Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet

Twenty three

Zeke’s POV

As I stepped into the office, my mind was still consumed with thoughts about Kamille.

Why the fuck could she just not understand my intentions?

I sat in the leather bound swivel chair which was supposed to give me comfort, but I felt no comfort.

“Excuse me Sir.” Mr Rogers called out. I gave him a cold glance. His eyes fluttered at my cold eyes but over the years he had toughened up and was able to withstand my temper and not cower like others.

Only a few could.

“We have just received new Intel on the lawyer’s case.” He began and my ears perked up with interest but I showed no emotions, so he continued.

“The investigation into the cause of the accident has yielded new evidence that proves that the car was tampered with and that caused the accident. So the accident was actually orchestrated by someone.” Mr. Rogers said.

“By who?” I asked coldly.

“We do not have any evidences or leads as to who could have done such a thing. But whoever it was, must have had a lot to benefit from it.” Mr Rogers replied.

I shut my eyes for a few seconds to gather my thoughts. Mr Rogers took that as a cue to give me some space and left.

The revelation that the accident wasn’t a mere coincidence but a deliberate act was too disturbing causing my mind to race with questions. Who would go to such lengths to orchestrate such a sinister plot, and for what purpose?

If it was indeed the Manors behind the accident, what could they possibly hope to achieve? The lawyer’s inability to read the will had left Ellen’s father as the acting chairman for years now, so why go to such lengths to silence him?

As I pondered the motive behind the orchestrated accident, my phone pinged with a new email notification.

What the fuck?!

The message had series of photos of Christopher and Kamille, caught in seemingly innocent moments together.

A perfect blend of jealousy and anger surged within me as I studied the images, my protective instincts kicking into overdrive.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I rang for Mr Rogers.

“Do we have any information yet on Christopher?” I asked as soon as Mr Rogers walked in.

“None yet Sir.” He replied, head bowed.

“Get everything you can on Christopher” I snapped at Mr. Rogers, my voice sharp with urgency. “I want to know exactly what his intentions are towards Kamille.”

As Mr Rogers scurried off to carry out my orders, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at my gut. Christopher’s sudden appearance in Kamille’s life raised a multitude of questions and I wouldn’t hesitate to find out.

Good thing he doesn’t know I know Kamille.

“Hey brother. Who’s got you so riled up?” Fletcher’s voice cut through my thoughts.

“We need to get him a woman. Young, soft and innocent to water down his angered spirit.” Zane suggested and they both laughed and made themselves comfortable in the plush cushions that sat some distance away from my table.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked, a little at ease at their jokes

“Can’t your friends visit you for no reason?” Fletcher asked feigning hurt.

Zane chuckled, “Don’t bother asking, he has no response.”

Ofcourse I didn’t.

“So, any leads on the drug baron?” I inquired.

They shook their head. “Not yet. But we’re keeping a close eye on things.” Zane replied.

“But we do know that he is currently undercover in London.” Fletcher added.

“Hmm. I see.” I responded thoughtfully. If the drug baron was yet to be identified, then I had more on my plate than I thought I did. I had Christopher to deal with. Why did he really need a house close to Kamille? Was he a threat, a danger or a romantic interest?

As if reading my troubled thoughts, Fletcher asked, “How is Chris’s house hunt going?”

“Yeah, how is it going?” Zane concurred.

“How do you know this Chris guy anyway?” I prodded, as I raised my brows at them.

Zane looked at me for a moment as though sensing something was wrong. “We met during one of my travels. He was a good and helpful friend at the time.”

Good and helpful did not characterize the version of Chris that I had.

I barely had information on him but he was already stirring things up. My gut tells me there’s more to him.

Fletcher who had begun searching through his phone asked out, “Are you not planning on helping your ex in-laws this time? The persecution they’re facing from the press, media and citizens seems too difficult for them to handle.”

Helping them was far from why I had in mind. Giving of most of the information the press had on the embezzlement was done by me. They didn’t deserve any sympathy after all they did to Kamille.

“No. The should take responsibility and pay for their crimes.” I responded uninterestedly.

“Their crimes?” Zane raised a brow. “You know more than anyone knows that there is no multimillion dollar conglomerate that is clean. Saying they had to pay sounds absurd don’t you think?”

“It doesn’t to me.” I replied coldly. “What we do here does not hurt anyone. Our moral code does not hurt people. So we reduce the dirt to it’s barest minimum.”

“How about the casino?” Fletcher asked.

“Now that’s something different. We have the backing of the state police afterall.” I said looking at both of them.

“Looks like brother is not as dirty as we had imagined.” Zane teased.

“Or maybe he has forgotten so soon about the things he was taught.” Fletcher added.

“Or maybe we’re talking to an imposter.” Zane chirped in causing them to laugh.

I smiled at their banter but my mind was elsewhere, consumed with thoughts of Kamille and the danger I fear she might be in.

For all I fucking care, she could be in danger without even knowing the gravity.

With each passing moment, the weight of the unknown bore down on me, the need to protect Kamille becoming more urgent by the second.

I needed to see her and clear things up with her. She might be in so much danger and does not know about it. I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that hung in the air. Her family’s dark secrets loomed large. There could be worse danger they could be planning if they knew that she was still alive.

I immediately sent her a text again asking to see her so we could talk. And this time, if she did not respond with something positive, I would not mind risking it to go and see her at home.

I suddenly remembered the photograph of Reon, Torin, Tyris and Royer she forgot at my place. I had kept it to return to her but forgot to take it with me today. I made a mental not to take it with me when next I’m going to see her.

I could not allow anyone see me in possession of that photograph else it would raise suspicions of my being the kids father.

I was already suspicious of being the kids father myself.

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