Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 4 : Alpha Roman

Chapter 4 : Alpha Roman 

Far into the south was a pack called Southern Warrior Pack.It was not only the biggest in land area, but also the strongest in terms of strength.

As the name states, the pack was known for it's warriors and the heartless Alpha who had wrecked many packs due to this twisted pleasures.

Alpha Roman was such a character.

Everyone knew not to cross him, especially when he was out on the training field reprimanding his students.

"Can you even take down a child in fight with these skills of yours?!"

Alpha Roman scolded loudly, "Is this why I've been training all of you?! Where are all my efforts going? All wasted on you!"

The small group of young adults stood with their head bowed in front of their Alpha.

They were scared to look at him.

The senior warriors who were training on the same field felt pity for the younglings.

They only started training two years ago but they were unlucky to have Alpha Roman personally look over them.

He wouldn't let a single mistake go.

After being yelled at for another ten long minutes, the youngsters in the little group were ready to bury themselves in the soil and bit farewell to the world of horrors.

Alpha Roman pointed at the boy in front and asked, "What is the The boy straighten his back and recited carefully”

"Rule one! Never let your guard down, even around the ones you trust!"

Alpha Roman grunted, "If you know that then why did you let him take those careless shots at you? Are you dumb or did you forget the rules? This is training but if the same thing happens in real fight then you would be dead by now!"

Alpha Roman was ruthless when it came to training, especially the younger generation.He was only twenty two years old and had already take the Alpha position for the past two years.

In those two years he did two major things.

One was to expand the territory of the pack, and second was to nurture the warriors into being nearly invincible.

For Alpha Roman, there was nothing more important than his pack and it's prosperity.

The late Alpha had died in a battle with rogues, he gave up his life to protect the pack and Alpha Roman wanted each and every member of the pack to know what a big sacrifice it was and help them be self sufficient to carry themselves and not be a burden in times like those.

Although these ideas were great, everyone came to dear Alpha Roman due to his bride style of doing things.

He wouldn't hesitate to defame anyone he found to be not good enough, he would scold them in front of the crowd without a second thought.

It was as if he didn't empathize with them at all.

He didn't know that sometimes it could cause humiliation.

warriors could only sigh and endure, sometimes cry in the night and then wake up again in the morning for training.

However, it was the senior warriors who really saw the meaning behind these acts.

Although they sympathize with the youngsters, they could see that their future was brighter than anyone else in the pack.

Alpha Roman's personal attention was given to these younglings and they would undoubtedly grow up into strong young men ina matter of few years.

The small group of youngsters had four boys and two girls.

All of them ranging between thirteen to fifteen.

(The age is from thirteen because an individual gains their wolf form at the age of twelve).

They would wake up early morning to train with the seniors, then they were expected to go to school and study, good grades were just as important.

Later in the day Alpha Roman would look over their practice personally.

The endless cycle was bound to make them strong, both emotionally and physically.

Alpha Roman's crossed arms loosen after he was done scolding.

He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and said, "You have potential, that is why you are here.Make use of that potential instead of wasting it.That will be a big loss to this pack."

The boy named Kruger looked up with big eyes.

He was only thirteen this year and had joined the little group recently.

Alpha But he was not complaining, He was happy to be a part of the group under Alpha Roman's personal care.

"I will reflect on it Alpha!" Kruger said with determination.

He saw the high expectations Alpha Roman had for him.He didn't want to disappoint Alpha Roman!


Alpha Roman took a step back and ran a glance over the six students he had taken under his wing.

He gave them the slightest smile and said, "Now go and take a shower.Aunt Regan has made fresh pies."

The kids cheered as if they weren't scolded just a minute ago.

They rushed towards Alpha Roman and hugged this waist.

Alpha Roman's body didn't even move with the force of six young kings throwing themselves at him.

He patted their heads and pretended to be disgusted.

"You smell! Go away!"

Alpha Roman pushed them away and ordered them to go and have a bath first before going for the pies or they won't get any.

The kids ran towards the mansion with giggles and laughter.

The beta, Easton, jumped off the tree branch and landed next to Alpha Roman.

"You should stop being so hard to them.They are kids."

Easton said with a small frown.

He didn’t like how the kids were scolded everyday but it seemed like the said kids didn't mind if they got a pie in the end.The pies were worth ten scoldings like that.It isn't going to get easier for the new generation."

Alpha Roman said as he took off his training vest.

The tshirt under the thick vest was soaked in sweat.

Easton wrinkled his nose.

Easton picked up the water bottle and threw it at Roman.

Roman caught it and gulped down half of it then poured the rest over his head full of inky black hair.

He sighed as the water hit his head and cooled him down instantly.

"You are the first Alpha I've seen who is already training the new generation to take over when it's only been two years since you became the Alpha of the pack." Easton joked.

