Alpha Markus and Celeste

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 – Markus

Markus P.O.V.

The next couple of days passed by fairly quickly. Evergreen joined us the next day, in the evening. He

went straight to the room, came back out, took my credit card to buy some generators and has only

come out to eat and sleep. We’ve gone in there a few times to help him, but it’s like he’s going through

wifi withdrawal. He was short tempered and keeps checking his phone only to grunt and put it back


It turned out that there already was the technology to digitize all of the books and journals in the room.

They would be scanned and

a digital copy of the journal would be stored for future reference, but a software would also extract the

document’s writings and pictures

and not only would it create a typed script of the page, but could translate it to whatever language you

needed. An index was being generated for easy search function as each document was being

scanned. It was quite impressive, but we were all scared to let him know

lest he call us all primitive brutes and shut the door on our face. Again.

Gillian came and sat next to us as we talked outside a couple of hours before lunch, “Someone will

have to go grab him at lunch

time. I have been barred from the room for the rest of the day.”

Diego laughed, “What did you do? Last night, I was asked to leave very politely but firmly after I thought

the machine was broken and

he told me that he’s not a miracle worker. He can only get so much amp out of the generators and he

doesn’t understand how someone

can live without Netflix.”

“I am apparently not to be trusted after he discovered I mislabeled a page under another index,” Gillian

grumbled, “It seems the only one that can do no wrong is the Luna. He’s all rainbows and sunshine

talking about possible pup names with Celeste before I got kicked


“I am beginning to understand my cousin has that effect on just about everyone she meets. Tomas

hadn’t gotten his mom to come

into the Pack grounds in almost 5 years and she’s come to the last two dinners,” he said.

“She is fiercely protective of her loved ones and they her. Everyone that gets to know her loves her. But

man, wait until you’ve been

on the other side of her temp-Oooh h-hi love. How’s the scanning going?” I said as I saw her coming

out of the Packhouse with a glass of

lemonade. Everyone at the table was smirking at me.

“On the other side of my what, Markus?” she asked casually, not moving from the door.

‘Help me,’l mind linked Gillian as my mouth bobbed open and closed.

I’ve already taken s**t from one moody wolf today. I don’t need to add hormonal pregnant she-wolf to

my day,

Gillian laughed.

Celeste raised an eyebrow and was waiting for me to answer when Lupe’s bike came out the rows of

maize. She walked up to Celeste

and led her inside. They were beginning preparations for tomorrow’s full moon. As three other packs

were coming, their small numbers

just made sense when trying to find their mates. I sighed with relief as I saw her retreat when I heard

her in my head, If you think talking s**t with the guys about your mate is something I’m going to forget,

you’ve got another thing coming, my love. Payback is a b***h!

groaned as the guys started laughing. “Are you in the dog house, cousin?” Diego said laughing, “The

big mighty Alpha, scared of a tiny she-wolf.” I noticed only the ones without mates were doubled over

laughing. The ones mated had sympathy in their eyes.

“Yes, well, if I show up at your suite tonight asking to hide me, you better f*****g open the door,” I said

as I looked back at the door.” can’t wait to hear how you guys put your tails between your legs when

you find your mates.”

One of the older mated males laughed at that and tipped his beer at me. “Every male thinks they can

handle a woman until they get

mated to one. I always enjoy watching their faces fall as they realize who the weaker s*x actually is.” Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Diego’s eyes glazed over. “Intruders at the river,” he said as he stripped, shifted and started off. We all

followed suit.

The mountain had mostly one way in and one way out, but occasionally, someone managed to find an

underground water river that

provided them with a water source. It took a lot of strength to fight up the river in order to make it to the

only climbable entrance to the

Packgrounds. Diego told me it always made for either an easy capture or a frightening fight. Anyone

who could make it up was either

‘Markus!’ Celeste’s voice came into my head.

I’ll be fine Tuli. I need to help,’ I answered her.

I heard her sigh in my head, making my heart clench, I know. Please be careful. I love you.’

I love you more. See you in a little bit, I said as I heard the fighting and cut off the mind link.

We followed Diego’s wolf Tenoch down into a cavern. The growls of the other wolves echoed through

the cavern but what surprised

me was the clacking of what sounded like staves.

