Bad Love: An Alpha's Regret

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

James isn’t happy, but he also doesn’t have a better idea.

So I finally convince him later that evening to drive me to the

luxury hotel where I know Ryker has been staying.

We don’t say much to each other during the long drive.

I can tell James wants to convince me not to do this, while I

want to ask about Jessica.

However, I know that puts James in an awkward position, she

his sister, after all. It wouldn’t be fair to expect him to not respect her privacy or whatever.

So we sit there in strained silence with the weight of all the things we’re not saying hanging between


Instead of using the valet service at the front of the hotel, James insists on parking the car himself

nearby, which leaves us about half a block away to walk.

As we’re approaching the hotel, a woman steps out through the revolving doors and gets into the back

of a black town–car waiting for her.

I stop dead in my tracks as I realize it’s Karolina.

What the hell is she doing here?

It can’t be a coincidence that she’s just stepped out of the same hotel where Ryker is staying.

Although, the hotel does have a high–end bar and restaurant, so I suppose it’s possible she was just

meeting someone and it

has nothing to do with the fact that Ryker is staying here.

But my instincts are telling me this is no coincidence.

Something else is going on here, and I wonder if it’s somehow

connected to the mess of Aaron and the Council and the fact

that I’m now a widow.

I’m going to get to the bottom of all this, one way or another.

With renewed determination, I march into the hotel and up to

the penthouse suite where Ryker is staying.

He has a couple of guys standing in the hallway, acting as security, and it makes me wonder about the

kind of life he lives where he can’t even stay at a hotel without bodyguards

manning the outside of the room.

As I approach, one of them speaks into a wire attached to his jacket.

By the time we arrive at the door, they simply nod and let us in, since apparently Ryker has let them

know he’ll see us.

Inside, the penthouse has a spectacular view over the city and out toward the snow–capped mountains

in the distance.

Ryker is standing by the bar to one side of the sitting room.

“What an unexpected surprise,” Ryker says with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Can I get

either of you a drink?” This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

James murmurs a polite refusal, and takes up a stance near the inside of the door.

“I’ll have whatever you’re drinking,” I tell him confidently as I

cross the room.

“The Luna has fine taste, I see,” Ryker teases, before pouring a measure of expensive bourbon into

two glasses.

“So,” he says as he brings the drink over to hand to me. “What

brings you here, Luna Leah? I have to admit, I’m surprised to see you, given everything that’s going


“You mean because the Council killed my mate?” I ask, ignoring the sharp pang in my chest I get

whenever anyone mentions Aaron and what happened to him.

Ryker dips his head, expression sobering. “I’m sorry, Leah.

Aaron was a good man. He didn’t deserve an end like

that. Especially not at the hands of a Council that’s clearly forgotten the Old Ways.”

I nod as I accept his condolences, then take a sip of the bourbon.

I’ve never been much of a drinker, but I find the bourbon has a pleasant smoothness with a hit of fire

when it goes


“I know Aaron respected you,” I say after a moment. “And I’ve forgiven your part in what happened that

night with Liam.”

Ryker inclines his head. “Then I assume you’re here to ask for my help in some manner.”

I nod, not surprised he guessed that.

There’s a reason Ryker is known to be so deadly and effective, and part of that is the fact he’s not

dumb by any means.

“Yes, I have come to ask for your help,” I tell him, before tossing back the rest of the bourbon and then

setting the glass aside. “But first, you’re going to tell me why Karolina was here.”

At first, Ryker doesn’t react, other than to raise an enquiring


“You are not cautious,” Ryker says instead of answering. “You take risks, knowing the results may be

worth the price, where others would not be so brazen. I respect that.”

“You can respect it by telling me about Karolina,” I reply cooly, even though I don’t really agree with his

assessment of my personality.

I take risks because I have to, in order to protect my packs and the people I love.

And most of the time, I’m terrified of making the wrong


Ryker smiles, and this time the expression is more genuine.

“It’s simple, really,” he says with a shrug. “Karolina is



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