Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

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Axel’s gaze remained fixated on the enigmatic figure a silent que his mind–how had the woman from

the exhibition found her way int apartment? Puzzled, he stood rooted to the spot, absorbing the

amlander h new home illuminated by the soft glow of dim lighting. With kesem observed her features–a

delicate pair of pouty l*ps, eyelids gently sensing thi doe eyes etched in his memory, and lashes that

gracefully adored bar in running shoes and gym attire, she appeared strangely tranquil in lin creating a

hesitancy within Axel to disturb her peaceful repose Opting to let her be. Axel ambled towards his

control room, compelled the de need to unravel the mystery through the lens of his security cameras:

Phelmet impression of her was right, she was indeed careless and classless What kind of woman

would brazenly asleep that deep in a stranger’s Tone Beside jus bo- puppy, exhausted from the day’s

activities, yawned and sought refuge in Nex arms, settling into a comfortable sleep.

Contemplating the idea of awakening her. Axel hesitated as he beheld her s countenance, an

innocence that contradicted his mual judgment. A udtricicijel him, and with a conflicted heart, he

abandoned the nomon of disruption her slumber. Turning away, he decided to leave her undisturbed,

Tecolitur Femme himself to rouse her awake a gentle aura enveloped her repose

Calmly. Axel reached for his phone and dialed the person overoper Themom renovations. “There’s

someone in my apartment, he relayed with coupons “No, she’s asleep. She’s harmless; just get her out

whenever she wakescope Chile conversation concluded with a decisive hang up, leaving Axelte gruppir

win the strangeness of the situation.

Oddly, Axel, known for his aversion to intruders and guarded personal spores found a peculiar

acceptance in her presence on his couch. Come on buddy Bels go,” he murmured to his dog in a low

voice, a subtle signal of the departure. Elie final remnants of his belongings still waited to be relocated

and Axel, turning around, left the door slightly ajar, a silent acknowledgment that the mysterious woman

could exit whenever she awakened. He stepped our leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions.

Still he was dazed, somehow he had unexpectedly mer and found her once again. After the previous

night he was sure he would never cross paths with he again. But there she was. lying on his couch he

thought to himself with a sigh.

That morning

Jasmine awoke to the persistent symphony of whirring machines and industrial noises, a discordant

melody that filled the air for an extended period. The relentless nailing, hammering, and banging

seemed to echo endlessly, creating a soundscape that enveloped her morning in a unique, almost

surreal atmosphere. Given that it was a weekend, Jasmine luxuriated in the freedom to sleep in.

Alpha’s Regret: Pregnant Rejected Luna

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emerging from her slumber later than usual. A surge of industrious energy led her to embark on a

comprehensive cleaning routine, encompassing vacuuming, tidying up, and completing her laundry

before indulging in a leisurely breakfast. Energized and ready for more, she descended to the

apartment’s gym for a satisfying workout session.

As she stepped outside, There were people all over working there.

She peeped through the doors of the house marvelling on how exquisite and different it looked from

hers. The vibrant activity within the construction site showcased a scene of men in uniform assembling

and crafting the interior, prompting Jasmine to marvel at the apparent opulence unfolding before her

eyes. “The man must have some really high taste,” she speculated to herself, captivated by the glimpse

of expensive–looking lighting adorning the foyer even in its incomplete state.

After dedicating considerable time to her fitness routine in the basement gym of the neighboring house,

Jasmine returned to her apartment floor. Jasmine’s curiosity compelled her to cast another glance at

the neighboring flat. The balcony’s sliding door stood open, The sliding door of the balcony stood open,

a silent invitation into the seemingly completed space. An uneasy feeling crept over her as she

contemplated the deserted scene, the doors ajar, including those. leading to the grand foyer.

“That can’t be good,” she muttered to herself, a sense of foreboding clouding her thoughts. “Hello,” she

called out, peering into the house, confirming her suspicion that the workers had left the doors wide

open. Resisting the temptation to touch the exquisite interiors, Jasmine crossed the large living room

and reached the balcony. A sense of responsibility led her to close the transparent doors, just as one of

the foremen returned, lost in the world of his headphones. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Hey, wait up!” she called, but her voice went unheard as the door closed, sealing her fate inside. Panic

set in as she rushed to the automatic doors, futilely struggling with the locked handle. “No, no, no!” she

mumbled in desperation, realizing her phone was stranded upstairs.

Knocking persistently, her attempts to attract attention yielded no response. A sigh of dejection

escaped her as she acknowledged the futility of her situation. Resigned to wait for the apartment owner

or the returning workers, her stomach. growled in hunger, introducing an unwelcome companion to her

isolation. Boredom became her unwelcome ally as she roamed the living room, unable to resist the

allure of the meticulously designed pent suite. The dangling lights and chandeliers beckoned her touch,

and she couldn’t help but explore their luminous potential.

Turning on the lights, Jasmine discovered the versatility of the system, complete with various filters that

added an extra layer of enchantment. As the lights. illuminated the room, the curtains drew close

automatically, further enhancing the ambiance. Excitement filled her as she experimented with different

settings, culminating in a celestial display–a 3D realistic image of astronomical bodies,



Alpha’s Regret: Pregnant Rejected Luna

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complete with stars and a moonlight that transported her to a realm reminiscent. of outdoor serenity

under the moonlight.

Staring in awe at the captivating scene above, Jasmine marveled at the authenticity. of the falling star,

basking in the illusion of an outdoor field beneath the night sky. She sat quietly on the sofa for a while,

then lay down, gazing up at the celestial ceiling, gradually succumbing to the soothing embrace of

sleep. Moments later, she awoke to find the door slightly ajar, a glimmer of hope. signaling her

imminent release. Stealthily making her way outside, she

encountered one of the renovations workers, a chance meeting that prompted her to explain her

unintentional trespass.

“It’s okay, ma’am. We didn’t realize,” reassured the worker, “the owner found your and called us. There

was an issue with the door, so we had to change it here and repaint it. We left them open to dry while

we went to grab lunch.” Jasmine’s anxiety abated with this explanation, but a new realization struck

her. “The owner of this flat was here?” she asked nervously. “Yes,” the man affirmed. Overwhelmed

with embarrassment, Jasmine bid a hasty farewell, covering her face with her hair as she rushed to her

flat. Once inside, she opened the doors and buried herself beneath the covers,. The lingering mental

image of being seen on the neighbor’s couch left her cringing at thought and impression impression

she had unwittingly forged. The less–than–ideal first impression weighed heavily on her thoughts, and

in a moment of self–reflection, she muttered sarcastically; “what a great start.”

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