Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 52

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 52

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 52 The Daemon Lord

As the haze cleared around the two figures in front of them, Lexi squealed and ran forward, pulling the towering figure into a hug as the man beside him looked on with an impassive expression on his face.

“Papa! It feels like it’s been forever since I saw you properly!” Lexi squealed as the easily eight-foot-tall figure bent slightly and wrapped his arms around her warmly.

“It’s good to see you, little one.” The man rumbled as Lexi stepped backward and turned to grin at Ann and Adam.

“Guys, this is Papa, Papa, this is Adam and Ann.” Lexi beamed excitedly.

Lexi’s father cut a truly imposing figure, broad- shouldered, bulging muscles as far as the eye could see, and an expression that threatened an untimely death as he stared impassively towards Adam and Ann.

“Ann, I have heard a lot about you over the years and I would like to thank you for providing Lexi with the stability that I could not give her. My realm would simply not have been safe for a child of mixed blood,” Lexi’s father said suddenly and very seriously, extending his arm and clasping her hands in one of his tightly.

“Erm, thanks?” Ann replied uncertainly, “Honestly, she provided me with as much stability as I did her, in fact, I consider her a sister more than a friend… erm… sir.” Ann gulped, a little intimidated by the man’s huge size.

‘Holy f*uc*kballs, he’s a big bastard!’ Maeve exclaimed in an awe-filled voice.

‘Shut up, Maeve! What if they can hear you?! I don’t know what powers or abilities a Daemon Lord has and nor do you!’ Ann replied with panic in her voice.

‘Look at the size of him! Geez… oo! I wonder if his ma*s*sive size extends to his…’ Maeve continued, completely unbothered by Ann’s concerns.

‘MAEVE! Please! Just this once… please behave yourself! ‘ Ann pleaded in desperation.

What if Lexi’s father was able to hear them? nobody knew just how far a Daemon Lord’s abilities stretched and if he took offense to Maeve’s brazen remarks she would never forgive herself.

‘What?! I think you need to relax a little, I don’t think he’d be offended. He’s a daemon for goddess sake, I’m just a little curious how Lexi’s mother took all of THAT… ‘ Maeve snorted contemptuously.

With a huff of disgust, Ann shut Maeve’s crudeness out of her head. As far as she was concerned she could rant to herself, Ann couldn’t listen to it at this moment. It was distracting, to say the least.

She sighed internally. Why was her wolf like this?!

Lexi’s father had moved his attention to Adam and there was a tense moment as they both seemed to be engaged in a staring match as they weighed each other up.

Adam broke the stalemate first and reluctantly offered his hand outwards to the Daemon Lord.

“I’m Adam Nocturne. I’m sure you understand how difficult it is for me to be here, as I understand it is difficult for you. However, I’m here in good faith and wanted to thank you for your willingness to help in this matter.”

Lexi’s father stared at his hand for a few seconds and there was a tense moment when the thought crossed everyone’s mind that he might not accept the gesture of friendship.

Finally, he reached his ma*s*sive hand forward and took Adam’s hand, shaking it firmly as he narrowed his eyes at him.

“I am Lord Brarthroroz. It is indeed a cautious step forward that I take today, but I would hope that at least between us for now, we can cooperate in a peaceful manner. I have never allowed outsiders to step foot into my personal home before, let alone one that has warred with my kind for centuries. However, I will not judge you based on your kind’s past actions, if you will not judge me for the chaos wrought by my kind in the past.”

Adam nodded curtly, and although the atmosphere remained tense, it was far less oppressive than before.

Lord Brarthroroz frowned at Adam briefly as his eyes scanned him and he turned to Lexi.

“You are right, daughter of mine, he does indeed have the darkness clinging to him like a plague.” All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Adam scowled at him as Lord Brarthroroz turned back to look at him and chuckled at his expression.

“I am merely stating facts, Alpha Nocturne. The magick that clings to you is old, ancient perhaps and if I’m not mistaken has wrought havoc on your normal life. Do you know the Witch that cast this curse upon you?”

Adam looked as though he was wrestling with something in his mind but eventually, his shoulders sagged slightly and he relented, running his hand through his hair wearily.

“No… no I don’t actually. It happened when I was a child, not long after my parents were murdered. I…”

“I think it would be better to discuss this somewhere a little… more discreet, don’t you think, Papa? As safe as my house is, if there is anyone listening in when they shouldn’t be, there’s no chance of it being overheard in your realm.” Lexi interjected.

Lord Brarthroroz nodded wisely and signaled to the man who had been standing quietly at the side of them.

At his signal, he moved to the side and began his preparations to create the portal that would take them to their destination.

“You are quite right, of course. Let’s take this as our cue to leave. Although I cannot smell any magick here, it does not mean that it isn’t present. I have not visited this realm for a long time, and things always seem to have changed so much when I do…” he sighed regretfully.

When the portal was ready, he ushered them through the shimmering air. Lexi went first and after a little while, Ann pulled a reluctant Adam through after her. “What interesting friends my daughter surrounds herself with…” Lord Brarthroroz chuckled as he shared a wry smile with the portalmancer and stepped through the portal that would take him to his home.

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