on the way and made me fall. I even hurt my knee in the process and that was why I dumped the spaghetti on him.” I explained frightfully.

“He made you fall, agreed. But you shouldn’t have taken judgement into your own hands, you should have reported him to a teacher that would have handled this properly.” He stated and I snorted inwardly. As if a teacher would to do anything to Tyler if I reported him.

“I’m sorry about that sir.” I apologized, even if I was not feeling remorseful about what I did.

“Sorry won’t be enough. I’m afraid you’ll have to do more than that.” He said.

“What is that, Sir?” I asked, already scared of what he might ask us to do.

“You have to clean this entire cafeteria. I must not see even the slightest molecule of food in this place.” He uttered.

“But Sir! I can’t possibly clean this place on my own.” I cried out loudly, not minding the fact that my fellow schoolmates were present in the cafeteria with me.

“Of course you won’t be cleaning alone. Tyler will be joining you.” He said and Tyler shouted exasperatedly.

“SIR!!!” Tyler yelled.

“That’s my final judgement,” He said and then continued, “For the rest of you that thought that it would be fun for you to join in the food fight, two hours detention for you all after school.” Loud groans and protests followed that.

He turned to walk out of the cafeteria but then, he stopped.

“Oh, Tyler and Marianna, the both of you are not exempted from the detention too.” He uttered and finally walked out after that.

“You see what you caused?!” Tyler shouted when it looked like Principal Raymond was out of sight.

“All of these wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t make me trip and fall in the first place.” I shouted back at him and he stopped talking for a while.

“I’m not going to clean anything.” He uttered with a scowl.

“Just because you’re the son of the owner of the school doesn’t mean that you’re not going to clean up this plece with me, we’re going to serve this punishment together.” I said while glaring at him.

Soon after Principal Raymond walked out, the students started dispersing slowly, leaving me, Tyler and some other people left inside the cafeteria.

“Marianna, are you okay?” Vanessa asked, coming over to meet me along with the others.

“I’m fine, Vee.” I smiled slowly, even though my knee was still hurting, I tried not to let it show.

“I saw you fall, how’s your knee?” Aiden asked, looking at my knee.

“I bruised it but I’ll be fine.” I stated.

“Okay.” He nodded.

“You need us to help you clean up the place? It’s too big for the both of you to clean alone.” Damien suggested and I almost took the offer but they all have to go to class, they can’t miss this period because of me.

“It’ll be great if you join us but you have to go to class so don’t bother. Tyler and I will clean the place up.” I responded, throwing a secret glare towards Tyler’s direction.

“I mean, other students were also part of the food fight but you’re the one that’s going to be suffering to clean up.” Juliet grumbled.

“It’s fine guys, really. I’ll see you guys later, go to class.” I said and urged them to leave and they all exited the cafeteria hesitatingly while grumbling their displeasures.

I faced Tyler when we were the only ones left.

“Let’s get this cleaning started!” I said with feigned enthusiasm and threw a mop towards him, he rolled his eyes.

“How do you use this thing?” He asked, raising up the mop in his hand.

“You don’t know how to use it?” I asked, surprise evident on my face.

“I don’t use it. We have maids that clean for us at home, duh.” He said with a roll of his eyes and I got reminded that he’s from a rich family.

“Oh please,” I scoffed and continued, ” You don’t have to rub your wealth in. Everybody knows that you’re a rich ass motherfucker.”

“Hey!” He exclaimed loudly.


“Nevermind. Show me how to use this thing, will ya?” He asked and I moved closer to him to explain how to use it.

“You dip the mop into a bucket of water,” I did as I said, “and then you squeeze it before bringing it out to start your mopping.”

I showed him how it was done and he nodded. I handed his mop back to him.

“Do what I showed you.” I said.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this, a whole me.” He groaned in disgust and dipped the mop into the bucket of water.

“You brought this upon us, now we’re suffering for what you did.” I reminded him and he grumbled some profanities that I didn’t bother to comprehend.

“Let’s get this over with!” I said loudly, tied up my hair and got to work.


“We’re finally done.” I sighed loudly and plopped down heavily on one of the cafeteria seats. I was feeling weak all over. The cafeteria was looking sparkling clean, no molecule of food was seen, just as Principal Raymond wanted.

“Finally!” I heard Tyler sigh from the seat opposite of me. He looked like shit, but he was still handsome at the same time. Where did that thought come from?

“Let’s go for the detention, they must have started already.” Tyler said.

“I’m not ready to go yet. I’ll stay here and rest for a while, just for some minutes.” I uttered and he seemed to agree with me.

“I’m going to rest for a while too, I’m so fucking tired.” He responded and just like that, he relaxed on his seat while I put my head on the table. I’m just going to close my eyes for a while. Cleaning this cafeteria was not an easy job. Well-done Principal Raymond, thanks for wearing me out.


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