Bad Love: An Alpha's Regret

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Chapter 284


The drive back to Rathborn mansion goes by in a blur.

It’s almost impossible to believe that my sister is actually alive, and I don’t think I’m going to fully

believe it until I see her with my own eyes.

But stronger than my disbelief is the guilt and the rage.

Guilt, because my sister has spent the past ten years locked up, less than an hour from our childhood

home, waiting to be rescued.

The rage, meanwhile, threatens to consume me.

I want to go dig up the bones of Liam and the old Roberts Alpha and bring them back to life, just so I

can kill them all over again.

Slowly and painfully.

Make them suffer as much as my innocent sister suffered all these years.

We arrive back at Rathborn mansion, and I rush from the SUV and into the house, calling for Emily.

However, it’s not Emily who steps out of the informal sitting

room, it’s Jessica, and the unexpected sight of her pulls me up short.

She looks just as shocked to see me as I am to see her.

“Jessica,” I greet. “You’re back.”

“Of course I’m back!” Jessica cries. “They said you were dead. I came for your funeral.”

Tears start streaming down her face and I feel bad for her -for my entire pack-and the trauma they must

have gone through in the past days, thinking their Alpha was dead.

“I’m sorry, Jess.” I’m sorry for all of it.

Jessica nods, sending more tears spilling down her cheeks.

She tentatively steps forward, so I hold my arms open to hug her.

There’s nothing more than comfort in the hug.

She doesn’t try to cling to me or make it into anything more and I think we’re finally starting to move

beyond our past in a

healthy way.

“Do you know where Emily is?” I ask when we step apart again.

At this, Jessica looks anxious.

“I’ve only seen her for short periods of time since Leah and James brought her home. She’s mostly

been shifting and out running…I’m not sure how well she’s coping with being back, Aaron. I mean,

she’s working hard to cover it up, but it’s like you can see her fraying around the edges. I’m worried she

might go rogue any time now.”

My blood runs cold at Jessica’s words.

Surely I’m not going to get my sister back, only to stand by and watch her go rogue from whatever she

endured, being held captive by Liam and the old Roberts Alpha all those years?

I can’t let that happen.

I have to do whatever it takes to make sure Emily recovers.

“Thanks, Jessica. I’m glad you were here-her childhood best friend-when she came back. I’m sure that

was really helpful.”

Jessica nods and begins to turn away, but then pauses.

“And Aaron, I just wanted to say, I’ve had a lot of time to think. I can accept things now. Being away

helped. I’ll always care about you, but I know we’re not meant to be together.”

“Thanks, Jessica, I really appreciate you saying so. I just hope you can find a mate and true happiness All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

as well.”

Jessica smiles and nods. “I hope so too, one day.”

“I’m going to send out some of the guys to find Emily, if you want to join us?”

Jessica shakes her head, however.

“Emily is angry with me right now. She was ranting about Leah, and I tried to tell her that Leah isn’t her

father. It took me a long time to separate Leah from her pack, and Emily didn’t like me saying so.”

I nod in understanding, and Jessica sends me one last smile before disappearing deeper into the


I call James then and tell him to get Axel and a handful of other guys we can trust to keep quiet.

I don’t know what sort of state Emily is going to be in when we find her, and I don’t want her clearly

fragile state to become gossip for the pack.

That would only hinder her recovery.

But if Emily is truly on the edge of going rogue, then she’s going to need constant care and monitoring.

I can’t have her shifting and running off, not when I don’t know if she’ll come back again.

I lost my sister once. I won’t lose her again.

I go find Leah-who is in Ethan’s nursery-and tell her what’s happening, before I head out and shift

myself, joining the others who are ready to run out on the search.

I only hope we’re not already too late.

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