And Then There Were Four

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Saving Talon

Hale Pov

I should have known letting Ivy go was going to be problematic. The moment Damian and James found out what I had done, they had a field day with me. They didn’t understand, though.

They didn’t understand Ivy the way I did.

Talon was important to our circle, and without him, the union would never be completed. I knew the moment I let the ancient wolf inside me claim her as our mate there was no going back.

It unlocked something deep inside her that had laid dormant and would have until she awoke the beast within me and released something I had tried to keep hidden for so long.

Even when I had claimed her the first time, I did it in a way I was connected, but not completely mated. I couldn’t release the venom in my body through her. I couldn’t allow her to go through the change.

A change would turn her life upside down more than it already was.

Ivy explained she gave up her chance at a human life for us because she wanted to be with us, but at the same time, I already voiced to Damian she didn’t know what she was asking for.

Being a shifter came with its challenges, and if she lived the way we did, she wouldn’t be able to have the things she wanted. Especially if she became what I am.

Just because Talon and I survived it, it didn’t mean she would, but now all of that was gone. All of that didn’t matter because she was in danger, and we were only now just arriving at the shit show that was about to take place.

Bursting from the car, we shifted into our wolves headed for the treeline. Even though as wolves we were fast, it would still take fifteen minutes to get to her and that was fifteen minutes she was left defenseless.

Fifteen minutes could cost her her life if she wasn’t able to get through to him.

Pushing myself, I raced towards her, and towards my brother who was slowly falling apart. My heart beat for her, and when this was done, I would spend an eternity making it up.

An eternity making sure that she had a life somewhat normal, whether my brothers agreed to it or not.

“No matter what, Ivy must live.’ Damian said through our link with stern intent.

He may not have shown that he cared, but deep down, he did.

He was simply scared of losing something he never had-love.

Ivy Pov

“Shit!” I screamed as I stumbled through the forest, tripping over fallen logs and broken branches. Talon was behind me, there was no doubt about that. The thundering of his paws against the fallen snow sent an alarm through to my soul.

I never considered snow could be so loud, but then again, I had never run for my life. Wondering if this was going to be the moment I died.

I didn’t want to die, but I would sacrifice myself if I had to bring him back. I would give anything to make sure the ones I loved lived through all of this.

Love.. it was a thought I hadn’t had before and now that I was, I didn’t know if I would be able to survive them, to tell them.

My panting breath came out in clouds before me. The only light I had to show me where I was came from the moon reflecting against the white-breasted snow.

It was beautiful if I thought about it, but quickly those thoughts reflected the blood that would pour from me if I was caught.

Chapter 69: Saving Talon Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

A rough shove from behind sent me tumbling through the snow, and as I did, I found myself crying out in pain. Scratches and bruises were sure to line my skin, and as I gasped, I tried to find the will to keep going.

Crawling slowly through the snow that nipped at my skin with painful delight. I found myself quickly pinned, lying beneath the belly of an angry wolf who was breathing down my neck with every intention of killing me.

“Talon, please… It’s me.” This was a moment of panic, a moment where, for once in my life, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do.

The realization once again I acted stupidly before thinking about what I was going to do. It was instinct, though, to protect the ones I care about

Kate had been in danger, and I couldn’t allow him to hurt her.

What happened to him was my fault.

Slowly, I rolled over beneath the creature, who was standing above me, persistently growling. As scared as I was, though, I couldn’ t help but be amazed by his enormous beauty

Every time I saw their wolves, I was terrified, but also mesmerized by how beautiful a creature they really were. “Talon, please come back to me. I didn’t leave you. The moon played tricks on us both.”

As my eyes met that of the deranged wolf staring down at me, I gasped in shock. Blood and saliva dripped from his mouth as reverberations of his growl swept through me.

The only thing I could do was to keep softly talking to him, and hope Kate was able to catch up or that I was able to break through to him and get him to see it was me.

“Talon..” I whispered, causing him to growl even more. “I know you’re in there..”

Slowly, moving my bare hand, I reached up and brushed my fingers through the mat of fur on his chest. It was a bold move on my part, but I didn’t care.

I longed to touch him, even if it was in his animal form.

I should have known, though, it was a bad move on my part. Talon quickly snapped and growled at me, not knowing who I was anymore. Not understanding I was the woman he was destined for. The woman who loved him unconditionally.

