Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 59

Vale didn't push me after my outburst, didn't try to seek me out. In fact, he avoided me like the plague. Luna Naomi told me he had called Simon and Bryan but neither of them would give him details. They only said they would speak to us when we got there. This irritated him enough to break his phone as he threw it against the stone. Alpha Evan was accommodating when he realized the issue. He understood my pain at the loss of my Alpha. That was enough and I didn't need to explain further.

I slammed the trunk shut with our luggage. Turning to the Alpha and Luna who were standing next to the car, I flashed them a smile. "Thank you for allowing us use of the car."

"Please. We brought our own and the pack has quite a few. It's the least we could do after all this." Alpha Evan reached out and shook my hand. "Thank you for everything you have done, Beta Hector. We owe you greatly, if you ever need anything, especially with your Alpha, we would be happy to help."

Nodding, I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I appreciate that, Alpha. If you need anything as well, don't hesitate to reach out."

"Hector..." Luna Naomi walked up to me and hugged me tight. "Don't lose hope. I'm sure she is waiting."

Patting her back, I stepped out of her arms and smiled sadly. “I will do my best, Luna.”noveldrama

Vale walked out of the castle and I walked to the drivers side of the car. Pulling open the door, I sat and started up the car. In the rearview mirror, I could see Vale shaking hands with them both and exchanging a few words with them. He disappeared from my view and the passenger side door opened and Vale sat down.

Pulling out, I headed down the road, south out of the pack territory and onto the highway that would take us home.

"I need to stop to speak to the High Councilors." Vale told me as we crossed over the territory line.

I wanted to reply that it sounded like a 'him issue' and I could leave his ass with them but I thought better of it. Rydere was disappointed. There was a black car on the side of the road and the two vampires I had actually come to like were leaning against the car. Pulling up behind them, Vale got out and I turned off the car. I opened the door and stood, leaning against the open door but I knew it wasn't really my place to join the conversation. They shook hands and were speaking to each other, some head shakes and the crossing of arms told me it wasn't going well. I thought the Mother Witch, Gertrude was her name, had actually been a sweet woman. She was all for finding out what the hell was going on in her coven and they found out it was some kind of dark ritual or something. A lot of magic was being thrown around and from my limited experience with it, it was never a good thing. It was funny because she actually knew Auri, someone Auri had made friends with years back.

"I have other priorities right now, that is not it." Vale's raised voice reached me and Jess went to touch his arm but he moved it.

The angry talking continued but I tuned it out. Looking down, my phone was mounted in the center. It was already after noon and I wanted to get home by morning. I wanted to drive as far and as long as I could before we stopped to take a rest. Vale proved to be completely incompetent when it came to driving lately as he drove at Morgan speed without knowing how to drive at Morgan's speed. He made multiple wolves throw up just from a single ride. After that, he was banned from driving at least until we reached home.

Vale shook his head a final time and stormed back over to the car. "Get in, we are leaving."

I rolled my eyes as I felt the order roll over me. Both Peter and Jess were looking at me, frowns on their faces. Shrugging, I got in and closed the door. Pulling out, we drove past them and down the road. It was quiet for a while, Vale clearly stewing as his arms were crossed over his chest. "That conversation seemed lovely." Was all I said and Vale threw up his hands.

"They expect me just to go back to the High Council Castle for the next meeting. We already were out here way longer than we should have been and they still expect me to be gone for longer? Goddess, they know the shit that happened. I'm not going with them. Yes, I will have to deal with Mark but not right fucking now. I've got bigger issues on my plate."

I tapped the wheel as Vale fell back into his silent stew. This drive was going to be uncomfortable, I knew that, but I wasn't expecting insufferable. We stopped for gas and Vale got out, going into the convenience store. Finishing with the gas, I went in as well. Grabbing an energy drink and some sunflower seeds, I checked out before Vale came up behind me.

"All together." I motioned Vale to put everything in his arms down.

"I can pay for my own stuff."

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed his stuff and put it on the counter. "I know you can. I already have my card out and I'm here. I'm not emasculating you. That's your mates job."

Vale growled but I chuckled. Once our things were bagged, we headed back into the car and I opened my energy drink. I headed back out onto the road and continued to the drive. Looking at the full tank, I hoped that I would only need to make one more stop before reaching home. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I looked over at Vale but he was looking out the window. "What?"

"Why didn't you tell me about my mom?"

"You said you didn't care. Why should I bother you with the details if you only cared that your mate was fine?"

Vale growled. "I didn't...!"

