Blackmailed For Love

Chapter 13: A Preposition Elsa

Chapter 13: A Preposition Elsa 

My heart beat like a drum as I stepped out of the elevator on my floor.I knew that I shouldn't have come back here, not when everything I hold precious was at stake if ever he found out.

But despite his warnings and threats to make my life hell and I knew he would, I came back for my mother and daughter.

My mum has always believed in me and I could not let her down.

Not when she needed me the most.I have to find a way to give her the care and treatment she deserves.

Also, I could not just get up and leave when I had just settled down.

Anna needs a proper home, not a life where her mother jumps around from one place to another.

I might've not been ready for her but I loved her from the moment I found out I was pregnant and I would do anything to give her the life she deserves.And I knew what I had to do.

I knew how it would work.I won't fight him.

The devil wants his due and I am ready to give in.

But like in every transaction with the Devil I will ask for a prize.

A way to solve my problems.

My mother's cancer treatment and a way for my daughter to go to school and have everything she needs.

I was no princess like my mum used to call me but I wanted to give my daughter the life of princess and there was only one way to do it.

Make a deal with the devil that hates me.

I couldn't even say that it was unfound— his hatred for me, because it wasn't.He had every reason to hate me.

Every step that I took down the small corridor to the file room was filled with anxious energy as I waited for him to jump out of the shadows and corner me, which was stupid because Kristian Aaron wouldn't do something like that.

He wasn't a boy wanting attention, he never was.

When I met him he was a mysterious and very attractive man of twenty five that intrigued me from the very first glimpse, but now he was dangerous and ready to tear me into pieces like the wild being that I used to fear in the forest of Black Mountains.

Now he wasn't just attractive, he had a lethal beauty that called to me at a base level and I wondered if I would be able to resist him.

Because, if I'm being honest with myself, even when I gave him reason to hate me, I never hated him.

I entered the file room and made my way toward my desk.

As I started working, marking the unknown files and pasting the sticky notes to label the others, I almost forgot to be on guard.

I should not have.I almost screamed when someone touched my shoulder while I was bent over to pick up the box that I had placed under the desk.

When I jerked upright, I let out a rough exhale as I saw Kaden standing there.

"Hi, there."


"I knocked but you were busy."

I looked back down at the box of scrunched up papers that I hadn't wanted to look through.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked and cringed at how I sounded.

He smiled.

"I was wondering about our dinner date."


I had totally forgotten about it.He asked, "Are you ever going to say yes to it?"

I licked my lips as I thought about my response.

"Kaden, I—"

"What the fuck is going on here?"

I slammed my eyes shut as his cold voice penetrated the warm air inside the small room making me shiver.

I heard his footsteps and then he said, "Why are you here, Mackenzie?"

"Why do you think?" Kaden replied.

The silence that followed had me cringing inside.

"I told you to leave my employees to me."

"So, you have said.But I came here for something personal."

Oh god.


I stood up and blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

"Hello, sir.Good afternoon.What can I do for you?"

Those steel grey eyes fell on me, making me shrink back with the coldness in them.

His eyes ran down my form, taking in my faded brown skirt and cream colored blouse.

It had gotten tight over the years and the way his eyes paused for a nanosecond on my breasts I knew he noticed.

"Go to my office and wait for me there."

I swallowed and hesitated but his sharp, "Now" had me moving.

As I stepped out, I heard him saying to Kaden, "You know there's no fraternizing within the office."

I didn't hear what Kaden replied to him as I made my way toward his office.

The moment I entered, I was assaulted with his scent.

The musky cologne I had detected yesterday was prominent today.

The musky scent with a hint of cinnamon filled my insides with warmth and brought the memories from the past.

I made my way toward the sofa and sat down.

Having nothing to do, I looked around the room.

There was nothing standing out, it was quite ordinary for him when I knew how much money he came from.

So, the room that was his office with nothing that speaks of his character made no sense until I remembered that he had another office on the top floor.

Then the door opened behind me.

And he was striding inside, bringing his coldness with him that replaced the warmth.

Rounding his desk and sitting in his chair, looking like the man with all the power in the world, he glared at me. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

And I guess he had that, the power.

For a moment we just stared at each other, the memories of our past silent and waiting to be acknowledged.

But he was Kristian Aaron, the only thing he would acknowledge was how much he despised me, "Did I tell you that you can sit?"

