Alpha's Surrogate

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 66

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 66

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 66

66. What would happen now?

In the afternoon, big luxurious cars began to depart from the Sirius Bright Pack one by one. The Blue Moon’s Pack members had to leave first due to Alpha Harvey’s command, but Petra had to wait in order to accompany her brother.

Finally, she had been given the opportunity to enter the pack house Everything had changed over the two years she’d been gone Her gaze was drawn up the stairs to her ex’s bedroom He used to call her his queen, he had loved her, but now he called her a w***e She chuckled a bit as she touched her neck, but still she could feel eyes following her which made her smirk. She relished the effect that she had on Xavier. Her presence in his pack house had caused uneasiness and possibly fear in bis heart. Her adversary was terrified of her. What else could she ask for?

But then she clenched her jaw and glanced down at her watch The time they had set to leave to go shopping had been 1200p.m., yet the new love birds had been quite active in their room, which enraged her. The blonde had spent two hours getting ready in a stunning dress and sunglasses, but her brother couldn’t seem to keep his dook in his pants until tomorrow

Even though the sibling bond between her and her brother was weak, she could tell that Harvey had been banging Iris in her bedroom for sometime now. What had surprised Petra was that the twins had agreed to let Harvey stay with their sister before the official wedding and marking ceremony. It was obvious that if a maled man and woman were left alone in a bedroom, then they would not be able to keep their hands or any other body parts to themselves. The finest example of that was Pelra herself in the past she craved Xavier’s monster inside her every night. Even now she felt horny whenever she thought about him. Petra was bothered by the fact that Iris had been having sex with her Harvey in their bedroom in broad daylight and Xavier and Zander did not complain. Did they have the right to call her

w e when their sister was doing the same thing? That’s when she glared at her brother, who was walking down the stairs holding Iris’ hand.

He was soon to be her Alpha, yet he had totally ignored her mind-links as he joined everyone after having a very good time with his mate.

“I wonder if the night was too short for you,” she snapped, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

“How did you know?” Harvey smirked, irritating his sister further. Petra gazed between the little ware and her brother, putting on her sunglasses before storming out of the pack house with

huge clomping steps. It was already two o’clock in the afternoon! She needed to get back to work as soon as possible after this wedding dress nonsense. She needed to work on her plan.

“Let’s go.” Harvey hooked his arm through Iris’, who was looking back over her shoulder. “Yes, I am looking for Kiara and Lena. They will be accompanying me.” “I am right here, beautiful,” Lena walked down the stairs with a grin. “You two look perfect together,” Lena gave a hug to the soon-to-be bride and smiled at the


“I know.” Harvey ran his fingers through his hair in a cool way that made women laugh. Even though he possessed a powerful aura that anyone could tell belonged to a dominant Alpha, Harvey was a love- sick puppy when it came to his mate.

“Where is Kiara?” Iris wondered .

“She will be coming in Kaiden’s car. Now, let’s go otherwise that b…h might bite us.” Lena gestured towards Petra, who was waiting in the car for them That was when Petra noticed Harvey, who did not react even though he had clearly heard her calling his sibling abush.

A little while later, Xavier and Kiara entered the living room, holding hands as they watched everyone’s car drive away The Alpha got closer to his male, placing his arms around her waist.

“Take care of yourself. Stay with Kaiden at all times and the most important thing is stay away from Petra,” he instructed one more time

“I know You have told me thousands of times already,” the young Luna rolled her eyes

“I keep reminding you because you don’t listen to me! I swear if something happened to you then

“I promise I will follow your orders,” Kiara kissed Xavier on the lips so that he couldn’t continue II worked like magic as usual, their kiss deepened until Kiaden cleared his throat to indicate his arrival with Jennifer

“Make sure to take care of Meow Feed her on time,” Kiara requested. *Me?”

“Yes, I can only trust you, Xavier. You will do it, right?” Kiara blinked up at him too many times, earning Xavier’s narrow eyes. She was already cute in his eyes, so why was she trying to be cuter? f**k! It had actually worked on him

“Okay,” he accepted defeat with a sigh. She had once again played with his heart! Where was that dominating Alpha that used to be so hard to handle?!

“Bye, “Kiara smiled as she slowly let go of Xavier’s hand. His heart felt a little heavy because this was the first time, he was the first time that they would be apart. But he believed she could handle anything. He and Jennifer stood at the door, watching their car disappear.

“Now what are we going to do Alpha?” Tyler asked, as he joined Xavier and Jennifer. “Search the entire pack!” he ordered.

