
80. Russian mafia!

Bella’s POV

I tried to calm my breathing as i blinked my eyes to see my surroundings. It’s dark with one dim light hanging on the ceiling.

Where the fuck i am!

Last thing I remember getting dragged out of the car by two men. Gun shots and yelling of my father.

It’s not giving me good signals, i am in deep shit. I don’t know for how much time i was blacked out.

I rubbed my hands on my arms, it’s too cold and i am wearing nothing but spaghetti top and shorts. It’s smelling weird like fungus and wet walls. It’s making me nauseous.

I quickly closed my eyes when someone switched on the lights. I am in fucking basement. Similar kind of place where i once saw Alex torturing that man.

” , ” (She is awake, inform the boss.)

Man who was standing in front of me in black suit said.

I didn’t understand anything, he is not speaking Italian at least i can tell that.

“Who are you?”

I asked standing up. Fuck! My legs are numb. How long i was passed out.

” .” (Alexander definitely have good taste in women.)

His lustful eyes traveled on my body, specially chest and hips.

“Who the fuck are you?”

I yelled.

“Keep your fucking month shut”

He grabbed fistful of my hair making me scream in pain. He is literally ripping it.

“Or else i will make good use of it…”

I shuttered when his wet lips touched my neck.


With all my power i kicked between his legs.

“! !” (Fuck! Whore!)

He cursed something.

I didn’t wait for a second and started running. Metal door was open, may be he thought that i will be too weak to run.

I blinked my eyes in bright lights when i came out of the basement. It’s dark outside and no one is here. Where the fuck i am?

I heard his groan behind me and adrenaline rushed in my body. I started running wherever my legs took me. I almost slipped on the shiny floor but didn’t stop.

I almost cried when I saw him following me with two more men. If they catch me, i am dead.

I saw big door in front of me. I don’t know what is it. If it’s way to my freedom or something else.

I highly doubt that it will be unguarded but i have to try.

If this is the house of my kidnapper why would he let me run so easily. Why is this place under guarded? Is it a trap?

I was about to open the door, was few inch away from my freedom when i was jerked back with strong pull.

Loud gasp escaped my lips when someone swirled me around and i collided with something hard and strong. Alluring smell of spices and leather invaded my senses. But it didn’t calm me, it scared me more.

I looked up to find amused grey eyes looking at me. Sharp jaw, pointed nose, light stubble and raven black hair. Evilness is dripping from his face. He is tall so tall that i am not even reaching to his chest. Broad and strong chest which almost felt like a wall when i collided with him.

“I don’t understand if i should call you brave or stupid to think that you can escape from Russian mafia’s clutches…”

He said in his thick accent.

My eyes widened! I am in Russia. That explains the harsh, cold weather. Why he has kidnapped me? I remember Alex saying that he fucked up with Russians.

Oh god!

I tried to struggle but his steel grip is painful on my arm.


I flinched at his growl.

“Who was on the guard?”

He looked at men who were chasing me.

The man i kicked in the balls came forward.

“You couldn’t handle one little girl…”

He glared at him.

Next thing i know his body on the floor in his own pool of blood and i screamed.

He killed that man because he couldn’t stop me.

I froze. I couldn’t even blink.

“You see Bella”

His dark and deep voice made me shiver.

“I don’t like disobedience… I hate it…”

His thick Russian accent is making it more scary.

“So i expect you to obey… Because your fucking mafia prince can’t save you from me.”

My eyes followed the dead body as his own friends dragged it away leaving thick line of blood behind.

My stomach twisted in ugly knots before i puked on the shiny marble floor.

” ” (Fucking mess)

Was the last words before i lost control on my consciousness.


“She shouldn’t be your target… She is innocent”

I heard faint feminine voice.

“She is one of them”

It made my heart race and consciousness flutter back when i heard his voice again.

“It’s not her fault that he wants her”

Again soft voice.

“I would suggest you to stay out of this”

I blinked open my eyes and looked at the same man who is now facing the woman.

“You are my wife not boss…”

“Purchased wife!”

She looked fierce.

“You only remember this when you have something to demand…”

His amused eyes landed on me and turned cold.

“Good morning.”

It was anything but good.

I gulped and tried to sit on the bed. At least i am in bed right now and not in the basement.

It’s too cold, i wrapped bed sheet around me tightly.

“Pettrova… Take her to the dungeon…”

He ordered and my heart skipped a beat.

Man entered the room and marched towards me.

“Don’t you dare touch her…”

Woman challenged looking at her husband making another man halt in his place.

The man whith grey eyes who is also her husband glared at her.

“She is not well… I need to make sure she is safe… I hope you don’t want her to die so soon…”

She crossed her arms and cocked her eyebrows at him.

I don’t know who is this woman but I should be thankful to her. At least she is saving me from rotting in the dirty basement.

He again mumbled something in Russian which i didn’t understand and nodded at her.

Pettrova left when he gestured him to leave.

The woman looked at me and gave me gentle smile.

“Hii, I am Veronica…”

She sat beside me. She has brown eyes with long wavy black hair. She is tall and slender which perfectly matches to her husband’s height. They look hot together, i must accept.

“How are you feeling now, Bella?”

How i am feeling? Good! Thrilled! I got kidnapped by Russian mafia and i am enjoying it.


I better keep my mouth in check if i want to survive.

She nodded but wasn’t satisfied with my answer.

“Bella i did some checkups when you were sleeping… Your body is weak more than it should be after sedatives… Do you have any idea why?”

She asked.

Is she doctor? She sounds like one!

She sighed at my silence. I don’t know if i should trust her or not.

“Bella i am a doctor and before giving you medicines i need to know your medical history… Trust me i am not going to hurt you and i won’t let anyone hurt you..”

She glared at her husband.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I had miscarriage one month ago… I am still recovering, it might be because of that.”

I gulped back my tears.

Her face softened.

“I am so Sorry…”

She looked at the man.

“She is not going down there!”

“Fine… If you are done.. i want to have little chat with my captive…”

He rolled his eyes. She refused to bulge.

“I am not going to touch her!”

He sighed annoyed.

“We’ll meet soon…”

She smiled at me and walked out. Her high heels clicked against the door and found the man following her every move, he looks fascinated by her.

Of course that’s why she is his wife. But why she said ‘purchased wife’

None of my business. Focus on survival!

My eyes darted towards him when dragged the chair and sat on it, in front of me.

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