Billionaire's Accidental Wife

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Chelsea went out of the bedroom where Christie was napping with Peter as Dave and their

menacing enormous host parted ways. She waited until the massive black-haired male had walked

away before approaching. Dave gave her a sidelong glance, his eyes wide with surprise. “Is everything

okay with your friend?” she inquired. He grumbled, raking his hand through his blond hair. “I wouldn’t

call Sebastian a buddy just yet, but we’re fine.” Chelsea shuddered as she registered the name. It was

an appropriate title for the brusque, intimidating man. “If Sebastian’s glower is any indication, he

doesn’t appear to be delighted to be burdened with guests.” “Are you serious? That’s his normal, happy

face,” Dave said, exposing the twin dimples that had always charmed her. “How are Christie and Peter

getting along?” “Exhausted. They’ve already fallen asleep.” “You should be,” he continued, his voice From NôvelDrama.Org.

softening to a compassionate worry. His hand was tenderly placed on her shoulder. “Come on. Let’s

get you situated in the other room.” Being in this foreign area, feeling safe despite the fact that she was

on the run from an awful man and his network of criminal companions, seemed absurd. Dave took care

of it for her. When she was with him, she always felt safe. The pistols and knives bristling from his waist

belt had nothing to do with how safe he made her feel. It was always him, the man, who could put her

at rest.

He aroused her just as much. As they stood together at the chamber’s open threshold, her skin still felt

too hot, too tight. Everything they’d said in the vehicle, the stolen kisses they’d exchanged in those brief

seconds of semi-privacy earlier tonight, hung between them like a wound that needed to be treated.

Dave appeared to be aware in the same way she was. The heat radiating from him was palpable, his

touch at the small of her back light, yet searing. She wanted to feel his hands on her everywhere, not

just in comfort or reassurance, but in passion. He cursed as his eyes met hers, his hazel irises dark but

glittering with flecks of amber. “For God’s sake, don’t look at me like that, sweetheart. I’m hanging by a

thread here.” “I am too.” She couldn’t resist reaching up to him, letting her hands skim the firm muscles

of his chest. “I’ve been hanging by a thread since you showed up at my apartment with pizza all those

years ago, Dave. I don’t care if Catherine will kill me now.”

His heart was thundering. His pulse slammed against her palm, hammering like a drum. He searched

for her gaze for a long moment, his breath rolling in deep, panting gusts. The curse that boiled out of

him was sharp and hissed between his teeth. “I wasn’t expecting any of this. My first duty is to my

company. I have a mission to carry out. Until I’m certain I’ve completed it, I shouldn’t be thinking about

anything else. Not even you. Hell, especially not you.”

“Of course. I understand.” She glanced away, weathering a sting she hadn’t seen coming.” Dave, I

didn’t mean to suggest—”.

He took her hand and hauled her against him, silencing her with a kiss. When he drew back from her

lips, his gaze had gone molten. “I have no right to be thinking about anything but my duty to the

company. That’s what I keep telling myself, Chelsea. But then I look at you and none of those other

things matter.”

She swallowed, watching the fire dance in his eyes. His pupils were narrowed to thin black slits, and his

teeth surged even larger behind his parted lips. The sight of his transformation sped her pulse, while at

her hip, the hard steel of his arousal sent a current of hot need licking through her senses and straight

into her core.

“I walked away once,” he snarled. “God help us both. I don’t think I can ever do it again. You are mine

and always will be mine.”

His name was a jagged sigh on her lips as he grasped her face in his palms and covered her mouth

with his once more. Kissing her so deeply she could hardly find her breath. He walked her backward

into the chamber with him, kicking the door closed behind them with his boot heel.

Something wild had been unleashed in him. She saw it in his eyes and heard it in the rough scrape of

his voice. And now all of that unhinged desire was pouring into her through his kiss.

“You’re mine,” he murmured against her mouth. Her moan of confirmation evidently wasn’t enough.

“Say it, Chelsea. Let me hear it.”

“Yes.” Oh, God. She could hardly hold the desire that raced through her. Every hot sweep of his lips

over hers, every carnal thrust of his tongue, inflamed a need in her that was swiftly burning out of

control. “Please, Dave. I need you. I need to feel you inside me.”

His response was a primitive, dominating snarl. He pressed her down onto the little bed and pulled off

her clothes before rapidly removing his own. Part of her wished he would take things gently, allowing

her to relish every facet of the rock-hard, exquisitely shaped body she still saw in her most feverish

fantasies. But their feelings for each other had been suppressed for far too long.

They had already lost far too much valuable time. She was in dire need of him. Above all, she needed

to feel his skin against hers and know that this was no longer a fantasy. That he was genuine. That he

was hers once more. Always, she amended silently, allowing the wish to live in her heart as he settled

himself atop her.

His eyes blazed as he watched her, his hand moving between their bodies to tease and stroke her sex.

His fingers slid through her juices, a groan ripping out of him as he cleaved her folds and found the

slick entrance to her body. “You’re already wet for me,” he murmured, a grin tilting the edges of his

wicked mouth. “Damn, you’re soft, Chelsea. So beautiful. So fucking hot.”

She couldn’t hold back her moan of delight, both at his compliment and at the depth of her need for

him. He teased her tender skin, taking her mouth in another soul-searing kiss. She felt him test her

tightness with his fingers, one at a time, his thumb working unholy magic on her clit. There had been no

one since him, and the exhilaration of being naked with him now,

in his arms after so much desire, was unbearable. Her orgasm came on her unexpectedly, far too wild

to contain. She clutched his shoulders as her cry tore out of her throat. Arching off the mattress, she

rode the wave to its crest, grinding shamelessly against his hand as the bliss poured over her.

“Open your eyes, my sweet, open for me,” he pleaded as he proceeded to tickle her with his fingertips.

“I’ve waited far too long to see this emotion on your face again.” Chelsea, you’ve only gotten more

beautiful.” She gripped her lip between her teeth as the aftershocks rippled through her nerve endings,

while another climax was already building beneath the pleasure. “Please, Dave…” He was aware of her

needs. He shifted his weight and slid between her wide thighs. Her body was ready for him, slippery,

hot, and open. Yet it was still a shock to feel the impossible thickness of him as he pushed the head of

his cock inside her, then thrust to fill her with the hard length of his shaft. “Chelsea,” he uttered tightly,

“you have to tell me if I’m hurting you.

“No.” She shook her head, even as tears welled in her eyes. “Oh, God…it feels so good. I thought I

remembered, but this…”

“I know, baby.” He started to move within her, rocking slowly at first, each stroke taking him deeper,

pushing further inside her, until she wasn’t sure where he ended and she began.

“Ah, love,” he murmured. “Your body is so tight around me. So damned perfect. I can’t-”

His words were lost to the feral groan that ripped out of him. Caging her between his forearms, he

drove inside her faster, deeper, untamed in his need. His handsome face contorted with the ferocity of

his thrusts. Chelsea’s gaze fixed beautiful lips. She couldn’t get enough either. She wanted all of him.

Not just this moment and the wish that it might last. She wanted forever with Dave Brown. After just

one time together and long years in between, he was still the only man she craved. In her heart-to the

depths of her soul-she knew he was the only man she would ever love.

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