And Then There Were Four

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: History Lesson


They confirmed it quicker than I had expected. One day I was listening to Priscilla tell me there were babi es… and then the next day, I was on an ultrasound table watching as the pack doctor used cold jelly and a magic wand to scan my stomach.

“Oh, look… right there, Luna. There is baby one… and there is baby two.”

The doctor‘s words didn‘t comfort me. I was excited, yes, but extremely scared.

“Thank you,” | replied, not knowing what to say.

I had grown up an only child and had no clue what it was like having a sibling or raising more than one child. Granted, I wasn‘t alone. I had four incredibly sex y mates who stood over me as if on guard twenty–four hours of a day, but it still didn‘t ease my mind.

“There is no need to thank me. I would like to see you back in two weeks. That way, we can get another scan and determine the sex of the babies.”

As soon as the doctor cleaned my stomach, he stood to his feet and went from the room. My eyes cast towards my four mates, who had excited faces as they looked at the photos of my ultrasound that had been given to them.

It shocked me none of them cared to determine who the father of the children was. Instead, they shared in the duty as if all four helped create the children to come.

Which, honestly, was a sweet notion. I was glad the pa ternity of the children would not be an issue for th em. Then again, they never had a problem sharing me.


“Are we ready to go home?” I asked as their eyes lifted to meet mine. “I mean, we can stay here if you w ant, but I was kind of hoping for pizza and a movie.”

Pizza and movie were two words triggering all their at tention.

It wasn‘t a Netflix and chill kind of situation.

They literally ordered pizza, and we watched movies. It was the one time I let them surprise me with both toppings and genre. Even though I often questioned their choices b ecause, I mean, who doesn‘t love pineapple on pizza? Cue

dramatic eye roll.

“Pizza! You keep saying those sweet magic words to

me, and you may end up pregnant for the unforeseeable future, Ivy,” James replied as he moved towards the door with me right behind him.

Laughter escaped me. “Pizza and movies turns you on and makes you want to have kids?”

James wrapped his arms around me and leaned in, kiss ing my neck. “With you, yes.”

James was definitely the most affectionate of the four men and always had me laughing and smiling, no matter the situation. My life with them was far from dull, but at least communication was better, mostly, no w.

“So, are you wanting to design the nursery, Ivy? Or did you want to have us do it for you… hire someone, maybe?” Damian asked as we climbed into the car.

“I don‘t know,” | sighed. Designing a nursery was sort of the last thing on my mind for the time being. Whil e they thought about things like this, I was still worried about someone coming to challenge us.

Yes, I was a bloody Sølvmåne werewolf, but I was preg


What the hell was I seriously going to do when I would eventually be as big as a house?

Thadn‘t exactly thought things through when I started letting them fuck my brains out.

However, we didn‘t know what I was either, so there was that, too.

“Are you okay, Ivy?” A soft touch on my shoulder from Hale pulled me from my thoughts, and slowly, I nodded with a smile.

“Yeah, sorry, just a lot on my mind,” | mumbled, trying to clear my confusion. “I don‘t mind about the nurs ery. We can look at some things.”

All four of them hesitated for a moment, staring at me before I pushed a smile upon my face. “Seriously, I‘m fine.”

“Is that why you cut us off from linking you this morn ing?” Talon asked with confusion.

I wasn‘t sure what to say. It was the truth, but I suppose part of me didn‘t tell them, hoping they wouldn‘t notice.

“Kind of,” I finally admitted. “There is just so much go ing on, and I can‘t help but wonder if having babies right now is coming at the most unrealistic of moments.”

“Ivy… babies never come when they are needed. They come when they come, and everything else just gets fig

ured out around it,” Damian replied with a smirk.

“That‘s easy for you to say, Damian. You‘re not pushing two fucking watermelons out of your hoo– ha.” I was trying not to freak out. Honestly, I was trying.

However, the more I thought about the fact I had two lives growing inside me, and I was going to have to push them out of a hole that shouldn‘t stretch like that big terri fied me.

Their dads were giants among men, and there was no way two big– ass babies were going to be able to come out of my cooter. It just wasn‘t possible.

Silence descended over us for a moment as the car pulled up to the front of the house. My mind reels wit h the future I have been given. No matter how much time had passed, I could never get used to my curre nt situation.

Stepping out of the car, the guys‘ laughter consumed the surrounding air.

