
57. Doomed!

Bella’s POV


I grinned looking at Raan who came here to pick me with her bodyguard.

“How did you managed to sneak out…”

She looked at me like I have grown two horns.


I scratched my head with nervous chuckle.

“Well I am gonna get it for this…”

“I can imagine him releasing smoke with ears like cartoon character.”

She laughed.

“You have got some balls…”

She patted my back.

“Let’s go Simon…”

She looked at her bodyguard.

I swear Alex is going to punish me for this but it’s fun and unfair too.

He can’t stop me like I am toddler. I want to go to the shopping that too Christmas. It’s so much fun.


I gasped when my phone rang.

“Fuck fuck fuck…”

“Alex… Isn’t it?”

Raan widened her eyes.

“I won’t be surprise if he send his whole gang behind us.”

“He will?”

I gulped.


She shrugged.

“Miss… I still think that we shouldn’t take her without his permission…”

Her bodyguard said with disapproving tone.

“Don’t worry… I won’t let him kill you”

Raan assured him.

“We have my mother’s permission and she told me to take Bella with me.”

“She did”

I asked with smile.

“Yepp and she wants all of us to stay together in Christmas vacation unless you have different plans with your boyfriend.”

She smiled.

“No we don’t have any plans… It will be so fun to stay with everyone…”

I exclaimed.

She looked at me with different expressions which I assumed wasn’t bad.

We stopped by the shopping mall.

“Wow Raan… It’s too big…”

I said getting out of the car.

We entered inside and each and every staff started greeting her.

“Why they are acting like you are their boss”

I asked.

“Because I am”

She chuckled.

“No way… Rally?… It’s your shopping mall..”

I gasped.


She grinned.

“I have my own chain of shopping malls… Dad wanted me to handle his business but i wanted to do something of mine… So i started fashion designing of course it wouldn’t be possible without dad…”

“You are so lucky to have father him”

I smiled hiding my pain.

She threw her arm over my shoulder.

“He is now your father too…”

“He hates me”

I sighed.

“My cat ruined his suit.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“He can’t hate you, babe… Bet on it.”

She laughed.

I was surprised with the stuff Raan purchased. All decoration items and gift for her friends and family and what not.

“I also want to buy gifts for everyone… It’s my first Christmas with all of you.”

I said and she gave me sweet smile.

Raan helped me to buy gifts.

I got perfume for Maa.

Handbag for Raan.

New book series for Jasmine, she is a bookworm. She will love it.

“What are you buying for Alex and dad…”

She asked curiously.

“It’s a surprise…”

I grinned evilly.

We were about to leave but i remembered something.

“Raan can we buy something for Grace too… She will be with us right”

Raan dropped her smile.

“I don’t know Bella… It’s complicated… I don’t think Dom will allow her.”

“He is not her owner for fuck sake…”

I tried to control my anger.

“She deserve to be happy… He has made her miserable enough…”

“Yeah, i agree… Dom is being cruel…”

She snapped her fingers and looked at me with evil grin.

“You are right let’s buy something for her too… I’ll find the way to reach her.”

We finally finished our shopping and went home.

I have switched off my phone, i don’t know what Alex is going to do with me.

I think I should have buy more gifts for him.

God save me.

We were shocked when we saw Grace with Maa.

We wanted to ask more about it but situation was little tensed so we dropped it.

Grace was looking scared too.

Maa left us Alone after that and we tried to make Grace comfortable with us. After long conversation she finally started smiling and talking.

It feels good to see her smile.

I thought she is younger than me but actually she is Older and smart. She just looks young.

But her smile died down when Dominick appeared out of nowhere.

Things was about to get messy. I was so engulfed by the drama that i didn’t see my own doom storming in.

Alex entered mad as fuck. His eyes met mine and i almost stopped breathing.

Everyone looked at me when i suddenly screamed.

“Where is Maa?”

I asked in panick.

“Why, what happened?”

Grace asked.

“He is here.”

I Panicked and everyone looked at me confused.


Mad Alexander stormed in.

“You better get your ass here right now”

I started running towards his mother’s bedroom but Alexander easily caught me. His large hands are hard to escape.

“You little brat… You are going to pay for it.”

He gritted.

“Alex leave her.”

Finally fucking finally maa yelled while coming downstairs.

I bit on his arm making his grip loose and hid behind her.

“Ask her what did she do before running here?”

Alexander said madly and i looked down guilty.

“Bella what did you do, why is he so mad?”

She asked.

“He wasn’t allowing me to come here, so I locked him in his study room and came here.”

I confessed.

“He always boss me around.”

“I said wait until I finish my fucking work…”

He growled.

Everyone started laughing at us.

“One minute, what are you doing here?”

Alexander frowned at Dominick.

Okay he is getting distracted. But soon he was done dealing with his brother and looked at me.

I sneaked behind his mother’s back.

“Alex don’t touch her… I am warning you”

She warned him.

I felt relieved when he nodded. His mother walked back to her room and his smile turned evil.



He smirked.

I tried to run but he grabbed me and threw me on his shoulder. He spanked my ass before i scream.

“Scream and see what happens”

He Warned.

I am doomed!

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