Alpha’s Tormented Seductress


Alyssa was sitting on the couch, feeling emotionally drained from her conversation with Liam earlier that day. She was still mulling over the details of their discussion when she heard a pounding at her front door. She groaned inwardly, guessing it to be Tiffany.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Sure enough, when she opened the door, there she was, all fire and brimstone. “How could you keep this from me?” she shouted, pushing past Alyssa into her apartment.

Alyssa couldn’t help feeling a little annoyed at her friend’s dramatics, but also understood where she was coming from. “I’m sorry, Tiff,” she said, closing the door behind her. “I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

“Well, you could have started by telling me you have a son!” Tiffany exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

Alyssa felt a pang in her chest as she watched her friend pace back and forth. She knew she had hurt her by keeping this secret, but she hoped that Tiffany would eventually understand. “I didn’t mean to keep it from you. I just didn’t want to bring it up if I didn’t have to,” she said, trying to keep her voice calm.

Tiffany scoffed, clearly not appeased. “You should have told me as soon as we reconnected. I can’t believe you would keep something like this from me.”

Alyssa opened her mouth to respond, but was saved by the arrival of Tim. He walked into the living room, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Mom, I can’t sleep,” he said, looking up at her.

Alyssa immediately switched into mom mode, forgetting about her argument with Tiffany. “Hey baby, do you want to watch a movie with me?”

Tim nodded, a small smile forming on his face as he climbed into the couch next to Alyssa. Tiffany couldn’t help but gush over how cute he was, and Alyssa couldn’t help but feel a little relieved that the tension between them had dissipated – for now.

As they settled into the movie, Tiffany finally asks the question that had been burning in her mind. “So who’s the father?” she asked, unable to resist her curiosity.

Alyssa took a deep breath, knowing that this would be the moment of truth. “It’s Liam’s,” she said, watching as Tiffany’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Wow, I didn’t see that coming,” Tiffany said, clearly taken aback. “Does he know?”

Alyssa nodded, “Yes, I told him earlier today. He’s angry, understandably so.”

Tiffany nodded, a frown on her face. “Honestly, I can understand where he’s coming from. You should have told him sooner.”

Alyssa sighed, knowing that her friend was right. “I know, I just didn’t know how to bring it up. I was scared of how he would react.”

Tiffany nodded again, “I get it, but you should have given him the choice. It’s not fair to keep something like that from him.”

Alyssa knew that she was in the wrong, but she couldn’t help feeling a little defensive of her decision. She loved Liam, and didn’t want to risk losing that by telling him the truth. But she knew that eventually, the truth would have to come out.

As the night wore on, Alyssa couldn’t help but feel grateful for having Tiffany there to talk to. She knew she had messed up, but having her friend’s support made it a little easier to stomach. And with Tim by her side, she felt like she could handle anything.

Alyssa sat at her desk, contemplating her next move. She knew she couldn’t avoid seeing Liam forever, especially now that she had told him about Tim. But she needed some time to gather her thoughts and figure out how to navigate this new dynamic.

With a heavy sigh, she reached for a piece of parchment and wrote a message to the Prince, requesting leave from her duties. She sent a trusted messenger to deliver the note and hoped that he would understand her need for a brief absence.

To her surprise, the messenger returned shortly with a response from the Prince. He granted her leave without hesitation, expressing his understanding and support. Alyssa let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding – at least she wouldn’t have to worry about her job while dealing with her personal matters.

As the days passed, Alyssa focused on spending time with Tim. She knew she couldn’t keep Liam’s identity a secret from him any longer, but she wanted to find the right time and approach to tell him. She didn’t want to overwhelm her son or confuse him with the complicated dynamics between her and Liam.

One evening, as they sat together in the garden, Alyssa mustered up the courage to broach the subject. “Tim, there’s something important I need to tell you,” she said, her voice filled with a mix of apprehension and love.

Tim looked up at her, his eyes curious. “What is it, Mom?” he asked, a small smile playing on his lips.

Taking a deep breath, Alyssa began, “You know how I’ve told you stories about your dad, how he’s a brave and kind man?”

Tim nodded eagerly, his interest piqued. “Yes, Mom, I love those stories. Is my dad a hero?”

Alyssa smiled, her heart swelling with love for her son. “Yes, he is, Tim. And the truth is, your dad is someone I used to know very well. His name is Liam.”

Tim’s eyes widened with surprise. “Liam? Like the Liam from the stories?”

Alyssa nodded, a mixture of emotions running through her. She didn’t know how Tim would react to this news, but she hoped that their bond would remain strong. “Yes, Tim, the same Liam. He’s your father.”

For a moment, Tim simply stared at her, processing the information. Then, a wide smile broke out on his face. “That’s so cool, Mom! I have a dad!”

Alyssa felt tears welling up in her eyes at her son’s joyous reaction. She embraced him tightly, whispering, “Yes, my love, you do.” It was a bittersweet moment for Alyssa, relieved that Tim accepted the news so positively, yet burdened by the weight of her secret for so long.

Just as they were settling into their new reality, the doorbell rang, interrupting their peaceful moment. Alyssa looked at Tim, puzzled, before getting up to answer it. She was surprised to see Tiffany standing on her doorstep.

“Tiff!” Alyssa exclaimed, pulling her friend into a tight hug. “What brings you here?”

Tiffany returned the embrace warmly, then stepped back to look at Alyssa. “I needed to see you, Mal. It’s been too long.” Her voice was tinged with a hint of sadness.

Alyssa nodded, understanding the weight of Tiffany’s words. “Come in, Tiff. Let’s catch up.”

As they settled into Alyssa’s living room, the two friends began to talk, pouring their hearts out to each other. Alyssa listened intently as Tiffany shared the news that her kingdom had been annexed two years ago. Alyssa gasped in shock, feeling a surge of sympathy for her friend.

“I can’t believe it, Tiff. I’m so sorry,” Alyssa said, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Tiffany sighed, her eyes filled with melancholy. “It’s been a rough couple of years, Mal. We fought hard, but we couldn’t win against their forces. And to make matters worse, Venice joined their side. Our kingdom has been absorbed into theirs.”

Alyssa could hardly process the magnitude of what Tiffany was saying. It felt surreal to think that their kingdoms, once separate and vibrant, were now combined under the rule of the enemy.

“And now,” Tiffany continued, her voice trembling, “I have no choice but to pledge my allegiance to the very people who destroyed my kingdom. It’s a living nightmare.”

Alyssa reached out and took Tiffany’s hand, offering words of comfort. “I’m here for you, Tiff. We’ll find a way to get through this together. I promise.”

Tiffany squeezed her hand gratefully, a flicker of hope returning to her eyes. “Thank you, Mal. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

As the night wore on, the two friends delved deeper into their conversation, finding solace in each other’s company. The weight of their respective burdens felt a little lighter in the presence of someone who understood and cared.

Eventually, it was time for Tiffany to leave. They hugged tightly, both silently acknowledging the bond they had built over the years.

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