Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter Thirty The Hem to eat, ut An Attempt Thes

Damon POV:

The sun painted the room in hues of gold and amber as! awoke, its rays announcing the bak of dawn. As the Alphe of the Red Moon pack and the eldes of the triplets, I’ve grown accustomed to waking with them. There was always so much to oversee, so much to protect. And now, with Phera back, there was so much more at stake.

Rising from the bed, I took a moment to gather my thoughts, reflecting on our recent interactions. Phera My strong. independent Luna, who, despite all odds, had found her way back. Yet, her return had brought along layers of complexities. The bridge between our past and present was fragile, and the path to reconciliation unclear.

Downstairs in the kitchen, the aroma of brewing coffee was a

welcome lure. Phera was there, standing with an elegance and quiet strength that was unmistakably hers. Her focus was entirely on her task, meticulously preparing breakfast.

“Morning,” I greeted, my voice steady, yet revealing a hint of the whirlwind of emotions within.

She glanced up, her face unreadable, her stance guarded.

Damon,” she acknowledged, a nod towards the freshly brewed coffee indicating an unspoken offer.

Gratefully, I poured myself a cup, taking a moment to relish its warmth.

“The council meeting went well yesterday,” I ventured, choosing to broach the topic she’d undoubtedly have questions about. “They’re optimistic about the future, given the recent events.”

She took a sip of her drink, her posture still reserved.


“And what about our future?” she inquired, her voice devoid of emotion, giving nothing away.

A loaded question. One I had anticipated, but was still unprepared for.

proceed with caution,” I answered honestly. “Rebuilding t is paramount. And I respect your need for space and time.”

Her eyes, once filled with an array of shared emotions, now scrutinized me-searching, evaluating.

“Time is what I need, Damon. And understanding.”

I nodded.

“Understood, Luna. We all need time to find our bearings.”

She finished her drink, setting the cup down with a sense of finality.

“Today’s a new day, and I intend to make the most of it.”

I watched her move, appreciating her resilience and independence. The journey to mending our bond was going to be a delicate dance-a balance of patience, respect, and hope. As the morning sun continued its ascent, casting the room in a brighter light, I hoped that in time, the shadows of our past would fade, allowing us to move forward, together yet on our


by the way,” I began, leaning against the kitchen island, observing the way Phera meticulously arranged the dishes. “Axet was quite impressed with the financial plans you laid out for the pack.”

She looked up, surprise registering briefly on her face.

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“Really?” she asked, her voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

I chuckled.

“Yes, really. He said that your approach to redistributing resources and channeling investments could change the economic landscape of our pack.

I took another sip of my coffee, appreciating the rich taste before continuing.

“You always had a sharp mind, Phera. It’s heartening to see that the human world has only refined that.”

A small smile played on her lips.

“Well, I’ve learned a lot from the corporate world. It’s all about leveraging assets, understanding market dynamics, and making strategic investments.” She hesitated, then added, “And to be honest, Red Moon Pack has a lot of potential, especially if we

utile its assets wisely. Both here and in the human multiverse?

I arched an eyebrow.

“Oh? Do explain.”

She paused, pushing a stray hair behind her ear.

an multiverse offers a myriad of opportunities, Given that we have businesses there, we can bridge the etween both worlds. From technological advancements to- novative financial instruments, we can bring back knowledge and practices that could revolutionize our operations here.”

I couldn’t help the pride swelling within me.

“That’s ambitious,” I admitted, leaning closer. “But with you at the helm, I have no doubts. The human world’s corporates would never know what hit them.”


She laughed softly, her eyes dancing with amusement.

“Well, let’s just say the wolves will teach them a trick or two.”

Our shared moment of lightness was interrupted by the distant sound of a wolf’s howl, signaling the start of the day’s activities.

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