
72. Moving on!

Bella’s POV

It’s been month i have locked myself in the room. Feeling guilty that i spent it sleeping the whole day and night, i couldn’t force myself to do anything.

Valentino tried to make me do things, to get me out of the room but i wasn’t in the condition nor in mood. Even if i have agreed to stay with him, i couldn’t call him father. I just can’t, i need time.

I looked at the piles of books and magazines which he gave me to read. Pens and paints with blank paper to entertain myself. Mobile, TV, laptop everything. I didn’t touch anything.

Today i got periods, telling me that i am no longer pregnant. I couldn’t protect my child. I am angry with myself. I should have been careful while running.

Sometimes Alexander’s words mocks me.

‘you are not ready for the child’

May be he was right, i was irresponsible.

I am missing him but I won’t forgive him for whatever he has done. Hiding things, controlling everything and Dominating my life. If he would have accepted our child, things would have been different now.

I don’t think i can go back to him. Death of my baby will always keep me away from him. His face will remind me of it. I can’t trust the man who hid big secret from me.

I expected better from him. He promised he will be different but i was wrong. He can’t change. He can’t change his ways.

I thought running away from those people and house will help with the pain but i was wrong, i am drown in depression and sadness.

What happened to me? What happened to my life? I never felt so soulless before.

I lost my baby, the love of my life, the family who loved me, lost my sister…

Am i stupid to care for them. Jasmine betrayed me, Alex betrayed me… My own life has betrayed me. At every step i faced betrayal.

I don’t know how i am going to get out of this mess but i have to. I can’t waste my life like this.

I will live my life on my own terms, not with the help of anyone. I won’t let anyone Dominate it.

Enough is enough!

Knock on the door dragged me out of my thoughts. Valentino came inside, as always with the plate of food.

“Good afternoon… Lunch time”

He said with smile. This man is changing my perception about him. Doing funny things, cracking jokes to make me laugh, encouraging me to feel better.

It only proves he is nice and how wrong Alex is about him. I shouldn’t have trust him blindly.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Thank you”

I took the plate from him.

“Umm actually i was thinking we should go out on a date”

He said.


I looked at him confused.

“Yes… Father and daughter date…”

He suggested.

“It’s been while i have eaten out… Doctors doesn’t allow me but fuck it, who cares… I sleep with death…”

I gave him sheepish smile.


“Oh come on don’t say that it will be fun”

May be he didn’t realize that i agreed. Expected, because i always turn him down.

“Wait, what? You said yes?”

I nodded.


“Yes… Finally”

He exclaimed with happiness.

“I will get the best dress for you… My daughter is princess and she should look like one.”

“Simple is better… Please”

I am in no mood to go all fancy. I just want to go out, it’s been while. I hope it helps me with my mental health.

“Whatever you say…”

He agreed.

“What do want to eat? Italian, Chinese, Mexican, African, Arabian… Just name it…”

I smiled at his excitement. I don’t know i have tried these before, taste didn’t fascinate me. It feels so regular. I want to eat something else other than noodles, cheese, pasta n bread. I am tired of eating it. If i am not wrong Valentino was feeding me all these whole month, different dish every time to increase my appetite.

“I think you have already feed me these dishes…”

He pouted.

“Yes… I could find only these chef”

“Can we eat Indian food?”

I asked. I am missing it.

He thought for a second.

“It’s not gentle for my Italian stomach but if you want then we’ll go… I’ll book the table.”

“It’s not that spicy…”

I argued.


He chuckled.

“But darling i have sweet tooth… Anyway i am so happy that you are ready to come out…”

“I am thinking of joining the college again…”

I informed.

“You don’t have to worry about that… You need rest…”

He said.

“I am fine now and It will distract me… I can’t sit here my all life…”

I sighed.

“I have to move on…”

“I am so happy to hear it… No problem, do whatever makes you happy.”

He patted my head.

This is what I was missing. This understanding, this tenderness, this fatherly love which is also giving me friendship. He feels more like my friend than a father.

“You want to go to the shopping after dinner… I heard shopping is a stress booster.”

He suggested.

“You are making holes in your pocket.”

I replied.

“Don’t worry about it… All my money is yours…”

He smiled.

“Just live your life that’s what I want.

I don’t know how to react on that. He is being too good and my life has never given me something good permanently. Eventually it gets snatched away.

He left after that and after lunch i decided to take shower. I need to take care of my body, the least i can do is look like a girl before going out.

