Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 potential ial trip to New York Lontlined my reasons for wanting to go, which alid. However, he countered with a point that gave me pine. He expressed concern that Stephande, currently in a relationships with Ryan, might eventually marry his This hypothetical scenario raised an important question if Ryan and Stephanie did marry, and if Jake and I also tied the knot later on, would I constantly need to accompany the children whenever they visited their father? This I found myself at a loss for an immediate response to Jake’s reasoning Consequently, I made the conscious decision to shelve the issue for the time being I fimly believe that we should address this matter when it becomes relevant. For now, I am definitely not going to overanalyze the situation “Are you feeling alright! Ryan’s concerned voice alimply brought me back from my wandering thoughts, disrupting the mental haze I found myself in “Liam has been nying in engage with you for a while now, but you haven’t seemed present” With a deliberate slowness, Elinkeil, refocusing my gaze downward to meet Liam’s expectant eyes. It was evident that my distraction. had left him feeling neglected “What were you saying, my love? I inquired tenderly, reaching down to affectionately cup his cheek before planting a gentle ki*s upon it, hoping to reassure him. Twas asking if we’re going to visit Aunt Becky, Liam repeated eagerly. “Indeed, we are.” I affirmed with a warm smile, prompting an immediate turned triumph toward has brothers, as if to say, “I told you so” It appeared they had been engaging in a debate about our destination. They kept insisting that we were only going to Daddy’s place.” “We’re headed over to my place, Ryan interjected. “We’ll be seeing Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Becky” My gare swiftly shifted to Ryan, eyebrows furrowing in surprise. “Your parents?” questioned, a line of tension evident in my voice, though I made a conscious elfort to keep it sulslued, not wanting the boys to pick up on my growing frustration Ryan simply nodded in response. “Yes, they’re aware of the boys, and Moin is particularly eager to meet them,” he explained casually, pulling out his tablet as if our conversation required only a fraction of his attention. “Don’t worry, Lily, It’s just a brief visit, a few hours at most. “Just to be clear, if they say anything that makes me uncomfortalde or try to undermine me in any way, I won’t hesitate to speak up,” I asserted firmly, ensuring Ryan understood my stance on the muller. He nodded once in agreement, his expression unrealalale. “That’s dine by me” he responded with a brief nod TheCopyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

remainder of the journey was filled with an unspoken tension, the silence punctuated only by the burn of the car’s engine until it finally came to a stop outside the familiar residence, a place I had once called home, Stepping out of the car, the staff promptly assisted with the suitcases, their movements ellicient and practiced. Meanwhile, I held onto Noah and Ethan, their small hands tightly gripping mine as we made our way towards the front door. “You can use the master bedroom, Ryan informed me as we entered the house and headed towards the living room. I blinked at him, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected offer. Why was he suggesting this now? “Remember, we converted it into an adjoining room for the baby nursery,” he continued, as if reading my thoughts. Tve already arranged three single beds for the kids in the adjoining room. It just makes sense for you to be close to them, especially since they’re in an unfamiliar environment. I make it easier for you to attend to them and for them to seek comfort from you.” That makes sense. “Thank you” I replied gratefully, though a slight pang of discomfort lingered beneath my gratitude. Even though I was already familiar with the environment, I found myself standing by the stairs, gesturing for Ryan to lead the way. It was my subtle way of conveying that, despite my familiarity, I felt like a visitor in this moment-and perhaps Talways would whenever I stopped by “You know where the master bedroom is. Lily,” Ryan responded to my silent cue, his tone tinged with a hint of exasperation. “This isn’t my house, Ryan, and courtesy demands that I let you take the lead,” I replied evenly, meeting his gaze head–on. He stared at me unblinkingly for a moment, then scoffed before taking Liam’s hand and leading him up the stairs. I silently followed behind with Noah and Ethan in tow. Ryan stopped at the familiar door, gesturing towards it. “This will be it. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes,” he informed us, planting a quick ki*s on the boys heads before walking away. It took us a good forty–five minutes to bnally make our way downstairs, as I had to take a quick shower and assist the nanny with the boys before heading down to join the rest of the household. As we entered the dining area, I couldn’t help but notice the table set with a delicious spread Glancing at Ryan, I inquired. “You remembered to exclude the cheese, right?” I wasn’t overly concerned about Liam’s allergy, knowing that Ryan’s chefs were well aware of it, considering his own similar trait. “Yeah, I made sure it was excluded,” Ryan confirmed with a nod. Senling into our seats, we all began to enjoy the meal. Surprisingly, the boys remained remarkably well–behaved,

