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I groaned whilst stretching. I clutched the half-empty bottled water that was underneath a bench in the garden, uncapped it, and downed the content before going on with what I was doing.

The skin on my neck prickled and my back hurt as I felt her presence. Since we had been intimate, the desire to be by her side had grown immensely.

I hadn’t felt that way with anyone, not even with my ex that I had marked.

I didn’t know leaving the side of a mere human, which I didn’t even like but had marked, would cause me to feel pain.

She was the reason I had left the room earlier. It was becoming awkward, and I had also feared that I might do something awful to her if I stayed.

Although I didn’t feel the emotion I felt with Adrina towards Artemisia, I panicked when she fell unconscious after marking her.

That instant, I had thought of a lot of things that happened during marking, but none of the stories I heard had said anything about collapsing.

Even Adrina hadn’t fainted. I wonder if it was because she was a supernatural being herself. That was the reason she didn’t.

It was a relief to see her flutter her long lashes after a few seconds of being unconscious.

“Stop drooling, you know that is my husband!”

Her voice severed my thought, and I shook my head. My head snapped to where she stood with her best friend and little sister. The duo had begged to come, even though I was furious at Emma for what she had done to me. She had apologized too.

Also, I didn’t think there was any reason to get mad after getting together with her older sister.

My marriage to Artemisia was certainly for revenge’s sake. But thinking about it right now, I didn’t know what it was anymore.

It wasn’t like I was secretly developing feelings for her now. Yet, I felt something changed the instant I marked her.

“That is quite possessive of you, and you are beginning to sound like an old lady.” Emma asserted.

I doubt if Artemisia was possessive. She had clearly stated that the only emotion she had for me was hate, which I didn’t mind.

I was sure if, given the opportunity, she would rather be elsewhere than be here.

Artemisia was intelligent, and I was certain that she had been planning her escape since her arrival here. But I wouldn’t let her do what her little sister had done. My reputation and my mum’s might get shattered if she flees.

My feet moved on their own towards where they stood.

“Stupid legs,” I muttered. I wondered why it kept doing things on impulse when Artemisia was involved.

“Hey, Princess.” I smiled, clutching her by her small waist.

“W-what are you d-doing?” She sputtered.

Her hands splayed on my unclad chest and her eyes went wide as my head dipped.

Before she could say a word, I shut her mouth with my lips.

After a brief second, she shoved me, not hard enough to make me release my grip on her.

“Why did you do that?” She mumbled, glaring.

I stared into her captivating turquoise-blue eyes before staring at the other ladies who were watching what was unfolding.

I noticed a blush on her friend Julie’s face as she was grinning. Whilst on Emma, I could not decipher what was on it. Also, I didn’t care.

“You don’t strike me as someone that likes a public display of affection, and I think you are breaking your rules.” Artemisia pointed out as I released her waist.

I understood the rule she was talking about. But, I had broken it by sleeping with her instead of keeping my distance.

“Well, it isn’t my thing.” I shrugged, then continued, “And I guess I got to do something for a change.”

She tutted, rolling her eyes. She flipped her ginger hair out of her face, then turned to walk away from me.

“Wait,” I mumbled, gripping her hand as I glimpsed the crescent-shaped mark on her neck just before her collarbone.

“What?” She asked whilst I tugged her to me.

I didn’t answer her question. The mark on her neck intrigued me. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen after her eyes.

It was perfect and just like the mark I had imagined giving to my mate.

The one on Adrina’s neck was blotchy, and I wondered why. Even after several months of marking her, it was still the same hideous crescent shape, and I had thought it would change to what I wanted.

“What is beautiful?” Artemisia asked yet again. She creased her brows whilst eyeing me.

I hadn’t realized I had said that part out loud. Shaking my head, I released her once again.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, then nodded towards the other ladies. “I believe they are waiting for you.”

“Take your time.” Julie hollered.

My ears twitched as it was sensitive to sound, and they were close to us. I didn’t see a need for her to yell because I could even hear their thoughts from a distance, except for Artemisia.

I marvelled at how she was doing it. Perhaps she had a shield about her mind, like my mother.

But, I knew it was unlikely, as humans were quite ordinary and nothing special about them.

“Sheesh, Julie,” Artemisia said, “You don’t need to yell because we are in front of you.”

My thoughts exactly, I mused, smiling.

“Well, I will see you later,” Artemisia said, standing on tiptoes. She kissed both cheeks, then my lips.

“I thought you weren’t interested in kissing me from the beginning?” I goaded, whilst recalling what she had said back at the cathedral.

“You kissed me first.” She prompted. “Besides, this is just for a show.” She whispered into my ears.

I chuckled. “That’s a great explanation for wanting to taste my lips. But I believe you enjoyed it.”

“Whatever.” She said, walking away from me.

I watched as she stepped toward the other ladies. They walked towards the opposite side of the castle that led to the enormous gate, before going out of sight.

I shook my head, and I sniffed. Her scent still lingered, even after she had left.

The intoxicating scent that made me want to devour her.

I groaned, shaking the thoughts of her writhing underneath me like last night away.

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