“It’s already 5 p.m. Zander,” Adira informed her mate. They had left the pack house at midday. but had yet to arrive at the location where the Alpha had been driving to They were running out of


“We are here, Adira lifted her eyes to find that he had pulled the car over in front of a hospital.

“This place?” She asked, getting out of the car. “I thought we were going to see Frida, right?”

“Yes, that’s because we are here,” he said, holding her hand as they walked inside. The young woman’s eyes roamed everywhere as she tried to stay away from the patients that had been

giving scarry look to them.

Where is she?” The Alpha inquired of one of the nurses ‘Room number 102

Zander, this is not a normal hospital, is it? When they were standing in front of the room where Frida was staying, Adira inquired

“Yes, it’s a mental asylum’he answered casually, then kicked the door open Adira was stunned Wall’ Had they come to meet Frida al an asylum?!

‘Zander!” Frida was startled to encounter a familiar face The man she couldn’t stop thinking about Yet seeing the other woman’s situation Adira was terrified Frida had been tied to a chair, and there was a machine-like device that had been implanted into her head, which was connected to the machine by far too many wires Her condition appeared to be awful, as if she had received many electric shocks

“Comfortable? Zander smiled at hei, sitting in a chair in front of her

“So you’re the one who spread rumors about me being insane? I’m just a she-wolf wandering about the city, and I’m really a danger to others? She murmured, her voice trembling She should have

understood that her kidnapper would be a powerful man with the authority to abduct her among hundreds of people! No one had reported her kidnapping to the police, everyone had luined a blind eye despite the fact that 11 had taken place in a train station!

“I believe we have some business to lake care of

“Really? Aren’t you the one who kicked me out of your life and pack? So, what’s the point of kidnapping me? You have put me in a niental hospital despite knowing that I am not insane.”

“You’ve bad it all this time to yourself llel you go and chose not to kill you, but you 100k advantage of my kindness You screwed with my business again,” he stated calmly. concealing his true rage Frida’s throat became dry as she gazed into his wolf’s eyes.

What are you talking about? I don’t understand, please let me go, Zander,’ she tried to look


“Don’t try to act innocent, b…h!” Zander roared, gripping her cheeks with his large hand and digging sharp long claws deeper into her flesh, causing her to bleed. He didn’t care that she was in pain.

‘I have no tolerance left for your games, Frida. Whether you believe me or not, once I press this button, I will leave it on until after your soul has left your body.” he promised while placing his thumb on the button that was used to transmit the current to her brain.

“No, please no! Don’t kill me, Zander!!” She cried. His wolves had already tormented her enough and if the Alpha hit the button again, then she was absolutely going to die.

Then start speaking. Who did you meet after leaving my pack? What did you tell him? Tell me everything you know,” he asked sternly. She nodded and tried to act obedient.

“A man was already waiting for me when I exited the Sirius Bright Pack. I had nowhere to stay and was afraid of living among humans, so when he offered me membership in his pack and his undivided attention, I couldn’t say no. On the way, he asked me about everything that had transpired in the Sirius Bright Pack over the previous two years. I intended to exact my revenge on you, so I told him everything, even the truth about Luna Kiara. I believed I was doing everything

correctly until I discovered that the man had been taking me to the Blue Moon Pack

“I became Icinfied Yes, I despised you, but Pelia would be even worse She was a b h That man had been sent by her and I realized I had fallen into his liap When I tried to flee, he beat me close to death. I was imprisoned in a Blue Moon Pack for days, if not a nionth Finally, I was able to allack one of the wolves guarding me and fled. They had taken all of my stull, and I had no money in my possession So I hurried into town, convinced that no wolf could haim me, but I was completely wrong You abducted me ‘She had spoken everything slowly, while lears streamed down her lace The Blue Moon Pack had assaulled her very badly

Adira, who had been standing in the distance listening to Frida’s story was moved by her sulleiing Yes, Frida was a nasty bitch who had put herself in this horrible situation, but the wounds on her body were hornfic The Luna also suspected that she had been raped She smelled like multiple men, so her suspicions were rue Any woman’s heart would have sunk when she saw her in that stale Especially Adita who liad experienced rape herself

The young woman looked at her male, who had no pity in lus eyes and was completely ignoring Frida’s cries He had stated that he would do whalever il look to give her a terrible death He appeared to be a callous man revealing to Adila a different side of her male that she had never witnessed Cruel and merciless Buliheni slie sniiled as she watched him toss the machine-like device away from Frida’s head that was causing her so much anguish Zander had feli Adira’s emotions fluctuating as she witnessed the other woman’s condition and crying, and he couldn’t help but do everything within his power to

camtoni hei Even though he had not looked back at his woman, he knew she was souling and that was what he had wanted A smile on her face. For that, he was ready to go easy on Frida

“He is so handsome!!” Isha screamed into Adira’s mind, making her bite her lip. Yes! He was so f…g hot when he did that’

What does this man look like?’ Zandei continued, with his interrogation.

