I was in my office, busy replying some important emails that needed to be replied on behalf of Mr. Adrian when suddenly, the intercom buzzed. I already knew the person that was calling before I picked it up. I answered the call and placed it on my ear.

“Good day boss.” I greeted coldly. Since that incident outside my house, where Mr. Adrian and I argued, I had been ignoring him since I came back to work. I only talked to him whenever it is work-related.

“Come to my office now.” He spoke rudely without even bothering to acknowledge my greeting and he hung up immediately. I rolled my eyes at his rudeness but I shouldn’t really be surprised because that is how he is.

I closed my laptop and stood up. I walked out of my office and went to his office. I knocked on the door once and walked into the office.

I moved closer to his desk and he raised his head to stare at me. I squirmed a little under the intensity of his stare but I managed to look indifferent.

“You called for me?” I stated, more like asked when I finally got in front of him.

“Yes I did. What’s on my schedule?” He questioned.

“Well, you have a meeting with the production department in the next twenty minutes. After that, your brunch meeting with the Ace family is by 12 p. m. and then you have to meet with Mr. Thompson to sign a deal with him by 2 p. m.” I spoke out breathlessly and panted a little at the end.

“Alright, is that all?” He asked.

“Yes Sir, that’s all.” I replied.

“Okay, you can go back to your office now. Get ready for the meeting. You’ll be in the meeting too and make sure you take a notepad along with you so you can jot down the important things that you hear there.” He stated and I nodded.

“Alright.” I said and exited his office.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.


I went to Mr. Adrian’s office to inform him that it was time for the meeting. He got up and we walked towards the meeting room with me walking a few steps behind him. Mr. Adrian strolled into the meeting room like he wasn’t bothered about anything in the world while I stood outside and performed a breathing exercise. I exhaled and wiped my sweaty palms on my skirt. I was a little nervous since this is the first time I would be attending a meeting.

I pulled myself together and summoned a little bit of courage before stepping into the meeting room. Everybody seemed to stop what they were doing and snapped their eyes towards me. I got a little uncomfortable that I couldn’t move for some seconds. ‘Why were they all staring? It isn’t like I did just started working here today.’ I thought while still standing transfixed in one spot.

“Miss Jackson? Are you just going to stand there or you’ll have your seat so we can start this meeting?!” I heard Mr. Adrian’s voice penetrate my daze and I snapped out of it. I saw close to twenty eyes staring at me and my face heated up. I walked briskly to an empty seat which was beside Mr. Adrian’s. I sat down and placed my notepad and pen in front of me. Everybody took their eyes off me some minutes after I settled down.

Mr. Adrian rolled his eyes and stood up then cleared his throat loudly so that the chatter in the room will stop and it died down immediately.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce someone to you guys. She’s been here for some days. Her name is Brianna Jackson and as some of y’all might know, she is my personal assistant and she’ll be joining us for today’s meeting. Hope you can welcome her and work together.” He introduced me and I stood up while feeling a little shy. I waved at them and some people welcomed me while some people glared at me with jealousy completely visible on their faces. Those who glared at me were females who must have felt jealous of my beauty and the fact that I am Mr. Adrian’s personal assistant but is there really anything to be jealous about?

My thought was cut short by Mr. Adrian’s voice, again.

“Now that that is over, can we start the meeting already?!” He asked rhetorically and waved his hands dramatically for effect.

“Thomas, show us the sketch please.” Mr. Adrian motioned towards a guy who was at another side of the room and the guy nodded and did some things before an image appeared on something that looks like a big screen. I looked at the device and was surprised at how an an image suddenly appeared on it out of nowhere.

“That is a projector.” A male voice whispered in my ear and I almost jumped out of my chair. I turned towards where the voice came from and found a very handsome man grinning at me. He was handsome but not as much you-know-who.

“What?” I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

“I said that that is a projector. You looked confused when you were staring at it. A projector is an optical device that project an image onto a screen. Do you get it now?” He explained to me and then asked.

“I get it now, that was why an image suddenly appeared on it!” I exclaimed a little too loudly and people turned to stare at me and Mr. Handsome, they stared at me especially since I was the one that exclaimed.

“Miss Jackson, care to tell us what caused the ruckus?” Mr. Adrian gritted out angrily but I kept my mouth shut and he rolled his eyes after a few seconds of me not saying anything.

“I thought as much.” He grumbled and continued with the meeting.

“As I was saying before some immature people interrupted me.” He said glaring pointedly at me and Mr. Handsome before he continued again, “We all know that the image on the projector is the sketch of our next invention. This is a robot that will help people do their chores like tidying up the house; washing clothes, dishes and anything you can think of, as long as it’s a house chore.” He paused to look at the reaction of the people in the room.

A petite woman raised her hand and stood up shyly. “I have a question to ask about the robot Sir.”

“Go on.” Mr. Adrian said simply.

“Will the robots do the chores like we humans do? Won’t they malfunction?” The woman asked.

“That was a good question you asked Jenny

Have your seat.” Mr. Adrian stated and the lady sat down.

“As Jenny asked, the robots will do the chores perfectly and maybe even better if they are fully charged. And to avoid any malfunctioning, the robots will come with manuals so the owners will know how to operate them…” He kept talking and talking that I began to doze off.

“Miss Jackson, wake the fuck up!” I heard someone yell and I jumped.

“I’m awake! I’m awake!” I shouted and heard people snickering before looking around to realize that I was still in the meeting room. I face-palmed myself and wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole for this humiliation I caused by myself.

“This meeting is over.” Mr. Adrian stated and everybody began packing what they brought and walked out of the meeting room but not without pointing or laughing at me. This is the worst day ever. I stood up and picked up my notepad and pen then remembered that I was asked to take notes. ‘Oh well, the worst thing he can do is to yell his lungs out for not writing the notes.”

I was about to walk out of the meeting room as well as the others but I was stopped by Mr. Adrian.

“Come here Miss Jackson, you’re not allowed to go yet.” He said and I and I released a string of curses before stopping in my tracks. He waited for everyone to walk out before coming to stand in front of me.

“What were you and Lewis talking about earlier?” He asked.

“Who is Lewis?” I asked confusedly.

“The guy you were talking to earlier.” He replied.

“Oh! His name is Lewis? What a nice name he’s got.” I said and his pupils seemed to dilate.

“Yeah, that’s his name. I just said that. Now, what were you talking about?”

“That was none of your business.” I responded.

“It is my business. I have the right to know what is going on between my employees.” He uttered.

“And I said it’s none of your fucking business! Must you know?!” I raised my voice a little.

“Fine! Don’t tell me then. Did you take the notes I asked you to?” He questioned.

“No I didn’t, I kinda forgot.” I said sheepishly.

“Seriously?! I was going to need it.” He yelled.

“Then you should have just taken the notes by yourself!” I lashed out back.

“Ugh!!! You know what Brianna? You’re a bone in my throat!” He bellowed.

“And you Mr. Adrian, are a pain in my ass!” I screamed back at him and we glared at each other dangerously.


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