"You did. You said you didn't care. It didn't matter who sacrificed themselves because you expected them to do the same as you would." "That's not true! That's my mother, Hector! You had no right..."

This time I growled. "I had every right, Vale. That's my Alpha, not yours. You don't belong to the pack and frankly, I didn't need to tell you shit." "Ezekiel is part of the pack! He's my mate! That makes me..."

"It doesn't make you part of the pack. It makes you privy to the information in regards to Ezekiel. I understand it's your mother but the moment you told me you don't give a shit, why should I tell you anything? Especially when it effects the rest of us so deeply?" I heaved a sigh. "In some ways you take after your father."

Vale turned to me, and I glanced at his horrified look out of the corner of my eye. I knew it was a low blow. Bringing Logan into anything was a low blow but it was the truth. Even if Vale didn't like to hear it.

"I am nothing like my father." His voice was low and quiet.

I felt Rydere press forward and I allowed him. "You, little Alpha King, take after your father far more than you know. Not always in a bad way. Your father was once a great Alpha. He faltered, as we all do, but he wasn't always as he is now. However, a narrow mindedness that nothing matters outside of your mate, is definitely something which twisted him. Your mom has taught you better than that."

"I know. But she had her mate from when she was neen. A normal Alpha and she got to spend time with him, be with him. She didn't feel like she needed to protect him or that she failed to do so."

I laughed. Rydere also was snickering but he stepped back. “One of these days, I hope your mom sits you down and gives you the full story. She's been through a lot more than you know. I could argue every single one of those points. It's not my place to do so."

"It might be."

A silence filled the car. I knew what he meant. That Auri might be gone. She might be out of reach forever. Taking a deep breath, I held onto the shred of hope. If anything, I would find her. No matter how long it took, no matter what I found, I would find Auri and bring her home. Rydere also agreed with me. It was all we could focus on so we didn't break apart into a million pieces.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Three bags of chips and four hours later, Vale fell asleep in the seat. I did have to stop for gas one more time but luckily it was already in Italy which means we were close to home. Vale didn't wake up until I pulled into the driveway of the pack house. My heart was beating wildly but I could see Vale fidgeting in his seat.

“Remember, gentle. Don't attack Ezekiel. He needs..."

"I know." Vale snapped at me and jumped out almost before I stopped the car.

Sighing, I turned the car off and got out but Vale was already in the house. Grabbing our bags from the trunk, I stared at the open door. Whatever was waiting for me, I knew I wouldn't like. I didn't know if I wanted to hear it anymore.

'Come on, Hector. We have to and then we can start looking for her. They may have some information for us to begin.' I knew Rydere was right but we both felt those words were hollow.

Taking a deep breath again, I walked into the house and shut the door behind me. I placed the bags on the floor and took in the living room. Everyone seemed to be there and I had texted Bryan that were a couple hours out, so I assumed they were waiting for us. The whole room looked like a stand- off though.

"Hector." Bryan stood and came over to me.

He had lost weight. Bryan already was a twig but now he looked older. My eyes swept over the room. Jax was leaning against the wall, Simon behind him. The both of them looked beaten down. They looked how I felt, how I looked when Alpha Evan found me in forest. Lucy was still sitting on the couch but her attention was on Vale, as was AJ, who looked ready to attack or defend.

Vale was breathing heavy, standing in front of Morgan who had his hand on his chest, holding him back. Ezekiel was behind him. What muscle and bulk he had built up over the months was gone. He was only skin and bones, his face sunken in. There was a look in his eye as well, the look I had seen so many times in Auri. The lump in my throat got bigger as I tried to swallow. Stepping forward, I put my hand on Vale's shoulder.

"I warned you before we pulled up."

Vale just growled and I threw him back, putting some strength into it. He stumbled back and leaned against the front door. I turned back and nodded to Morgan. His face couldn't even manage the smile he was trying to force. The man didn't change but there was an emptiness to his eyes, I had seen it before as well.

Walking past him, I walked up to Ezekiel slowly. He didn't move and I bared my neck to him in submission. Rydere howled in my mind as he realized Auri had passed Alpha of our pack to him. The words I needed to say kept getting stuck in my throat but I squeezed my eyes shut and swallowed the


“Alpha Ezekiel, I'm sorry I wasn't here to help. I hope you will forgive your Beta."

I felt hands touch my cheek and I looked up at Ezekiel. He had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry Hector. I'm so sorry." Ezekiel repeated himself in a whisper. "I'm so sorry."

My shoulders started to shake. "Tell me. Tell me how it happened."

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