“I don’t know,’ the Alpha growled in response to her answer She had to be joking with him?!

“I honestly don’t know.Zander I know you won’t believe me when I say that I forgot his face as soon as I escaped from the Blue Moon Pack. I tried to recall so many times, but my memory seems to have been erased’ she explained hastily before he killed her.

I don’t think she is lying,’Adira mind-linked to her mate without moving from her spot.

‘The spy is a hybrid, so he could have easily placed a spell on her. Maybe he believed she’d escape one day and use his magic to obliterate her memories.’

‘She has only forgotten his face but I am sure she knows other details,’ she added. The Alpha nodded, taking his mate’s advice

‘Other than his face, what more did you notice?” he asked Frida.

“He was rather tall. He had broad shoulders, a big face, and a deep voice. He always wore t-shirts. And for some reason, he had masked his scent from me,’ she clarified

That implies that your theory is correct. That the spy is someone you have known for years, He disguised his scent because Frida could have recognized him by his scent She also lived in the pack for years, the Luna pointed out Zander returned his gaze to Adira as he rose from his seat. Frida cautiously raised her head to study the women who had arrived with Zander She had

avoided looking at her because of the pain, but now she was intrigued Zander had never been seen with any woman, so who was she?

“You!” Looking al Adira’s face, she exclaimed The Alpha and Luna ieluined their gaze to the surprised woman What did she mean by ‘you’? Zander looked belween Adira’s perplexed gaze and Frida’s widening eyes

What happened? Do you know each other?’ He wondered “I don’t know her.’ Adira slated calmly “You are Zander’s mate? Frida asked, looking at her marked neck “I dare you to speak ill words to my niate again,” Zander warned with a growl “No, it is not about that she shook her head

Then what is it?”

“When I fled from the Blue Moon Pack and reached the city, a scary man appeared in front of me with a photograph of this woman,” she began to talk

What? My photo?” All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.


“Why did he have Adira’s photo with him?” Zander questioned, moving closer to Frida She didn’t seem to be lying, and she had no molive lo continue acting

‘I am sure it was your male’s pholo, Zander But when he showed it to me, I was mistaken and that the man was asking me about Luna Kiara Butl had also overheard a conversation among the Blue Moon Pack kidnapper wolves they had been talking about the Luna’s older sister Now I understand that scary man had Adira’s photo, nol Kiara’s Both of the sisters look like twins Thal photograph that he was holding was from years ago She looked around 15 or 16 years old in that picture,” she explained with a small cough

Who was that man?’ Zander frowned Why would he have such an old photo with him? “I had never seen him before but he was not a werewoll,’ she added “What? A fr.g human is so bold to have my mate’s photo?!” “He was not a human either,’ she exclaimed.

Then how the f.k was he?

‘I don’t know I was too weak lo get a read on his existence but his aura was very strong and he looked like a royal, she consumed.

“Do you remember anything else about that man7”

“I pretended I didn’t know the woman in the photo because I no longer wanted to be involved with the Sirius Bright Pack But the man could tell i was lying I feared he’d also beat me, then I’d be dead, but then he gave me the most wicked smile and asked whether there were two women. I

lost my set when he asked me that. I remained silent, but he questioned. “Are they sisters?’ was terrified of dying Because I knew Luna Kiara had a sister, I said yes. They were sisters That man’s eyes shone with delight, and he laughed for at least two minutes in front of me before he walked away. He was the scariest person I had ever met in my life,’ she added. When she glanced

back and forth between the couple, her eyes were filled with shame Not even meaning to she had once again ford with their business. Zander looked at Adira, who looked quite nervous

“Adira, are you okay? Werewolf or not, any female would be nervous if she found out that a

mysterious man was roaming across the world with her photograph in his pocket li sounded like

a thieat!

