Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 KYAN The feistiness in Lism is someting I am going to prutert treat them like this, then he deserves every bit of attitude be any reason. If he is going to it, cold Lily tried to encourage him to go say hello, but I interpersed if he doesnt fel like then leave him be “Ly ded Father cleared his throat, clearly upset about L glass on the small table beside him and took a sp. ehaviour but can’t do do you think ahe . He reached for porch Vidi spending their holidays bere with your © Tve come to the decision that they will be spending the holidays with me” I informed him with a restor isti’t up for update “However, I’m open to the idea of arranging a vist, perhaps for a day or two, to spend some time with them.” that you bod be He fed me with a penetrating stare, attempting to assert his authority, but I remained unmoved and unaffected by his atten intimidate. “It will require far more than a mere two days to counteract the sillines sharply, his tone dripping with disdain Lily, unable to tolerate his disrespect, swiftly came to her defense. “I beg your pardon,” she hissed with unhidden anger, her eyes flashing with indignation. “You would do well to choose your words more carefully, sir. I refuse to stand by and allow you to speak to me and my children in such a disrespectful manner” He arched a questioning brow at her, his voice dripping with contempt. “Why do you look so offended he rasped his tone laced with disdain. “Surely, you don’t need to be reminded that you’ve failed to raise these kids to the standards of the gesture, he uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny. They need to be groomed the Williams, and only then can we discuss the possibility of my son having full custody over them.” think and behave “That’s enough” I interjected sharply, rising to my feet and straightening my shirt, my indignation boiling over. It’s abundantly dear that you have no interest in having us here or getting to know your own grandchildren” “Why?” he dared to ask. his gave fixed on me with lazy indifference. “Because I suggested custody of kids that was hidden—” mething as sensible as you having total Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off, unwilling to entertain any further disrespect “I said that’s enough!” I yelled, my voice ringing out in the room, undoubtedly startling the kids. I would rather startle them than have my father reveal to them that their mother hid them from me. As I said, we will take our Lily wasted no time in standing up, not waiting for any further discussion. Mum followed suit, her glare now directed at my father “What is wrong with you, Richard? Can’t you save thisNôvelDrama.Org owns this.

convenation for when the kids are not around?” the chided him, her tone tinged with disappointment. “It’s best they know what’s going on too,” my father retorted stubbomly. This man has truly lost it Mur turned to me with an apologetic smile “Please forgive your father for his shortsightedness, she implored, her tone softening How about we have dinner before you leave? her suggestion was a feeble attempt to salvage the situation, but I couldn’t help feeling a pang of irritation at the thought of prolonging our stay in this tense atmosphere Burying my hands in my pockets, I tilted my head in contemplation. Dinner with this type of compensation?” I shook my head in disbelief. “I’d rather take my family somewhere fancy and let them have dinner in peace.” My mother took a hesitant step forward, her eyes pleading with me to reconsider. “I promise that your father will not bring this up at the table,” she assured me earnestly I knew she didn’t have the power to control what my father might bring up, but I allowed her to hold onto her hopeful delusion. Turning to Lily, I silently sought her input, and she nodded in agreement. “Fine,” I relented, “we’ll stay for dinner.” My mother’s face lit up with gratitude. “Thank you so much she exclaimed. But as her gaze shifted to Lily. I noticed her smile transition from genuine to forced. “Could you help me set the table?” she asked, her tone somewhat strained. “I don’t think so,” I interjected firmly, addressing my mother. “We have enough domestic staff to handle that,” I added pointedly, ensuring she didn’t miss the subtle message. “Lily is your guest today, so she has no business helping you set the table” Lily cleared her throat, drawing my attention to her. She shook her head gently. “I don’t mind helping” she insisted, gesturing towards the boys. Please keep them company” Her implication was clear don’t leave them alone with your father Watching Lily and my mother leave the study, I let out a sigh of relief Squatting down to the boys level, I smiled warmly at them “How about I show you around the house?” I suggested. “Yes” they exclaimed eagerly, their eyes lighting up with excitement Feeling content that my father hadn’t succeeded in dampening their spirits By the tune I finished showing the boys around the house, dinner was served, and we all sat down to eat in a tense silence. My father. unable to simply enjoy the meal without stirring up trouble, firoached a topic that I absolutely did not want to discuss in front of Lily. “Is that child really yours?” he asked abruptly, his words cutting through the quiet air “Stephanie’s parents may have been good friends to our family, but I want to be sure that the baby is really yours” My grip on my fork tightened, frustration bubbling

beneath the surface. “Can we not talk about this right now? I pleaded, my voice strained with irritation. “Why?” he pressed, his cunduty evident. “Because your ex–wife is here?” Deciding that ignoring him might be the best course of action, I remained silent, pretending as though his words hadn’t even reached my ears “You don’t need to be shy about discussing your relationship in front of her son, especially considering she’s engaged to another man,” my father persisted, his words like a knife twisting in my gut. “Can you please just f@cking shut it?” I hissed, immediately regretting my outburst as I realized I had used a swear word in front of my Rubbing my hands down my face, I tried to calm myself, forcing myself to breathe t

hrough the anger and frustration. Corning here had been a mistake. “I think it’s time we left, Lily spoke up. Looking up. I wholeheartedly agreed with her. “Yes, we should,” I agreed, grateful for her suggestion. “The boys are tired from the day’s activities and need to rest. With that, I rose from my seat and helped Erluan out of his chair, while Lily assisted Liam and Noah. It was time to put an end to this uncomfortabile evening and retreat to the comfort of our own space. “Thank you for the dinner, Sarah,” Lily expressed her gratitude to my mother. “We really enjoyed it” My mother rose from her seat and hugged the boys tightly before we made our way out of the house, escaping the oppressive atmosphere. We climbed into our car and drove away, the tension slowly dying away with each passing mile. Halfway into the ride, the boys succumbed to sleep, their breathing steady and peaceful. “What did you and Mum talk about?” I inquired. In the kitchen, I mean. What was the conversation about? It wouldn’t be out of character for my mother to say hurtful things to Lily, It seemed as though Jake wasn’t the only obstacle I faced on the path to reconciling with Lily. “We didn’t discuss anything you need to worry about, Lily replied, her attention focused on her phone screen. “I can handle your parents just fine. Her words were confident, but I couldn’t shake off the

unease that lingered within me. I didn’t press further, respecting Lily’s privacy. Instead, I pulled out my phone and immersed myself in work–related matters during the ride home. Upon our arrival, I assisted Lily in tucking one of the boys into bed. However, as I made my way to my bedroom. I encountered Angelo. He glanced around cautiously before leaning in to whisper to me. I have some troubling information about Jake.” Instantly, my brows furrowed in concern. “Do I need to pry it out of you?” I questioned, my tone serious, Angelo chuckled softly. “I don’t think this is the appropriate place to discuss it. Lily wouldn’t be pleased if she found out you had her fiancé investigated.” He had a point. “Meet me in my office.”

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