Breaking The Routine

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 - Losing Control

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 - Losing Control

Sam shifted her salad around with her fork. Her stomach demanded food but when she ate a few bites it threatened to return them. She sighed and glanced around the dinner. Everyone there was eyeing them and talking in hushed whispers. She could only imagine what they must be saying about her. God if she could only turn back time to Saturday night and stop herself from going to that club.

Why fate and God was playing this cruel joke on her, she wondered. "Aren't you going to eat anything," David asked as he finished his lunch seemingly totally ignorant of what was going on around him. Sam narrowed her eyes at him rabid with anger and wondered how could he be so oblivious to the effect he created on her life!

"No, I am not hungry anymore," she lied coolly refusing to look at him directly. It made her feel strange. His gaze made her shiver but her body grew hot while her heart beat would start to beat irregularly. Sam stood up smoothing her skirt nervously. "We should be headed back," she told him as she pulled out her wallet from her purse.

"I'm paying," David told her laying down the money on the table and when she started to object he simply shook his head. "You drove using your gas so I pay. Next time we can switch," he explained giving her a playful wink. She felt a shiver run down her spine but heat filled her and her heart seemed like it wanted to break through her rib cage. Ugh, stop doing that, she commanded her body silently.

"You're assuming there will be a next time," she shot back as she passed him with the intention of an exit dignified with any confident woman. However the snickers and whispers of the people in the diner made her cringe so she settled for just getting the hell out of there.

"I don't assume anything Wildcat," he told her as he got in the car.

"Stop calling me that," she snapped at him fearing what would happen if someone heard him calling her that.

"You didn't seem to mind me calling you that Saturday night," he teased her with a large grin. She narrowed her eyes once more in response wanting to say some witty and clever comeback but she couldn't think of anything. Can this day get any worse she thought as she drove back them back to work.

Sam entered the office building with David following right behind her. Why did he have to do that, she complained crossly, she always had hated people who walked directly behind her. Mrs. Simpson gave Sam her typical cheery greeting and as soon as she noticed David smiled a sly smile at her. Sam frowned and went straight to her desk. Her life was totally ruined!

"You two had lunch together," Tabby asked in a hushed tone sitting on the edge of Sam's desk. Sam sighed as she sat down nodding. She tried to ignore Tabby's smug smile and the look that seem to state "go get him girl".

"Now I recognize you...Wallflower," David said with a half smile still following Sam. Tabby gave him a playful slap on the arm.

"Well about time, geez you really know how to damage a girl's self-esteem!" Tabby told him with mock scorn.

"Sorry, it's just I prefer brunettes to blondes. It's Mark who goes for the blondes," he told her as justification and Tabby giggled a giggle fit for a school girl.

"Yes I remember clearly just how much he likes blondes. Well if that's the only reason you didn't remember me then I guess I can forgive you," Tabby told him with a smile.

"Thank God, I was really worried there for a moment," he replied with an exaggerated expression of relief. Sam frowned watching the two, just what she needed her best friend and him becoming buddies.

"Though if you got a thing for brunettes I just happened to know a really nice one," Tabby began. Sam glared at her with her best, "shut up or I will kill you" glare.

David's smile just got bigger as he crossed his arms. "Really, do you now," he asked sounding to interested for Sam's good.

Tabby smile grew and she nodded. "Yes, but she is a really shy and can be very stubborn," she told him and Sam wanted to scream while she pulled at her hair. Why was Tabby going along with that man's games, Sam wondered. After everything the two had been through together, this was how Tabby was going to repay her! She could feel her face flame red again but this time not only from embarrassment.

"She definitely sounds nice but I'd have to know more about her," David replied with a mischievous tone and Tabby got that look in her eye that Sam knew meant there was no way to stop this train wreck.

"Then it just happens to be your lucky day. I know everything about her," Tabby confessed David's face lit up. Sam huffed feeling betrayed by her friend and wishing the earth would come and swallow her up right there.

"God, if you hear me and care anything about me, strike me dead now!" Sam begged silently and then her father suddenly called her in his office. "Well I guess that will have to do, Thanks Big Guy," she added mutely.

"Yes sir, right away," she called out to her father standing up and glaring at her friend. "Be quiet!" Sam snapped at her and walked off to gather the papers her father needed only to hear them pick up the conversation where they left it.

She was grinding her teeth in anger as she entered her father's office. "Here you are sir," she said as eyed David and Tabby talking and not liking it one bit.

"I see Tabitha sure moved in on the kill quick," her father said with clear distaste.

"She isn't flirting with him, she's-" Sam started but realized there was no way she could honestly tell her father what Tabby was talking to David about. "Just getting to know him more, he is the new guy after all," she added.

"Well at least she had the dignity to know his name before she sleeps with him," her father stated bitterly and Sam felt as if someone had just kicked her in the stomach realizing that was exactly what she didn't do. Sam sighed and sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. Her father really disliked Tabby because she didn't care what anyone thought of her, she made friends with everyone from the rich to the poor, cops to thugs, and since she had no problem with a playful flirt here and there he considered her a slut. Sam would admit Tabby wasn't a saint by any means but she was definitely not a slut.

Sam started rubbing the bridge of her nose as she could feel a really bad headache starting. "I understand you still have that childhood needed to believe in everyone but she is what she is. I really wish for you find yourself better friends," he started with a tone one would use on a child. Here we go again, she thought and really wasn't sure if she could handle this today.