“Shh-” I hushed, “it’s okay. Please, come back to me.”

It was official. I had lost my fucking mind.

I was trying to get a deranged wolf to understand what I was saying, and it was insane, but he hadn’t tried to actually kill me yet… so was he actually gone?

The movements of his eyes and head made me wonder if he battled internally between the feeling I caused within him and his animalistic desires.

“I know you won’t hurt me.”

Slowly, the wolf’s growls began to simmer and as they did, a soft whimper escaped him as his ears laid back in confusion. It was progress I hadn’t expected to make so easily, but nothing in life comes without consequences.

“Ivy!” Kate screamed before the whistling sound of a dart struck Talon, causing a whimper to escape him before his eyes became bloodthirsty, and he turned, launching himself at her.

“Kate, no!” I screamed out, watching as Kate’s eyes widened in shock and panic set in. To my amazement, Talon never had the opportunity to get to her though, because a large black mass burst through the trees, colliding with his form, causing them to tumble through the darkness.

Fear swept through us, followed by relief as I watched three more wolves come charging in. One headed straight for Kate. “Don’t hurt him!” I screamed at them, only to have James shift and sweep me up into his arms.

“Ivy.” He cooed with concern in his eyes, “oh my god. We need to get you to a hospital.”

“I’m fine, James.” I laughed, my eyes quickly darting towards where Talon and Damian went. “Don’t hurt Talon… I think Kate got him.”

Chapter 69: Saving Talon


“Got him?” Hale said as he walked up, completely naked. A blush set over my cheeks as I tried to remind myself this was normal. I still hadn’t gotten used to them being so open with nudity, considering I have slept with them many times.

“Yes, Kate had a tranquilizer gun,” I replied as James slowly set me to my feet before Kate was pushing him out of the way.

“Oh, my god… Are you okay?” she said, looking over at me. “I was so scared he was killing you,”

“I’m fine, Kate, he didn’t attack me like that.”

“What do you mean?” she asked in confusion.

Sighing. I shook my head, “I don’t know… He just didn’t. It was like he was fighting something inside him. Trying to make himself remember who I was. I thought he was going to kill me, and he proved me wrong.”

“I’m speechless in a sense.” Kate replied, trying to process what I said.

“I know, so am I, but I think he knew it was me.”

All of them stopped staring at me as rustling from the treeline brought forward the very naked body of Damian. As much as I would love to continue this, I think we should get out of this cold and back in the cabin. Angel, James. Come help me with Talon.”

Hearing Talon’s name perked my attention as Kate nudged me, “I got him, Ivy. I hit him with the antidote and a tranquilizer.”

Tears finally flooded my eyes with pure joy, realizing we were able to contain him. With the antidote, I hoped it would work. That he would be able to slowly get better, but only time would tell if we had the right one.

In the cabin, I watched as James, Damian, and Angel laid Talon down upon the small bed. His body was no longer that of a wolf as peaceful sleep took hold of his body.

I didn’t hesitate to move towards his sleeping form and brush my fingers against his hairline, watching as he slept.

“How long do you think he will be out?” I asked, letting my eyes drift towards the others who meandered around the small cabin.

“Depends on how much that Kate had in the dart.” Damian replied before looking towards Kate. “Kate?”

Kate’s mouth opened and closed little by little, like a deer caught in the headlights. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with her, but Angel quickly sighed. “Kate you didn’t…”

Shrugging her shoulders, she gave me an apologetic look,”sorry I wasn’t sure what we were dealing with, so I gave him a lot.”

Laughter escaped James and Hale, causing me to glare at them and shake my head.

“We can’t stay out here forever,” I said softly to Damian, we need to get him home.”

“I know we do, Ivy. At first light, we’ll make our way back towards the pack. I’m sure Kate has enough to keep him sedated until we arrive, and then we will have the pack doctor look at him.”

His hand laid upon my shoulder in a comforting gesture as I nodded my head. I was thankful on many accounts to have him here. Yes, we fought, and both acted very childish at times, but it’s what made us stronger,

It was what connected us.

Each of the guys had their own flaws and weaknesses that made them who they were, and there wasn’t a thing I would change about them.

“Alright. Let’s get some sleep then. We leave early.”

Leaning forward, I let my body curl up next to Talon’s and gently laid a kiss on the side of his face. If we were all staying here, that was fine, but I wasn’t going to leave Talon’s side again. He needed me.

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