And Then There Were Four

Chapter 0354


Shocked by everything going on, I didn't know what to say when Trixie froze Lucas in place and referred to him as a darkling. Moreover, I didn't know what to think about Pollux coming to my rescue. It was evident something was wrong with Lucas by the way he was

acting, but never did I consider myself to be weak in a moment where I shouldn't have been.

With his hand on my back, Pollux ushered me into Lucas' room as Trixie used her powers to glide him backward and then lower him onto his bed. She seemed almost entranced with her movements as her powers radiated through the space, catching me by surprise. Of course, she had powers, but this... this was something else entirely.

"How did you do that?" The question left my lips before I could actually contemplate what I said and as she touched her hand to Lucas' forehead, his eyes closed before hers turned to me.

"It's part of my powers, and he is asleep. Not sure how long as I have never tried to use that on someone but we can hope for the best." She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she glanced at my brother and quickly looked back at me. They were mates, and the flirting gesture made me smirk before realizing I had to figure out what was happening. "What's a darkling?"

Trixie and my brother both looked at each other before looking at me. My brother knew, and that was honestly unexpected. Usually, he didn't know anything like that, and I was the one filling him in. Opening and closing his mouth, he glanced at Trixie, urging her with his head to say something, to which she rolled her eyes and groaned. "You're no help, are you?"

"Oh, just fucking tell her," he snapped, rolling his own eyes. Both of them acted as if they were closer now than they had been before which was weird considering it wasn't that long ago he was being a dick.

"It means that he is the child of a God who plays within the shadows. There are a few, but it's rare to find the children as they are often killed."

As if her words held magic, Freya walked into the room with a smile on her face. Her long hair was braided in sections and adorned with small flowers. She glanced at Lucas with a raised brow and turned towards me. "I'm glad you all finally figured it out. Too bad he wasn't aware."

My mind was blown by the fact everyone knew and I hadn't, nor had Lucas... at least we were assuming he hadn't. "How do we fix him?"

Freya furrowed her brows and sighed, "I can't tell you that I'm afraid but I can say you have friends who can help."

"Why are you here then if you're not doing anything?" Pollux snapped, saying exactly what I was thinking.

Freya shrugged her shoulders with a smile and as she turned towards the door and then looked over her shoulder, I knew for sure she had come for a reason. "Odin wants to see you, Cassie... you weren't in your room so I figured you might be here with your... whatever you want to call him."

She didn't bother to wait for a reply before she was out the door, leaving me there wondering what the hell was going on. Turning to Pollux and Trixie, I stood dumbfounded. "What the hell am I supposed to do... I can't leave right now."

"So then don't," Pollux sneered, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Trixie, however, was quick to shake her head with wide eyes, "You can't refuse Odin, Cassie. Just go. I think I know what we can do to try and help Lucas. I can't promise it will work long term, though."

"You can't leave Trixie in here alone with Lucas," Pollux scoffed with laughter.

Smirking, I turned to him, "That's why you're staying here with her. I'm sure you can protect her from Lucas if something happens."

Pollux's mouth dropped open as he glanced at Trixie, who was beaming with a mischievous grin as I turned and made my way toward the door. I wanted to look back and admire Lucas one more time before I left but I couldn't. I had to stay focused.

Step by step, I made my way down

the hallway toward the hall where Odin resided I didn't know my way around this place very well but I did the best I could to get by. So when I finally approached and my eyes set upon the golden throne Odin sat on, I couldn't help but admire him and also shake in fear.

Was he going to kill me for what I did?

Or was he going to help me... the question was one often unanswered.



The moment Cassie left, I was in shock. Trixie, my gorgeous mate who wasn't a shifter, seemed nothing but pleased with the situation I was currently in. The idea of being alone with her was driving my beast crazy with the desire to claim her, but I refused.

How was she going to help me lead when she couldn't take care of herself? It was a joke, honestly. A mistake by fate.

"You don't seem pleased to be here with me," Trixie stated, causing me to focus my attention on her and taking in every detail of her face down to her enchanting eyes. Never in my life had I wanted to kiss someone as much as I did

as fought the urge to doen, and

scoffed in response.

"I had things to do, so don't think it had to deal with you."


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