Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 56

Chapter 56.

“However, the doctors say you’re doing better than they expected. Your wolf is strong; she’s fighting off the wolfsbane more efficiently than we’ve seen before. You should be back on your feet by tonight.”

“Tonight?” I echoed, incredulous. “I can’t even believe we’re having this discussion. Wolfsbane is not something to mess around with. But wait-what were they even after? Did they steal anything? Kidnap anyone?”

Zane shook his head, finally joining the conversation.

“We’ve done a thorough sweep; nothing’s missing or out of place. It’s perplexing.”

“So they just burst in for what, shits and giggles?” The absurdity of it all left me seething. “Who does that?”

“That’s exactly what we need to find out,” Damon retorted.

“Random acts of violence like this… they’re not just dangerous; they’re a sign of something more sinister at play.”

Axel leaned in, his eyes locking onto mine.

“And we will find out, Phera. We’ve got warriors interrogating the captured rogues, and we’ve doubled our patrols. Whoever is behind this is not going to get away with it.”

A palpable silence filled the room, each one of us lost in our thoughts, contemplating the unsaid implications of our conversation. Finally, I broke the silence.

“Listen to me, all of you. We’re a team, right? That means we face-whatever this is together. No more trying to lock me up ‘for my own good.’ Deal?”

They exchanged glances, their eyes communicating messages that words couldn’t capture. Then, as if on cue, they all turned back to me.

“Deal” they said in unison.

Their agreement, though succinct, was filled with unspoken promises-promises of solidarity, of collective action, and of a love so deep it could weather the most ferocious of storms. And as their eyes met mine, I knew we were bound by something unbreakable. Our journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but whatever lay ahead, we would face it together.

Still lying on the infirmary bed, I looked at each of their faces. Demon’s eyes had softened, Axel seemed a little less tense, and Zane.... well, he always wore his heart on his sleeve. It was time up, even if just a smidgen.

“You know, I’ve been thinking…” I began, choosing my words carefully. “I’ve been fighting this whole mating thing for so long, but maybe it’s time for me to stop being so stubborn.”

Damon’s eyes widened, and he leaned in closer.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“I’m saving that maybe it’s time we start thinking about what comes next for us. As mates. Fully bonded mates. No running, no walls… well, fewer walls,” I clarified, feeling a strange sense of vulnerability mixed with relief.

Axel grinned, and that singular expression seemed to light up the room.

“Phera, do you know how long we’ve waited to hear you say?"

“I can imagine it’s been a while,” said, chuckling softly. “But don’t get ahead of yourselves. I said ‘thinking about, not ‘jumping into.”

“We know, we know,” Zane interjected, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of joy and something more, perhaps a hint of the challenges we’d all acknowledged but not yet faced. “Baby steps, right?”NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Exactly,” I affirmed. “We’ve got a lot of steps to take, but it’s a start

The door to the infirmary creaked open, and my brother Nate stepped in. His face was flushed, and he looked like he’d sprinted the hundred-yard dash. He locked eyes with me briefly, nodding as if to check I was okay, before turning his attention to Damon, Axel, and Zane.

“You’ll want to see this. We’ve found something,” Nate announced, urgency lacing his voice.

"Found what?” Damon asked, rising from his chair, his posture stiffening instantly.

“Something related to the attack. I think it’s better if you see it for yourselves.”

Axel and Zane exchanged a knowing look before they all turned to me, as if asking for permission to leave.

“Go” I said, mustering as much strength as I could. “I’ll be fine. And when you come back, maybe we can continue this heart-to- heart. It’s long overdue.”

Damon moved first, leaning down to give me a lingering kiss on my forehead.

“We’ll be back as soon as we can, And Phera, thank you-for letting us in, even if it’s just a little.”

Axel followed suit, his kiss landing softly on my cheek.

“Baby steps, remember?”

Zane was the last. He took my hand in his, squeezing it gently.

“We’ll crack this, and then we can focus on us. All of us.”

With a final round of assuring glances, they left the room, foll ng Nate out of the infirmary. As the door closed behind them, I couldn’t help but think about the tums my life had taken, and the ones yet to come. We were in this together, through. thick and thin, and somehow that thought made the lingering pain a little more bearable.

I leaned back into the pillows, closing my eyes briefly. This was just the beginning of our journey, filled with love, risks, and undoubtedly more challenges. But whatever awaited us, we would face it. Together.

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