“Come on now, Ivy. It will not be that bad. Women have babies every day.”

Talon‘s words did nothing but aggravate me further. They had no idea how I felt, and with my hormones all over the place, I couldn‘t control the emotional rollercoaster !

was feeling.

Slamming the door behind me, I stormed off towards the house, tired of their bullshit. I loved them dearly, but right now, I wanted to smother them all. They tended to be complete assholes when they wanted to be.


A few hours later, and a tub of chocolate cake frosting, I was in a much better mood.

“You know, I think the only real reason I like these movies is so that I can watch Aquaman‘s sexy ass.” M y mut tered comment caught Hale‘s attention, and quickly, I felt the jealousy he had for the actor on tv.

Suited him right for pissing me off.

Pizza and Marvel movies were my calling. The guys were thrilled not to be stuck watching some sort of chick flick, and even though I enjoyed them, I was in more of an as s–kicking mood lately.

I felt as if this calmness surrounding me was only the calm before the storm, and deep inside me, I felt something was coming.

I just wasn‘t sure what it was.

Looking at Hale, who sat on my left, I found myself curi ous about the information he had searched about his histo ry. Priscilla had told me there were things he and Talon knew only they could tell.

Even as a seer, she couldn‘t see everything, and if | wanted answers, I would have to go to the source, e ventu ally. “Hale. Can I ask you something?”

“Of course. What‘s on your mind?” he said, casting a small glance and a smile my way.

Looking down at my hands, I hesitated for a moment while I gathered my thoughts. “I wanted to know wh at you learned about yourself. You told me

you had researched what the ancients were, and while Priscilla is helping me learn some things, there‘s still so much that I don‘t under


Hale stared at me for a moment as if he wasn‘t quite sure what to say. Every time I mentioned it in the pa st, he avoided the conversation, but I knew deep down that was because he was scared. I just wasn‘t sure why he was scared. We‘re mates and shouldn‘t hide anything.

“What do you want to know?” He cast his gaze towards the window as if unable to look at me while we talked about

1. it.

“I don‘t know… anything, really.”

To see Hale like this made little sense.

“If it makes you uncomfortable,”

Turning to me with a wide grin, he shook his head. “It‘s not. It‘s just that, honestly, none of it makes sense, but I supposed I can tell you what I do know that will.” NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

Adjusting, I stretched out over his legs, making myself comfortable as I listened attentively to him. His han

“Our mother was a regular werewolf, but she came from a very long lineage. Her bloodline went as far bac possibly even further.”

“Vikings?” | giggled. “Like plunder the land kind of Vikings?”

Nodding his head, he nudged me with his elbow gently and smiled. “Yes, those.”

“Makes sense now why you and Talon love to throw me around and make claims on me so much…”

At the moment I said that, laughter from the open doorway behind me echoed through the room, and to m

surprise, James and Talon stood there with popcorn.

“I thought we were watching a movie?” James said as he plopped himself down onto a chair near me, and

“We were, but Ivy wants a history lesson,” Hale said pointedly, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Will you continue, please?”

“Of course… nowhere was l.” Taking a moment, he smiled. “Oh right, so our mother was this descendant had slowly faded back then, and many just married in for power or wealth. Except, our mother ignored new

“What a mate he was,” Talon chuckled, popping his snack into his mouth.

“Who‘s telling this story? Me or you?” Hale replied with an irritated expression.

Gesturing with his hand, Talon let Hale continue. How ever, something in Hales‘ eyes made me unsure if t a good idea.

As Hales‘s eyes met mine, he sighed. “Our mother met our father in the darkest parts of the woods. It was said to be ago, she felt like he watched her for weeks before she let him claim her.”

“So he knew that your mother was his mate, then?”

Nodding his head, Hale looked off with a heavy breath and stared out the window as if expecting to see some thing no longer there.

“He knew, but no one else knew what he was. Except for our grandmother, and she cursed the relationshi

My heart all but dropped into my stomach after hear ing him. Those words sounded so oddly familiar, and wish I could remember why, I couldn‘t.

The creations they made were my mates, and I knew each of them. They wouldn‘t hurt anyone who didn‘t

“She was just scared–”

“No, Ivy. She wasn‘t a normal wolf. She was a hybrid

herself and Priscilla‘s twin sister.”

Holy fuck… say what?!

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