Roman threw the bottle in the trash can, "It's always good to prepare.Besides, I'm not like those old fools who want to keep up their seniority until death.It will only lead to the fall of the pack ina long term."

Easton huffed and followed after Alpha Roman as he approached the senior warriors training.

The seniors were more accustomed to the cola Alpha Roman and how they should behave in front of him.

They stood in three lines and greeted him in perfect sync.

Alpha Roman was pleased with this organization.

Alpha Roman said loud enough so that everyone could hear, "Training ends here.Tomorrow is the Alpha's conference so I won't be here to train the kids.It is your responsibility as their seniors to make sure they don't slack off.They don’t know anything so no need to be soft on them.

The little bunch of idiots will definitely skip school soThe senior warriors secretly smiled and yelled, "Yes Alpha!"

Alpha Roman gave a few more instructions and left.

The seniors packed up their training equipments and went to the locker room outside the field.

They showered, changed and talked.

"Alpha Roman wants us to look after the kids but is too cold hearted to say it out loud.He told us to punish them if they make mistakes but what happened to that one person who actually punished then when they skipped class while Alpha was absent?"

One of the seniors gossiped and laughed.

"Yeah, it was too bad.We have learnt out lesson so be good to the kids.And they are not hard to like.Look at that boy Holden, he is good at everything he does."

Another one said, "I think Alpha Roman wants him to inherit his position."

"Why would he do that? He will have his own kids in the future.Does he need another child to be his heir?"

A fairly new warrior of their team asked.

The new one was in their team for the past six months and had joined them from another pack which was attacked by rogues.

Many warriors of that pack were recruited by Southern Warrior pack.

Another warrior came out of the shower with a pink towel on and said, "The chances of our Alpha having his own heir is nearly zero.Haven't you heard the rumors going around? They aren't all baseless."

The new recruit frowned, "The rumor that Alpha Roman found The one next to him fell of the bench, "Where the f**k did you hear that? Is that what others think about our Alpha?"

The new recruit shrugged, "That's what I heard.Rumours get weirder as they are circulated.Maybe somewhere another pack must be thinking that Alpha Roman is into men." Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

The locker room fell silent.

There was an inexplicable chill in the locker room as everyone froze.

The fallen warrior stood up and cleared his throat then said, "It's better to forget about these things.Let's not worry about it now.Just know that Alpha Roman is definitely not into men.But even if he was, there is nothing to be ashamed of.Our respect for our Alpha has nothing to do with his s****l preferences.But I hope everyone will keep this to their heart and not spread unnecessary rumours."

At the end of his speech, he turned his head around the locker room and gave everyone a look.

Most of their faces were red and about to burst.

The warrior narrowed his eyes.

Sudden one of them laughed and soon the others followed as they couldn't help but find the situation funny.

Outside the locker room Easton laughed silently.

He clutched his stomach and wiped a tear away.He didn't stand there anymore to listen and rushed to Romans mansion.

The kids were sitting on the dining table with a large piece of pie in their plates.

There were savory and sweet pies and everyone got what they preferred along with the sides they liked.

It was the perfect Easton joined them invited.

Alpha Roman eyed his beta until Easton couldn't eat anymore and stated his purpose of visiting, "There are many rumours about you circulating.What do you want to do about them?"

Roman bit a piece of sweet cherry pie with whipped cream and asked, "What rumours?"

Easton looked at the young kids and leaned closer to Alpha Roman and whispered to him, "About your mate."

"How can there be rumours when there is no mate."

Roman frowned, "You are not making sense Easton."

"Exactly because there is no mate, there are rumours.They are assuming things behind your back.Some say you don't have a mate, some say that you don't prefer girls and are hiding a man in the closet because you fear being laughed at."

Roman was happy with the sweetness of cherry pie.

He took another slice and placed it on Tina's place because he knew she likes it.Tina grinned at him and said a thanks.

Roman took another slice for himself and only then paid attention to Easton.

"First of all, as long as these tumors don’t harm my pack, I don't care how far they go.Second, if you want to have dinner in my house then at least give prior notice.You have eaten three pies already, there won't be enough if the kids want more."

Easton immediately slumped on the chair.

The kids were eating their pies with happy smiles but he was scolded by Alpha Roman.

"Fine, I'll inform you next time.And kids shouldn't eat too much pie while they are growing up, it is not healthy."

Easton forked another piece of pie and ate it.

Across from him were Holden and Kruger, both of them gave him a contempt look.

"What are you looking at you little brats!" Easton laughed.

"You are a messy eater Uncle Easton!"

Georgia giggled and pointed at Easton's shirt that was stained with gravy from the pie.

Tina laughed along with her and soon the table was full of giggles and laughter.

Alpha Roman shook his head at Easton but didn't stop the kids.He added a little more whipped cream on his pie and ate it in a good mood.

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