Be My Wifey Or Lose Your Job

Chapter 20 Will you marry me?

Janelle’s Pov.

*The next day.

I was in the office when my phone rang.

I sighed and wiped the sweats on forehead before picking it up.


I swiped to the right and placed the phone on my ear.

“Hey…”I breathed out wearily.

“Hello, miss Janelle. Mr George was involved in an accident and he’s badly injured, can you please come to…”


A bell rang in my ear.

“What the hell do you mean?. George was involved in an accident? Then what are you still doing alive? Aren’t you the one driving the car?.”I interpolated as I sprang up.

“Please, come to the house Immediately. I will explain to you when to get here.”he replied before hanging up.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

What?. Did he just hang up?.

I grab my bag and hurried out of my office.

*George was involved in an accident and he’s badly injured and he’s at the mansion?.*I recited as I ran through the lobby.

I didn’t see nobody that I can inform about why I had to leave the office.

I went to the road and flag down a cab.

I didn’t wait for him to say anything before I jumped inside.

“Go.. just go. I will direct you.”I managed to say.

He gave me a look before driving away.

We got to the mansion and I jumped down from the can and ran towards the gate.

Strangely, the cab man didn’t call me back for his money.

That was less my concern tho.

I kept reciting what Ren told me as I entered the compound.

I ran to the living room only to see George on his knees, hale and healthy.

That wasn’t the only surprise.

He was holding a box of ring.

What the?…

I paused for a second to catch my breath.

“What’s happening?… Ren.. Ren said you were….”I ran out of breath.

“Will you marry me?.”he asked instead.

I stood akimbo and furrowed my brows..

What… what…..

“Will you marry me, Janelle?.”he repeated and I opened my mouth to talk but couldn’t.

Didn’t Ren said he is involved in an accident and….

“Say yes yes say yes!!!.”I heard voices behind me and I turned around to see my colleagues at work.. including the chief.

Tell me this is a joke.

“C’mon!, you’re keeping the gentle man waiting. Just say yes already!.”

I heard Diana say.

“Is this a prank. You have no idea how shocked I was when I heard you’re involved in an accident.. what if I have died when rushing over here, huh?.”

“I had it all planned out. Now, will you marry me, please?.”he smiled.

I batted my lashes shyly and nodded.

“Yes.”I replied.

“Hmm?, I can’t hear you.”

“Yes, I will marry you, George.”I repeated and stretched my hand towards it and he slipped the ring inside my finger.

I covered my face with my palm and he stood up and pulled me in a hug and the people awnned..


The atmosphere was cool, all the grass in the compound seems greener, as if also in acknowledgement of the present event.

Inside the house, the maids are all moving around with plates, trays, carton of juices and wines.

They all arrived the day before with Beck.

Inside another room stood Gracia.

She seems to be thinking about something as she moved around.

The door suddenly opened with Evelyn coming in with a plate of berries.

“This day is sure going to be memorable. Have you seen the bride dress?. It was mwah!.”she beamed as she sat on the bed.

“Thank God Mrs McFarland deem it fit to bring some maids along, else, the work would have been tiring and, I wouldn’t be here by now discussing with you.”

“Oh.”was all Gracia muttered.

“What?, is that the only thing you’re going to say?.”Evelyn frowned.

And then, Gracia heaved and smiles.

Under the shade was Janelle as she sat back on the chair and watched the maids as they rubbed her skin with oil making it to glisten.

“This felt so good, Janelle. Everything!.”Diana chuckled beside her.


“The wedding is going to be one in the best. I mean, look at the people arriving in their different luxurious cars.

I can see Chinese, French, ooooh… see that Pakistan woman!.”she exclaimed as she pointed towards someone in the parking lots.


“Oh, God. Look at that Korean couples, they look so cute together!.”


“I heard the governor will be coming also. Your husband is really popular and wealthy.”


“And, guess what I heard. The great Collins is also coming. Oh, God. He’s my favorite singer. That guy has got it all… cuteness, sweet voice, perfect walking step… gosh…”


She suddenly turned to her and scoffed.

“What’s with that sigh?.”she asked angrily.

“You talk too much, Diana. Ren should just come and take you already.”Janelle finally spoke out.

Diana blushed and turned her face sideways.

Beck and Janelle’s mom stood in front of the kitchen, directing the maids that are coming in with foods and drinks.

George was with his friends in an hotel including Ren.

In the room where the bride’s dress was, an unknown lady walked to the bed where the cloth was laid down on and brought out a scissors then started cutting the dress into shreds.

After the maids were done oiling her skin, Janelle moved inside the room with some maids and as she saw the shredded cloth on her bed, her brows rose up in furrows and the maids behind her gasped.


It was almost time for the wedding to begin.

Different cars that were parked inside the garage started driving out, heading out to the hall the wedding will be taking place.

A truck arrived and Beck supervised the maids as they moved the food inside.

Soon, they all left for the ceremony..

In the hall, Pamela sat in a corner and smirked.

The pastor took the opening prayer and after that, the choirs sang the praise and worship.

The groom was already sitting down in front. His friends were sitting at his back.

The pastor beckoned on the bride not before ushering the groom to the aisle and after some minutes, the door sprawled open and the people all turned their heads to the direction.

She came in with her uncle, who walked her down the aisle since her father is dead.

Pamela shook in her seat as she saw her.

What the hell!!

She shouted in her head.

She looked around for her but she was no where in sight.

The bride came to stand beside her groom and he grinned as try stood facing each other.

She was looking gorgeous!.

She smiled back shyly and bent her head.

“GEORGE McFARLAND will you have this woman JANELLE BRIGHT as your wedded wife, to live together according to God’s ordinance in the Holy estate of matrimony? Will you Love her, comfort her, honour her and keep her in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, so long as you both shall live?.”

“I WILL And may God help me.”he responded.

“JANELLE BRIGHT Will you have this man GEORGE McFARLAND as your wedded husband, to live together according to God’s ordinance in the Holy estate of matrimony? Will you comfort him, honour him and keep him in sickness and in health;and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, so long as you both shall live?”he repeated.

“I Will and may God help me.”she responded.

The people clapped happily..

“Now, is there anyone that doesn’t want us to join GEORGE McFARLAND and JANELLE BRIGHT together to become a union? It’s would be better if the person say it now or remain silenced forever.”the pastor asked and u turned to the audience and the audience also looked around.

The pastor repeated it for the second and I glanced back again.

He asked for the third time, and then….


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