I got ready for the evening. It was simple maroon gown and fabric was comfortable. I tied my curls in half bun and wore heels.

I don’t have a makeup so i skipped it, not that i would have done it if i had product. As i said, simple, the better.

I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes stopped on my belly.

Don’t think about it…

Don’t think about it…

Don’t think about it…

Don’t want to cry now. It’s okay… Let it go.

“Ready, sweetheart…”

I heard him from the room.

I got out from the closest and he gave me dramatic gasp.

“God save the boys who will glance at my beautiful daughter… You are looking so gorgeous…”

I know i am looking very basic but i appreciate his attempt to make me feel confident.

“Let’s go…”

I haven’t really paid interest in the surroundings. His house is beautiful. Shiny tiles and expensive paintings were expected. But it has impressive interior.

He drove to the restaurant. We had dinner together while making small talks. I was nervous to come out after almost a month but nerve settled down after some time.

“”So what do you have in mind… I don’t want to be a typical father but what do you want to do after completing your education…”

He asked.

“You do sound like a typical father…”

I looked at him.

“I want to open a cafe… Not up to your expectations i know but it was my dream…”

Our dream… Jasmine’s and mine.


He nodded.

“Open franchise of it instead…”

“Don’t have the capital..”

I shrugged.

“It was the plan but after becoming successful with one cafe…”

“Don’t worry about the capital… Your father is fucking mafia…”

He said proudly.

“It’s not something to be proud of…”

I rolled my eyes.

“Yes but i have money and you have the plan… There is nothing to wait for…”

He shrugged.

Jasmine! There is something to wait for.

Will we overcome our differences? Will it be like before? I don’t know.

I can’t be like before. I just can’t.

“We’ll see… One thing at a time… I don’t want to burden myself…”

I trailed off.


He nodded in understanding.

“I need to use washroom…”

I said standing up.

“Okay, I’ll pay the bill and will get the car… Come outside, okay?”

He said and i nodded.

I went to the washroom and finished my business when i came out i saw Maa. I shouldn’t be surprised seeing her in Indian restaurant.


She looked at me worried.

I smiled at her. She is the most loving and caring woman i have seen in my life. I can’t avoid her no matter what’s my relationship status with Alex.


She gave me gentle hug which was full of love.

“How are you doing now?… Are you okay?”


I replied.

“I am not taking about just body, honey.”

She said and i looked down.

Body? Yes… Mind? No!

“We miss you”

She caressed my head.

“It’s good to see you that you are finally coming out… I am proud of you for standing up for yourself… I know how hard it is to make decisions in these situations…”

“Thank you… It wasn’t possible without your support…”

I replied. It’s true. I doubt Alex would have let me go if it wasn’t for her.

“Bella i know may be it’s not the right time but I want to invite you to the party…”

She said.


I asked confused.

“Yes… Holi party, we talked that day… Remember. It was really tough time for all of us so i decided to make it happen… At least it will lighten the mood.”

She said.

Alex will be there… No! I can’t go. I am not ready to face him.

“I don’t think i should be there…”

I apologized.

“Alex probably won’t be there… He has moved back to his house again… He hardly talks to anyone. Besides that Massimo wants you to come, he miss your chaos…”

She replied and furrowed my eyebrows.

“He does?”

It’s hard to believe.

“Yes… You should have seen him in the hospital… He was really worried for you…”

She sighed.

“Bella you shouldn’t be afraid of facing anyone, you weren’t wrong. Be proud of yourself, not scared. Anyway… I won’t force you, i completely understand… But please try to come…”

I nodded and she left after that.

Alex moved back?

I shook my head, don’t think about him.

I went back to home. Debating if i should go there or not. She was right, i have nothing to fear. He was wrong not me.


I sighed looking at the collage campus. News about our breakup has been spread so i expected these glances and gossiping but i ignored everyone.

“Hey Bella…”

I looked over my shoulder while closing the door of my locker.

The fuckboy of our class.

“Actually there is a party tonight… Just for fun… Everyone from our class is coming. You are invited too…”

I know his intentions. He just wants to get into my pants. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself, he had done it with almost every girl of our class.

“I am sorry Carl… I am busy tonight.”

I started to leave.

“Why so attitude man, Her big man has already used and throw her… Looks like she is still in dreams…”

I heard him laughing with his friends but decided to ignore. I don’t care what they think about me.

“You think Alexander will be happy with your words boy…”

My head snapped towards the voice.


I frowned at him.

What is he doing in campus?

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