“Come here,” he gently drew her into a loving embrace They continued to hold one other while ignoring the other woman in the room Adira had closed her eyes and buried her face into his chest. His warmth

was amazing I usually offered her loom to breathc Zander Icfused to let her go until he believed she was feeling better than she had before This type of incident was creepy, and it ieminded her of her past He understood hci completely, despite the fact that she did not say it out loud

“I am okay,” she pulled away a little bit but continued holding his hand “Are you sure, baby?’ Cupping her face, he kissed her forehead.

“Yes, I am okay Let’s focus on our major problem,” she smiled, brushing off the additional informalion of the unknown creepy individual for the moment

“Okay let’s go.” the Alpha decided to go with the Ilow.choosing to disregard it until the spy situation was settled However, the way that man had lalked about the sisters and laughed indicates that he was after both of them Kiara was also in unknown danger

Zander, let me go! Don’t leave me heie alone I am not ciazy!!! lell them to free me!” Frida shrieked as she watched the Alpha couple leave the room He never looked back, she was completely ignored. Only her yelling, wailing and sobling were audible in the room

Keeping his hand on Adira’s hip, Zander began to walk down the hallway II was filled with the chatter of multiple patients’ voices but his mind was focused on everything that Fridaliad said. He had not been able to make her talk, the spy, as usual had been a step ahead of them That fucker had already put a spell on Frida! fok! They still could not figure out who the spy was! They had run out of time as it was already past 9 pm

Frida’s cries were falling on his deaf ears, but Adira had been glancing over her shoulder in worry at hearing the other woman’s cries. She couldn’t take it any longer as she gazed up at her husband

“Zander, I think she has already gone through enough You don’t need to make her life any worse She has gone through rape..”

“I know she was raped by Pelia’s wolves,” he cut her off, stopping near the car “You knew?”

“Yes, I also knew you were going to ask me to let her go. So I have asked my wolves to let her go after she has received proper treatment Even though she is a b h, I’ll provide her with the necessary things and enough money to start a new life away from danger as now she is a rogue, he explained casually

“Really?! Thank you, Zander You have a big heart!” The young she wolf leaped on him with a hug As she wrapped her legs around him. Zander grinned and shook his head. How could she be so pleased with aiding an enemy? Had she forgotten how many rude things Frida had said to her before? Maybe she had, but the Alpha hadn’t

“I’m not sure that I have a big heart, Adira. I never forgive my enemies. And Frida has received punishment for her part in all of this, which is why I am releasing her. He opened the car door and placed her on the passenger seat

What do you mean?” She was confused

‘Frida lust her woll, so she could only tell that the man she met in the city with your picture was neither werewolf nor human, but she couldn’t figure out anything else about him if she had her wolf, she would have been able to discover the True identity of that man Thal man also hadn’t murdered her because he discovered she had lost her woll She had wanted to keep her ego intact, so she hadn’t told us about her wolf, but I could sense thal she was ernpty inside. She is now a normal human being,” he explained, kissing her surprised lace Adira just nodded and watched him close the door

“No one can escape from Karma” she inuimured sadly she had to lose too much “Yes, thal’s True’ le ieplied as he started to dirve

“Still, sometimes I doubt that Kaima actually works I wonder why the Moon Goddess has not punished Petra?” She took a deep breath, leaning against the back of the car seal.

“That slutlias formed with our lives so much that the Moon Goddess has given us the chance to deal with her ourselves. Zander replied He also admitted that it would be no easy task She had returned with a fully realized plan

“If you ask nie, she is the most idiotic she-woll on the planet She was maled 10 a wonderful man like Xavier, and she beliayed him for a Bela?! I’m curious how good he was in bed

“Yes, it was our fo…g Beta! Thal day is still fresh in my mind 11 was the day my brother bruke down. He turned into a ruthless monster that despised all women That bitch and betrayer disguised as our closest friends wiecked everything in our lives,” Zander sneered venomously

“I can understand where you are coming from It seems like she always hid behind ugly things, leaving precious ones The Beta would be one example of it.” Adina shook her head with a laugh

“Hmm ugly. Not really, but he was obviously not better than Xavier Let me see I don’t make il a habit to delete the photos, so I’m sure I have Orion’s photo somewhere,” he said, handing his phone over to Adira.

“You kept your enemy’s pictures?” she asked

“Going back and deleting pholos from years ago is a waste of time I’m sure there are thousands of pictures on my phone that I haven’t looked at in years. I don’t have time to delete them like an insot simply because I want to relieve my frustration by doing so. That’s not my style. Nothing would change the situation if I still had the photos on my phone I have a lot of other more pressing concerns on my mind that I need to deal with than deleting those pictures,” he explained casually. Adira nodded as she started to scroll through each picture slowly. She had forgotten about other things while she admired their wedding photos for a long time.

