Bad Love: An Alpha's Regret

Chapter 302

Chapter 302

Chapter 302 This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.


It’s late by the time Aaron gets the pack settled and things that need to be packed up from the party are

put away.

I barely see Aaron until we both tiredly walk into our bedroom and swing the door shut behind us.

I’m tired, but I doubt I’m going to be able to sleep.

I sit on the edge of the bed, and Aaron comes over to sit next to me, dropping his arm around my


I lean into his side with an exhausted sigh.

I thought all our troubles were over.

I thought we were finally going to be able to live peacefully, enjoy our family and our pack and know

that we were all safe and secure.

My brother’s mess was so much deeper and more dangerous than we could have ever anticipated.

“What are we going to do?” I ask Aaron in a fearful whisper.

“We’re going to fight,” Aaron tells me in a confident voice. “Like we always do.”

Bul against vampires?” I shake my head. “It’s one thing to go to war against other packs. But vampires

are a whole other level of terrifying.”

know, but I vow, I’m going to find a way to put these vampires down before they can start a new war,”

Aaron says in a hard


And when he speaks with such conviction like that, it’s easy to believe things will be okay.

Still, I’m terrified for Ethan and the rest of the pack.

“Maybe we need a backup plan in the meantime,” I say, even though I already know it’s a bad idea.

But I feel this desperate need to protect my innocent son that overrides all other common sense.

“What do you mean?” Aaron asks.

I sit back from him a little so I can look up at him.

“Maybe we need to start recreating the AI tech. Dig out the classified Roberts Corp files and start

reconstructing it so we’ve got something to hand over in case it turns out we don’t have any other


I can see Aaron is just as torn as I am about this idea.

“Leah, we both know that’s not the answer. We have no idea



our packs in the short term, but doom us all in the long run when the vampires turn around and use it

on every wolf in


“Maybe we could somehow program in a failsafe, so it won’t work on wolves?” I know I’m grasping at

straws, but I don’t

know what else to do.

“And have them retaliate when they figure it out? And anyway, recreating that tech and figuring out how

to program in a failsafe will take much longer than the two weeks they’ve given us. It took Roberts Corp

years and millions upon millions of dollars to even create the technology in the first place.”

He’s right, but it doesn’t make me feel any better.

And even though I know it can’t end any other way than badly, I know I’m still going to dig into the

Roberts Corp files tomorrow to see what I can start piecing together.

Maybe we should just hand the research over and tell them to recreate it themselves. Without the right

caliber of scientists and engineers, and deep pockets, they might never be able to do it.

But I also wonder how I will live with myself if I made such a choice, knowing what it could mean for all

wolves in the long


I’ve never been so torn, and I’ve never been so scared.

“Then what’s the answer, Aaron? Because I’m really worried this

is a fight we can’t win, no matter what we do.’

Aaron pulls me closer again.

“Tomorrow I’m going to call a Council meeting. I’ll tell them everything, and then lay out how I think we

need to bring all the Councils across the States into this, and then contact the Old Country. This isn’t

just our problem any longer. Trying to solve it on our own isn’t the answer.”

“What if no one wants to help us? What if they blame us and tell

us we’re on our own?”

Aaron holds me tighter.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, but at the end of the day, when it comes to a threat like

this, the packs have always come together as a united front.”

I nod, not sure I believe him.

But with no other alternative, it’s the only hope I’ve got to hang onto right now.

It’s the only hope I’ve got that my son might have a future.


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