And Then There Were Four

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Silas & Lucas


Staring at Silas's blush green eyes tinged with streaks of red and gold, I couldn't help but wonder what was running through his mind. He had obviously seen something back then that bothered him and while I wanted to listen to what he was saying, I didn't know how to follow his words. I had a goal to achieve, and though Anna's life ended that way didn't mean mine would.

"I'm not Anna, Silas," I said softly as I watched him. His concerned emotional state quickly vanished as he formed a blank expression. It was clear he wasn't pleased with how quickly I was brushing off what he said.

"I know you're not. Trust me."

Turning from me, he continued walking and left me feel- ing slightly clueless as to what I did to upset him. All we had been doing was having a normal conversation, and suddenly he flipped his mood and stormed off. Something completely out of character from how he normally acted.

Left in the darkness of the night, I stood feeling foolish and void of answers. Not only did I have Lucas upset with me, but now Silas was upset at me as well.

With a heavy sigh of frustration, I pushed forward down the gravel and dirt road back toward the main lights of the town. There was no point in staying at the ruins when Silas wasn't with me. Sure I could have investigated further on my own, but the place was creepy in a dark and mysterious kind of way and even if I considered myself a badass... even I had limits.

As the moon lit the path for me, I relished the feel of the cool breeze against my skin and the way the leaves rustled in the distance. It was beautiful outside, and with the silence of nature around me, it

gave me time to think about everything I had gone through over the past few weeks.

I'd made a mess of things, and a lot of what happened was my fault. First, the arguing with my mom, and the fact that she was probably terrified of me after what I did on my birthday, and then losing Melissa. The thought of my friend made my eyes water, and as I quickly blinked them away and let my mind drift to Lucas.

The way he looked at me the night of my birthday, the way he kissed me, and then filled me with so much passion was something I would never forget. So when the rustling of movement from within the treelines and the sound of distant voices caught my attention, the last thing I expected to hear was Lucas talking to someone.

"I'm taking care of it..."

The sound of his frustrated voice was not what I expect- ed, and stopping in my tracks, I turned towards the treeline and carefully moved closer to see who it was that he was talk- ing to, I was curious to know if it was Zia or maybe even Inan- na, but as I stepped over fallen branches and moved by brush as quietly as possible, I peered through the darkness, letting my eyes peer into the clearing ahead.

Lucas stood there alone, talking out loud, but with no one

I could see around. Furrowing my brows, I glanced around again trying to understand, and the more I listened, the more concerned I became.

"I can't...she doesn't deserve that..."

The way he stood with his fist clenched at his sides and his dark hair swept in front of his eyes, it was captivating but also concerning. Lucas looked like a madman talking to him- self, and the more I watched, the more I knew I had to do something.

Glancing around behind me, I bit my bottom lip and let out a heavy breath before stepping forward. I wasn't afraid of him or anything like that, but I couldn't help but feel awkward talking to him after everything that happened at the school.

“Lucas?” I said as I stepped forward from where I had been hiding. His dark eyes quickly darted to me as his claws lengthened and he bared his fangs at me.

"What are you doing here, Cassie? Are you spying on me?"

The growl that emitted from him made me halt in my tracks. "No," I said slowly, shaking my head. "I was walking by, and I heard you... are you okay?"

Scoffing, he shook his head, retracting his claws. "I'm fine. Why are you out here?"

He was far from fine, and anyone with eyes could see that. "Just heading back to my room. It's getting late.”

"That doesn't answer my question, Cassie," he growled as he stepped closer to me. The moonlight slipped through the tops of the trees, illuminating the spikes of his obsidian hair and the ripples of muscle beneath his skin tight black shirt.

"It doesn't matter why I'm out here," I replied firmly as I pulled the strap of my bag tighter to me as I broke eye con- tact with him. "If you're okay, I'll just go."

"What the fuck is your problem?" he snapped, grabbing my arm as I turned to leave.

Shrugging him off, I narrowed my gaze, "I don't have one, but you obviously do. You're not okay no matter how much you try to tell people you are."

With a sneer of disgust, he stepped back in anger. "You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I'm not the one with a problem... you are.”

“Look, if this is how you're going to act I'm just going to go. I don't have time to deal with you being a dick." Reaching out, he grabbed my jaw, halting me in my next words.