“I had sent photographs of our wedding to my Mom. She was overjoyed when I married my mate,” Adira smiled at Zander who was already admiring her

“I promise I will continue to make you just as happy as I did that say for the rest of our lives, he replied, running his hand over her lips fok! If he was not driving, then he would have tasted them.

‘I can see Cole! I thought he was new to the pack’ she said, looking at an old photo of pack members

“Who? That Omega?”

“Yes. Cole looks tall and handsome as usual.” “Let me see,” Zander took his phone

‘Yes, you are correct I never noticed that he somehow looked like an Alpha He is Kiara’s classmate, so he should be 18 but he looks older

“Well, Cole is not 18 bul 20 He missed two years for some reason, the young Luna explained

‘Really? Why?” “I don’t know “Oh, I have not seen these pictures before,” she exclaimed

“Yeah, there is Orion” her male pointed out in one of the photos where they were al the beach the picture was not that clear but she managed to fund her male Zander and Xavier were Together as usual Onion and Kiaden were arguing about passing by a gorgeous bikini-clad gul One of them had taken this picture and shared it with everyone at the tinie They were wel and had just come from surfing

“You look so young Zander!” Adira blurted, oblivious to everyone else It was a photograph of him when he was sixteen Isha began to get filihy ideas when she saw him half naked He had been even mure atliactive when he was younger Her lips remained wide while her gaze was fixed on her mate’s picture.

“Handsome, right?” Even though Zander’s eyes were fixed on the road, the proud Alphia smirked. He could feel her heart beating fast, which he had caused

“I’m not sure but the Beta looks quite attractive,’ she bit her lower lip to stop herself from giggling. Despite the fact that she couldn’t see Onon’s face properly. she decided to poke at Zander a bit. The Alpha narrowed his gaze at her. How could she praise his previous Beta for being attractive?!

Then return my phone to me. If I am not handsome, you do not need to look at other attractive men’he grumbled, allempling to reclaim his phone, but Adira concealed it by her side, giggling. It was so easy to make him jealous.

“Let me see him properly in another photo if you have one.” “I said give it to me, Adira!” he growled.

“Okay, okay I was just joking,” she stopped him by placing her hand on his chest. He’d already pulled over to teach her a lesson She had no desire to continue playing this dangerous game. He appeared to be about ready to spank her or something.

“No, how can you joke about this kind of thing? Now, I will not let you go until you tell me how frig hot, handsome, and panty droppingly gorgeous your mate is,” he grabbed her waist and began tickling her. She then started to laugh hysterically. Her whole face was red and teary Her breathing was uneven and she felt pain in her belly from laughing so hard As his tickling continued, the phone slid from her grasp

“Oh my god! I am sorry I will die. Please let me see the photos, then I will be able to tell you,” she promised, which got hurn to stop

‘Then do it quickly. Tell me who the foek is more attractive, his voice was stern when he gave her phone. This male was really something! He had really refused to let her go until she told

him how fast-g hot he was! She nodded with a chuckle, then began 10 go through the pictures but, like all the previous photos, they were blurry until Adira’s hand stopped on one of them 11 was another group photo of the pack members

‘Didn’t Frida say that the spy was tall and handsome? That he had broad shoulders, a big face, and a deep voice?”

“Yes. What’s wrong?” Zander questioned He sat there staring at her, puzzled.

‘Zander, I think I know why the spy is 1rying 10 kill me! She looked at him with her big eyes

What?! Tell me why he wants to kill you?” “Because I have seen the spy in the past. I have seen his face!” She exclaimed “Who is he?” “He.. he is the spy!” She pointed to the man standing next to Zander and Xavier

‘Thal’s impossible,” Zander’s eyes were wide when he saw which man she was pointing out The young woman felt his furiousness in his eyes as the Alpha once again felt the bitter sting of betrayal

Are you sure?” He growled, clenching his fist tightly in anger.

“Yes, I admit it took me time to recognize him, but he is the one,” she assured him, watching his expression turning dark.

‘He is f… g living among us. That’s when Zander laughed bitterly. He rested his head on the back of the seat, laughing louder. Adira panicked at seeing her mate becoming unhinged like that. She was scared to think about the outcome of this revelation. What would happen now?

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