Bounty Hunter


ReedFrom NôvelDrama.Org.

I led Zinnia back into the club, but this time, through a secret door that led directly to my penthouse on the last floor. She probably didn’t know this, but I owned this building, so I couldn’t resist the smile that came to my face when I found out she’d come to my club to wind out time.

“Where are you taking me? I’m telling you now, but I can’t go too far. I left Alex at the club,” I heard her pale voice utter behind me. I stopped in my tracks and she probably didn’t see that coming because she bumped into me. I turned on my heels and sucked in a breath, my cock becoming instantly hard from how dishevelled her hair was.

“Well, aren’t you a good friend? You didn’t care about Alex minutes ago when you left with that good-for-nothing son of a bitch and now you suddenly do?” I mocked, guilt instantly washing through her face. “She’s fine. I had Hermine take her to one of the rooms,” I murmured before turning and walking away, trying to ignore the ache in my groin.

We walked into a dimly lit hallway that led to the elevator. We got in and I punched the button for the last floor.

The elevator was quiet. Maybe my little flower was yet to pick on the fact that I was mad at her. How dare she allow another man to touch her? Had I not made it clear that she belonged to me? Perhaps killing that man before her eyes wasn’t enough. Maybe I need to try something more wild for it to sink into her head.

“So, uh…” she broke the silence. However, her eyes never met mine. And I preferred it that way. I don’t promise to keep my dick in my pants with one look from her.

“What’s going to happen to his body?” She finally met my gaze, but only for so long.

“His body?” I tilted my head.

“You know, the man you uh.. shot in the head,” she explained as though I hadn’t understood what she meant. Something else amused me.

“You were about to let that man fuck you and you didn’t even bother to ask his name? Is that how much of a slut you are?” I asked, resisting the urge to laugh at the look of embarrassment on her face.

“That’s why it’s called a one-night stand,” she sassed and I raised a brow.

“Well, when it comes to you, I have another meaning of a one-night stand,”

The elevator doors opened and I walked out before stretching out my hand for her to take. And when she did, I pulled her against my body and crashed my lips against hers, sucking the air out of her lungs. When I pulled away, she spoke up.

“You still haven’t told me what is going to happen to his body,” I smiled at her before answering.

“Why? Are you worried I disposed of his blood so quickly?” I tilted my head. Her cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink as she understood what I meant.

“Go upstairs. I’ll be with you shortly,” was all I said before leaving her there and walking to my study.

As soon as I walked into my study, I fished out my phone and called Hermine, and when she answered, I put the phone on loudspeaker.

“Tell me,”

“Body has been disposed of, and she’s all tucked in. Man, she’s a mess when drunk. The girl tried to harrumph me,” Hermine’s irritated voice came through the phone.

“Is that you complaining? Aren’t you into girls too?”

“I am. But at the moment, I am not inside her because she’s black-out drunk,” Hermine expressed further.

“Well, sucks to be you. How about Roman Slovov?” I quickly changed the subject. The earlier I can get this conversation over with, the faster I can punish Zinnia.

“What changed your mind? I thought you didn’t want angry Russians coming after you?”

“I didn’t. That was until I learned the fucking bastard had his eyes set on Zinnia. For no bloody reason other than the fact that she’s mine. I’ve made a lot of enemies to last me a lifetime, but I’d be darned to let my decisions affect her in any way,” Apparently, Roman Slovov has been planning to kidnap Zinnia and sell her to some bastard. I had a lot of enemies, so I could only imagine what they’d do to her. Just the thought of it made my skin itch.

“Aww, well, aren’t you romantic?” Hermine teased and I rolled my eyes.

“Well, you’d be pleased to know I traced him to a Hotel in Guangzhou. I was able to hack into their system and we’re in luck. He will be there for another four days so that gives us enough time to plan our move,” as Hermine explained, I quietly listened. I was silent for a while before I spoke up.

“We don’t. Have the jet ready tomorrow evening, we’re flying off to China,”

I heard Hermine squeal on the other end. “You’re taking me on a mission with you? I thought you trained me to be good at staying behind the computer?” She teased and I smiled.

“Would you look at that? It so happens I also need a babysitter, do you think you’re up for the task?”

“Reed, why do you need a babysitter?”

“Aren’t you smart Hermine? You’ll figure it out. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I ended the call, not giving Hermine any time to argue. I looked at my watch and it was early in the morning. I hurried up the stairs, pleased to see that my little flower had just gotten out of the shower. She had a towel wrapped around her body, but its length barely covered her ass.

Her eyes locked with mine through the mirror. At once, she turned and faced me. I didn’t utter a word and just stared at her intensely. And the more I did, the smaller she became in my eyes and I became high on the urge to crush her.

She began to approach me, however, I stood still. It wasn’t until she was inches away from me and leaning in for a kiss before I spoke up.

“His body has been disposed of,” she stopped, and looked me in the eyes before leaning in again. Her lips barely grazed mine before I grabbed her by the neck, spun her around and slammed her back against the wall. Subsequently, her towel came undone.

“Tell me, my little flower, are you ready for your punishment?” My hold on her neck tightened, and as the nasty slut that she is, a smile appeared on her lips, ultimately turning my cock to rock.


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