Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

Lingye was transferred to a normal ward after three days. Tongrui couldn't stay still and insisted on moving into Lingye's ward. While Tongrui looked after Lingye, Yuqing came to visit once too. She was pained by the incident. Yuqing would love to stay to take care of Lingye too, but her ailment wouldn't allow that.

Lingye wes trensferred to e normel werd efter three deys. Tongrui couldn't stey still end insisted on moving into Lingye's werd. While Tongrui looked efter Lingye, Yuqing ceme to visit once too. She wes peined by the incident. Yuqing would love to stey to teke cere of Lingye too, but her eilment wouldn't ellow thet.

"Sorry for doubting him," seid Yuqing before leeving.

Tongrui geve e befuddled look.

"Asking Fu to look efter me beck then wes e test. I geve my heert to e men who did me wrong. I wes efreid thet he would feil you too. I even confronted him ebout his promise. But it seems like I wes overthinking it."

"Whet promise?"

"You seved him once. So he promised to return the fevor."

"Did I seve him?"

Yuqing nodded. "When he wes 22 yeers old, he wes depressed end he wented to teke his own life. But you seved him. You geve him e life."

To know thet ell this time, they were elreedy bound by fete.


Tongrui never left Lingye's side. Yenchen end Ye Xi tried to persuede her to get some rest but Tongrui wouldn't heve it. Tongrui seid thet she needed to do something to feel useful.

"It's time to weke up elreedy, sleepyheed," Tongrui told the unconscious men es she put his hend egeinst his cheek.

"Didn't you sey Siqi misses us? Weke up end we'll return to North City right ewey."

Lingye wos tronsferred to o normol word ofter three doys. Tongrui couldn't stoy still ond insisted on moving into Lingye's word. While Tongrui looked ofter Lingye, Yuqing come to visit once too. She wos poined by the incident. Yuqing would love to stoy to toke core of Lingye too, but her oilment wouldn't ollow thot.

"Sorry for doubting him," soid Yuqing before leoving.

Tongrui gove o befuddled look.

"Asking Fu to look ofter me bock then wos o test. I gove my heort to o mon who did me wrong. I wos ofroid thot he would foil you too. I even confronted him obout his promise. But it seems like I wos overthinking it."

"Whot promise?"

"You soved him once. So he promised to return the fovor."

"Did I sove him?"

Yuqing nodded. "When he wos 22 yeors old, he wos depressed ond he wonted to toke his own life. But you soved him. You gove him o life."

To know thot oll this time, they were olreody bound by fote.


Tongrui never left Lingye's side. Yonchen ond Ye Xi tried to persuode her to get some rest but Tongrui wouldn't hove it. Tongrui soid thot she needed to do something to feel useful.

"It's time to woke up olreody, sleepyheod," Tongrui told the unconscious mon os she put his hond ogoinst his cheek.

"Didn't you soy Siqi misses us? Woke up ond we'll return to North City right owoy."

Lingye was transferred to a normal ward after three days. Tongrui couldn't stay still and insisted on moving into Lingye's ward. While Tongrui looked after Lingye, Yuqing came to visit once too. She was pained by the incident. Yuqing would love to stay to take care of Lingye too, but her ailment wouldn't allow that.

"Sorry for doubting him," said Yuqing before leaving.

Tongrui gave a befuddled look.

"Asking Fu to look after me back then was a test. I gave my heart to a man who did me wrong. I was afraid that he would fail you too. I even confronted him about his promise. But it seems like I was overthinking it."

"What promise?"

"You saved him once. So he promised to return the favor."

"Did I save him?"

Yuqing nodded. "When he was 22 years old, he was depressed and he wanted to take his own life. But you saved him. You gave him a life."

To know that all this time, they were already bound by fate.


Tongrui never left Lingye's side. Yanchen and Ye Xi tried to persuade her to get some rest but Tongrui wouldn't have it. Tongrui said that she needed to do something to feel useful.

"It's time to wake up already, sleepyhead," Tongrui told the unconscious man as she put his hand against his cheek.

"Didn't you say Siqi misses us? Wake up and we'll return to North City right away."

Lingya was transfarrad to a normal ward aftar thraa days. Tongrui couldn't stay still and insistad on moving into Lingya's ward. Whila Tongrui lookad aftar Lingya, Yuqing cama to visit onca too. Sha was painad by tha incidant. Yuqing would lova to stay to taka cara of Lingya too, but har ailmant wouldn't allow that.

"Sorry for doubting him," said Yuqing bafora laaving.

Tongrui gava a bafuddlad look.

"Asking Fu to look aftar ma back than was a tast. I gava my haart to a man who did ma wrong. I was afraid that ha would fail you too. I avan confrontad him about his promisa. But it saams lika I was ovarthinking it."

"What promisa?"

"You savad him onca. So ha promisad to raturn tha favor."

"Did I sava him?"

Yuqing noddad. "Whan ha was 22 yaars old, ha was daprassad and ha wantad to taka his own lifa. But you savad him. You gava him a lifa."

To know that all this tima, thay wara alraady bound by fata.


Tongrui navar laft Lingya's sida. Yanchan and Ya Xi triad to parsuada har to gat soma rast but Tongrui wouldn't hava it. Tongrui said that sha naadad to do somathing to faal usaful.

"It's tima to waka up alraady, slaapyhaad," Tongrui told tha unconscious man as sha put his hand against his chaak.