Never had he grabbed me like this, but when he did pull me close to his chest, my heart began to beat rapidly. Lucas was much bigger than I was, and though he had me in physi- cal size and strength, my magic was far stronger.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me where it is you were at, Cassie. People don't walk out this way without a reason."

Unsure of what to say to him, I stared at him blankly, opening and closing my mouth as if I wanted to tell him, but at the same time couldn't because I didn't think he deserved to know.

"Get the fuck off me, Lucas."

Snatching my arm away from him again, I narrowed my gaze, trying to understand why he thought he had a right to order me around as if he still had some kind of say. He re- voked his claim to me, whether willingly or not, and therefore had no say over me anymore.

"Damn it, Cassie! Just fucking tell me!" he roared in frus- tration.

"I was with Silas!" I yelled back, Lucas' eyes going wide as if what I said took his breath away. Never had I expected my relationship with Lucas would be like this. It was exhausting going through the same shit over and over, but as soon as I said Silas' name, Lucas slowly began to lose his shit.

"You were with the dragon?" he snarled, "are you fucking him now?"

Gasping, my mouth dropped open in shock. "Excuse me?"

"Oh don't act like that, Cassie. You're a fucking whore, just like I knew you would be."

Lucas had some audacity to call me such things, consider- ing he was the one who fucked me then suddenly decided he didn't want to be with me. "Go fuck yourself, Lucas. It doesn't matter what I do with anyone... I don't belong to anyone."

"That's where you're wrong, Cassie. You're mine and noth- ing but a disappointment."

His words left a hole in my heart, and as my angry scowl fell, I felt my emotions rise. I had never been someone to show my emotions like I had lately, but hearing him say I was a dis- appointment was too much. "Fuck you."

Chapter 160 Silas & Lucas


Laughter erupted from his throat as he nodded then shook his head, "I knew it... nothing but a whore, just like I was told by others. I should have rejected you."

Part of me wanted to scream at him that I accepted the rejection so he felt exactly how I did when he rejected me, I couldn't. I couldn't be cruel like that to him, no matter how much I wanted to be. "You know nothing of who I really am."

My comment was bold, and I squared my shoulders, star- ing at him. He seemed taken aback by my response as if ex- pecting more of a fight from me. Yet, I could expect the frown marring his face. It was rare to ever see him truly smile in my direction, unless, of course, it was his signature smirk.

The same smirk that made my heart skip a beat every time I saw it.

"You think you're clever, don't you," he sneered as his dark eyes narrowed in my direction, his rigid jawline firmly squared as he stepped back. "You're wrong though, Cassie. I know ex- actly what kind of person you are... just like your mother."

My mother and I had plenty of issues sure, but at the end of the day, no one talked shit about my mother. "Watch your words, Vega..."

The moment I called him by his last name instead of by his first, he began to laugh. I didn't expect this reaction, and as he shook his head and loosened up his shoulders, an evil glint crossed his eyes that worried me. "Oh, someone angered the pretty puppy." Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"Puppy?!" I scoffed, "my, how the mighty have fallen. Once upon a time you were a man who was highly regarded in some aspects. Women wanted you... men hated you because they envied you. And now- "

Gesturing with my hand to the length of his body from head to toe, he rolled his eyes and chuckled. "There is nothing wrong with me.”

"Yet, the fact you think that is a problem on its own."

It was clear this conversation was going nowhere, and from what I could tell he was just out here talking to himself. Which was something I needed to tell the others.

"You're a pain in my ass, Cassie. You need to face facts that this will never happen with us. Accept the rejection," he replied sternly, causing my frown to deepen.

"Maybe one day... but not today." Turning, I made my way from where we had been talking in the treeline back towards the main road. He didn't stop me this time for which I was. grateful, and when I glanced over my shoulder once I hit the road, I couldn't see him anymore.

Every day spent here in Asgard, I felt my usually cocky na- ture slipping. My demeanor slowly disappeared as the weight of my life crushed down upon me like a future impossible to change.

No matter how much I hated it, there was no way to change anything. At least not any time soon, and as my feet finally hit the city street with the sound of happy chattering from those who still lingered about, I knew that if anything were going to change, I would have to do it myself.

For now, I'd seek the advice of my brother because even though he and I often fought... he was still very wise at times. The knowledge of our fathers Hale and Damian having rubbed off on him quite a bit.

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