much to my relief. However, av 1 ate, I couldn’t shake off the sensation of being watched. Raising my head, I caught Ryan’s gaze fixed on me. I tilted my head in a questioning gesture. “What is it?” I asked, curious about the sad smile playing on his lips. “This,” he murmured softly, his expression wistful. This is what my family could have been like if I hadn’t messed things up.” “The deed has already been done, and it’s best if you learn to move past it.” I gently advised, offering him a reassuring smile. “Instead of dwelling on regrets, focus your energy on the boundless love you have to offer these little boys” His unexpected question caught me off guard, causing a momentary pause in our conversation. “What if I don’t want to?” he asked. I raised an eyebrow in surprise at his response. “You don’t want to what? Channel your energy into loving your sons?” I asked, feeling a pang of concern. If he wasn’t willing to commit to that, then perhaps our presence in New York, under his roof, was indeed questionable. He quickly corrected himself, his voice softening. “Moving past it,” he clarified. “What if I don’t want to move past the idea of what we could have been as a happy family? What if I want to work towards turning that idea into a tangible reality?” Dumbfounded by the sudden shift in conversation, I returned my attention to my food, feeling a sense of frustration bubbling within me. “You can’t have your cake and eat it too, Ryan,” I remarked quietly, the words heavy with implication. I think it’s best we finish our meal in silence” The


remainder of the dinner passed in somber quietness. Once the meal was over, the boys expressed a desire to watch a movie, and Ryan suggested I join them. However, feeling drained and weary, I politely declined. I couldn’t comprehend how they all seemed so energetic while I felt utterly

exhausted and longing for sleep. Please tuck them in after the movie, I requested sofily as I ki*sed each of the boys on the cheek, bidding them goodnight before retreating to my bedroom to seek some much–needed rest. The following morning. I took my time getting the boys ready for the day ahead, methodically ensuring they were dressed and prepared for the upcoming board meeting. Meanwhile, I had already dressed myself in a striking red suit, complete with a matching. shirt and a pair of red bottom heels, a deliberate choice to exude confidence and professionalism Ryan entered the room, looking equally polished and ready for the day. A smile spread across his face as he complimented my appearance. “You look dashing,” he remarked warmly. “Thank you,” I replied, feeling a flicker of appreciation for his kind words. Squatting down to the boys‘ level, Ryan began to explain the day’s plans in terms they could easily grasp. “Daddy is taking all of us to work because I want you to meet the people I work with,” he explained gently. The boys nodded eagerly, their excitement evident, which elicited a chuckle from Ryan as he affectionately ruffled their hair. Rising to his feet, he turned to me with a serious expression. “My father will be there,” he informed me, his tone tinged with a hint of warning. “Please ignore any snarky remarks he makes in that room.” “Why should I ignore it?” I countered, feeling a surge e of defance. “If he comes at me in front of people I don’t know and cameras, I’m not going to hold back.” Biting his lower lip, Ryan nodded, his expression conflicted. “I think you’re misunderstanding me. I’m not telling you not to stand up for yourself,” he clarified, his tone earnest. “All I’m saying is that it might be best not to engage with him. He knows how to twist words to make you look like the bad guy, especially in front of those who are inclined to listen. So, I think it’s in our best interest not to give him the satisfaction.” 1 straightened my posture. Im not the same Lily they used to trample over,” I asserted firmly. “Let’s just get this over and done with.” 曲

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