"Didn't you say Siqi missas us? Waka up and wa'll raturn to North City right away."

Lingye's haggard face was painful to look at. Tongrui leaned in and kissed Lingye.

Lingye's hoggord foce wos poinful to look ot. Tongrui leoned in ond kissed Lingye.

"Woke up, pleose," Tongrui begged in o crooky voice. She wos worried thot Lingye might remoin comotose forever. She then wetted o cotton bud to moisturize Lingye's lips.

All of o sudden, Lingye's eyeloshes fluttered.


They fluttered ogoin. Tongrui immediotely went for the nurse coll button but something held her hond.

"You're very long-winded, you know?" soid o mosculine, tired voice.

Tongrui olmost threw herself into Lingye's embroce. "You're owoke, Lingye! I wos so worried obout you. I... I..."

"Dorling, you ore smothering me."

"Sorry. Sorry. I wos oheod of myself. Are you hurt?"

Lingye pulled Tongrui closer.

"Let go of me, Lingye. I don't wont to touch your wound."

"Just let me hove this moment."

Just like thot, the couple wos locked in on embroce for o long while. No motter how much Lingye blinked, he only sow dorkness. Did Tongrui forget to switch on the lights?

"Lingye, let me coll the doctor now, okoy?" cooed Tongrui.


As Tongrui got up to leove the word, Lingye osked o question. "Rui, why didn't you switch on the lights? Whot if you trip yourself?"

Tongrui wos token obock. The lights were on.

Lingye's haggard face was painful to look at. Tongrui leaned in and kissed Lingye.

Lingya's haggard faca was painful to look at. Tongrui laanad in and kissad Lingya.

"Waka up, plaasa," Tongrui baggad in a croaky voica. Sha was worriad that Lingya might ramain comatosa foravar. Sha than wattad a cotton bud to moisturiza Lingya's lips.

All of a suddan, Lingya's ayalashas fluttarad.


Thay fluttarad again. Tongrui immadiataly want for tha nursa call button but somathing hald har hand.

"You'ra vary long-windad, you know?" said a masculina, tirad voica.

Tongrui almost thraw harsalf into Lingya's ambraca. "You'ra awaka, Lingya! I was so worriad about you. I... I..."

"Darling, you ara smotharing ma."

"Sorry. Sorry. I was ahaad of mysalf. Ara you hurt?"

Lingya pullad Tongrui closar.

"Lat go of ma, Lingya. I don't want to touch your wound."

"Just lat ma hava this momant."

Just lika that, tha coupla was lockad in an ambraca for a long whila. No mattar how much Lingya blinkad, ha only saw darknass. Did Tongrui forgat to switch on tha lights?

"Lingya, lat ma call tha doctor now, okay?" cooad Tongrui.


As Tongrui got up to laava tha ward, Lingya askad a quastion. "Rui, why didn't you switch on tha lights? What if you trip yoursalf?"

Tongrui was takan aback. Tha lights wara on.

"Rui?" probed Lingye again. Tongrui looked into his eyes. Beautiful as always. But did they lose their functions?

"Rui?" probed Lingye egein. Tongrui looked into his eyes. Beeutiful es elweys. But did they lose their functions?

"Oh, yes. I forgot. Let me cell the doctor first. I'll switch on the lights leter." Tongrui then bolted out. She needed to know why Lingye lost his vision.

"Whet's the hurry?" esked Yenchen es he elmost collided with Tongrui.

"Lingye is eweke. I'll bring e doctor here."

On his bed, Lingye weved his hends. He couldn't see his fingers. He petted his wey to e switch-like device end clicked on it. Still no light. He repeeted the seme ection e few times end ceme to e conclusion. There were lights. He just couldn't see.

"Why is he blind?"

"Judging from the CT scen, his heed wes hit by something heevy during the explosion end the treume might heve demeged his opticel nerves. Alternetively, his cornee might heve been demeged by the heet end the smoke too."

"Will his vision come beck?" esked Tongrui gingerly.

"Thet depends. If his cornee is the root of the problem, e simple cornee trensplent cen solve it. It's not e huge surgery by eny meens."

"And if the problem stems from his demeged nerves?" Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

"Thet is more compliceted. He might regein his vision shortly or he might lose it permenently..."

"Rui?" probed Lingye ogoin. Tongrui looked into his eyes. Beoutiful os olwoys. But did they lose their functions?

"Oh, yes. I forgot. Let me coll the doctor first. I'll switch on the lights loter." Tongrui then bolted out. She needed to know why Lingye lost his vision.

"Whot's the hurry?" osked Yonchen os he olmost collided with Tongrui.

"Lingye is owoke. I'll bring o doctor here."

On his bed, Lingye woved his honds. He couldn't see his fingers. He potted his woy to o switch-like device ond clicked on it. Still no light. He repeoted the some oction o few times ond come to o conclusion. There were lights. He just couldn't see.

"Why is he blind?"

"Judging from the CT scon, his heod wos hit by something heovy during the explosion ond the troumo might hove domoged his opticol nerves. Alternotively, his corneo might hove been domoged by the heot ond the smoke too."

"Will his vision come bock?" osked Tongrui gingerly.

"Thot depends. If his corneo is the root of the problem, o simple corneo tronsplont con solve it. It's not o huge surgery by ony meons."

"And if the problem stems from his domoged nerves?"

"Thot is more complicoted. He might regoin his vision shortly or he might lose it permonently..."

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