We arrived in time to see two men fighting against 6 werewolves. They did not smell like werewolves

themselves, but they also didn’t smell human. They smelled like….more. It was hard to describe. They

had inhuman strength. They were wearing nothing but a loin cloth. Their copper skin glittering with

sweat and water. 3 werewolves were in their human form, fighting with sticks, trying to make

openings for the wolves to strike. Somehow, it didn’t seem like they were winning.

I waited for Tenoch to do something so we could follow his example, but then he surprised me when he

shifted back into his human


“It’s them. Go back! He must have figured out Celeste is here. It’s the only reason they would attack.

The borders are safe but

Huitzilopochtli has ways around the mountain. Go protect your mate. We’ll handle these guys.”

Otto, Atlas and Zack’s wolf Perseus turned around with Atlas’s roar. We were half way back when I felt

Celeste’s panic and anger,

making Atlas push to run faster.

I saw only one man in front of the Packhouse surrounded by wolves. I circled around towards the front

doors of the Packhouse. I couldn’t see Kara outside, which means Gabriel must have kept her inside

as I could not see his wolf out here either.

‘Celeste?’ I mind linked him.

‘She’s in the records room. Evergreen, one of their warriors and I are guarding the door.’

‘Good. Keep her there,’ I said.

She is fighting us Alpha,’ he said.

‘Tie her down in the room if you have to. They are here for her,’

I told him and cut off the mind link.

‘Tuli, stay in the room,’ I begged her.

‘Markus I can fight,’s he said.

‘No, the pups come first. It is just one man. We can handle this,’

Atlas answered for me.

‘You can’t expect me to hide while you’re in danger, Atlas,’

she growled, and I could feel her struggling against someone.

You can and you will. I will not risk the pups,’ he shut the mind link after that, hoping she would heed

his words and we turned our attention to the man in front of us. Aside from the light somewhat modern

clothing he was wearing, he looked exactly the same as in the pictures we found in the books.

“Entreguen a la loba de la que peleo contra mi. No tengo pelea con ustedes. Ella pagara los pecados

de sus ancestros.”

‘Give me the she-woll, descendant of the one that fought against me. I have no quarrel with you. She

must pay for the sins of her

ancestors,’ Mateo’s voice came into my head.

Atlas growled. One of the wolves shifted back, Diego’s mother walking to the front.

“Has echo suficiente daño. Pide perdon a tu hermana. Deja a tus hermanos en paz. Nadie aqui a

peleado contigo Huitzilopochtli.

Vete en paz, y nadie te atacara.”

‘You’ve done enough harm. Ask your sister to forgive you. Leave the rest of your siblings’children to

live in peace. No one here has fought against you. Leave in peace and no one will stop you’- Mateo

Huitzilopochtli roared and rocks fell from the sides of the mountains, “Entonces moriran todos por solo

una perra.” he said and a

turquoise staff appeared in his hand.

‘Then you have chosen death. All of you will die for one bi-woman,

Mateo stuttered and didn’t finish the original wording, knowing

it was Celeste he was speaking of. Everyone growled at that. The male wolves took a tentative step

forward while most she wolves took a

step back. The staff began glowing red. The bottom of the staff began undulating.

‘What’s the plan Markus?’ Gillian asked, as Otto moved in front of a she wolf. There was no doubt in

my mind that this was Camila’s


Atlas answered. I could sense

Wait for the pack to make a move. We cannot attack on our own. We can’t coordinate an attack,

frustration from everyone through the mind link.

“Suficiente,” Huitzilopochtli said, and I saw in horror as a wave of lighting left his staff. It was directed at

Mrs Rodriguez, but

thankfully a wolf barreled into her side and the lighting hit the rock behind her, leaving a scorched mark.

Everyone rushed the god of sun and war. You could hear growls and whines of pain as we tried to

make it under his turquoise staff. He wasn’t the war god for nothing. I saw as wolves were sent flying

by the force of his staff. Occasionally, you could smell the burnt flesh

as they were hit by the rays emanating from it.

‘We have to get the staff away,

growled at my pack. Find an openi-‘ I was interrupted as there was a blast that seemed to go in every

direction as if a bomb had gone off in the center. We all hit the ground at once. Some of us fairing

better than others.

“Suficiente! La perra o la muerte” He screamed.

‘Enough! The woman or death,’- Mateo groaned into my mind as he struggled to stand.

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