He questioned.

Rubbing his finger and thumb on his jaw as he said, "I said for you to wait here for me.And if you were so inclined to sit then you should be on the floor, on your knees."

I bit down on my tongue as his words hurt like arrows to my body.

"Nothing to say, little girl." His eyes darkened.

"I remembered that you weren't that quiet when you spoke in front of them."

I screwed my eyes shut, remembering the pain and devastation on his face.

Remembering how I broke something so vulnerable and precious- his trust.

Before he could say anything and I lost the hold on my tears, I said, "Let's make a preposition, Kristian.I know that's what you want."

If he was surprised he didn't show.

He put his elbow on the desk and cupped his jaw, just the way Anna does when she was engrossed in a fairy-tale story I was telling her.

The sight made my heart clench.

And he said, "Go on then, let's hear what you've got."

"I know that you are angry,"

He made a disgusted sound in his throat.

"It doesn't even cut it, little girl.If I could, I would strangle you or maybe chain you in my basement." He shrugged.

"I am inclining toward the latter."

I clenched my fingers into fists, took a deep breath and said, "You hate me."

His eyes flashed.

"And I know you want your revenge.You can have it."

"I wasn't seeking permission."

His eyes narrowed infinitesimally.

"Get to the fucking point, Elsa."

I sucked in a breath and said it all.

"I will do whatever you want.Anything.The only thing I want in return is for you to pay for my mother's treatment.And—"

He arched a brow.

"And, money."

His jaw tightened.He looked furious and disappointed.

I understood the first but not the second.

"So, you are saying that you will be my whore for money, is it?"

When I remained silent, he demanded, "Say the words, Elsa.I want to hear it."

I felt the hot rush of tears and blinked a few times as I recalled my promise to my little angel.

I swallowed and whispered, "Yes.I will…"

He slapped his palm on his desk making me jump as he snapped, "Louder."

"Yes.I'll become your whore for money."

His lips curled in a ruthless smile and he said, "The leopard doesn't change its spots.You were a whore then, you are one now."

He sat back in his chair and his eyes….

Oh god, I couldn't look at them.

They were so filled with loathing it hurt to look.

I looked down at my fisted hands in my lap.

He said, "Fine.Let's have it.Get down on your knees and crawl to me."

You are doing this for your mother and daughter, I told this to myself.

And if he gets satisfaction for all the wrongs I did to him, then I'll take it as my absolution for my crimes against him.

I stood up and dropped down on my knees.

I could feel his eyes on me and every cell in my body felt like it was sizzling.

My skin burned with the humiliation of it as I moved on my knees with my palms flat on the cream carpet.

My stomach was tense in the silence, my own breathing felt loud to my ears.

And as I got closer and closer to him, my lower lip trembled with the shame I felt.

He had turned his chair to the side so I could see his shoes and his legs as he waited for me.

I stopped near his feet but couldn't make myself look up.

And as if he knew how hard it'd be for me, he ordered, "Look up."

I bit down on my lower lip, reminded myself that I can't cry, I can't be vulnerable.I lifted my head and met his eyes.

He stared at me for a second then his hand came to my face.

I flinched but caught myself as he cupped my cheek.I closed my eyes, our past haunting me.

His thumb brushed my chin softly and then he took his hand away.

When my eyes fluttered open I realized that I might've felt his soft touch, but his eyes and face were still hard.

"You have done it before so it won't be new to you.But still I will have the contract tomorrow for you to sign."

His lips twisted up as he said, "Can never be too careful."

He let the words register in my mind and I didn't miss their meaning.

Then he said, "But I'd like to hear you say it again."

"What do you want me to say?"

"You can repeat after me."

He licked his bottom lip and I felt my thighs twitch by his next words.

"I allow you, Kristian Aaron, to do whatever you wish to my body."

I didn't look away as I repeated his words.

His next demand had my blood rushing into my ears.

He was being specific and crude.

"To use my pûssy however you wish."

Each demand of his got filthier.

"Every hole in my body is yours to use."

I lost the battle as one tear slipped free when he said, "I will accept every punishment you want to give for how I deceived you."

From every word out of my mouth repeating his demands, his eyes had gotten darker and darker.

And he looked like some demon had possessed him.

He grabbed my throat and caressed his thumb on my pulse as he said, "It would be fun, little girl, you… under my mercy.But not much fun for you."

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