"She is no good and is going to cause you a lot of trouble one day" Well...Sam thought bitterly. Actually her father was right about that one; she had caused Sam a lot of trouble lately.

"Look dad can you please lecture me about the company I keep another day I'm really not having a good day," she pleaded with him but her plea went ignored.

"I can't believe I let you talk me in to allowing you to go to New York with her," he went on.

Sam snapped her head up and felt her anger boil. "Allow me? Dad I am twenty-six, I don't exactly need your permission to take a trip with whoever I wish," she raged and he gave her a look of irritation and doubt obviously not taking her seriously....yet again

"As long as you are a part of this family, you will need my permission! I will not have you make a fool of me Samantha with this stupid silliness you seem to always be getting yourself into," he barked. Sam felt something snap within her and suddenly years of anger carefully caged away started to escape. Her pulse raced as she started to see red, and adrenaline flooded her body as she stood up shaking.

"You know what dad, screw you! I am tired of living on what you expect of me. I've always done everything you asked of me and much more than you could ever have asked. When other teenage girls snuck out to see their bad boy boyfriends I was at home studying so I could get good grades so maybe once you would be proud of me, which I might add you never were! I never rebelled or anything like what every other girl did and yet everything I do stupid silliness," she shouted at him. His jaw dropped in stupefaction by her outburst.

"I may have a tendency to make a mess of things, I may be social awkward, and I may not be the daughter you'd hope to have but I am the one you have and I don't think I deserve to have you throw in my face how inept I am at life every time I screw things up," She snapped and without waiting for him to recover Sam stalked out of his office. It was just too much; all of this crap dumped on her today was just too much!

"Where the hell do you think you're going," he called after her, but she refused to say another word. She stomped over to her desk giving both David and Tabby hateful glares letting them know that this was clearly all their fault as she snapped her pursed up from the desk. If they could have just left her alone but no they just couldn't let her live stupid little life in peace!

"Samantha I demand you get yourself back into this office right now," her father demanded from his office door but her only answer was when lifted her hand over her head and flipped him off where everyone could see. She stomped out of the building and into the parking lot. She didn't care about the fact that everyone was staring at her with their mouths and eyes wide open. She got into her car

slamming the door as hard as she could and racing out of the parking still yelling at her father in her silently till she got home.

It wasn't until she submerged into the hot bubbly bath water of the large bath tub in her home that she finally felt her racing heart slow. Her hands started to shake as she felt the adrenalin slowly leaving her system. Never in her life had she talked to anyone like that, especially not her father. Sam imagined several times of saying all those things to him but could never get up the courage.

It felt good to finally say the words but stronger was her fear. What was happening to her, she had never lost control before, and she could always manage her anger. She began to cry softly wanting to desperately go back to her normal life where things were much more comfortable, where she knew what to expect, and knew what would happen next. Her feelings were all unfamiliar and strange. Her body was out of control and its reactions to everything had gone crazy. Is this what normal people lived like, how could they want this, how can they happy, she asked herself.

Finally Sam pulled herself out of the now cold water, slipping on her robe. She felt so exhausted and weak. She dragged herself to her bed and buried herself under the blankets not bothering to dry herself or put anything on other than the robe she wore. She began to cry again thinking over and over how all of this could have happened to her till she finally fell asleep.

The next morning she woke up feeling better despite the fact she had a horrible headache. She took some aspirin to ease her head and slowly ate a cereal bar for breakfast. Sam looked at her cell phone; there were several missed calls, messages, and voice mails. She couldn't help but laugh; she hardly ever got any of those things and thought several times of getting rid of her cell phone for that very reason.

Now that she made a royal bitchy ass of herself did they want to talk to her? "Oh my God, what a mess this all has become," she groaned but a smile was on her lips. Sam finished her cereal bar and stood up with determination. "No more feeling sorry for yourself," she demanded.

She dialed the number of the company. "Peters' Accounting, how may I help you," the cheery voice of Mrs. Simpson answered and Sam's small smile grew. Mrs. Simpson's cheerfulness was always contagious.

"Hey Mrs. Simpson this is Sam," she started.

"Oh dearie, are you okay? Where have you been, everyone has tried to reach you," the older woman fussed. Sam shook her head containing the laughter that tried to escape her. God was this really what people did to get noticed in life?

"I am fine actually, could you please pass me to my father if he hasn't fired me already," Sam explained and the other woman chuckled and put her on hold.

"Samantha, I hope you have called to apologize because if you haven't then I don't want to hear whatever it is you have to say," he said harshly that made Sam cringe. Did he always have to be so stern, she wondered gloomy.

"Yes, I wanted to apologize, it was wrong and unprofessional for me to act like that."

"Yes it was..."he interrupted her but Sam interrupted him in return.

"But...can you let up insulting my friend please," Sam pleaded but she could hear him scoff loudly.

"Sorry, Sam but you should get better friends," he put in and Sam could feel her temper threaten to boil over again.

"I don't want better friends," she snapped back tired of him talking to her like a little girl. Sam took a deep calming breath. "Look dad, I am obviously not coming in today, I am calling in a sick day okay," she finished hanging up before he could answer her.

She let out an angry growl as grabbed her IPod, stuffed the ear buds in her ears angrily turning the music up loud and began her daily chores. What the hell did it matter to him what type of friends she had! Damn she was twenty-six not six!

That afternoon she prepared lunch, simple spaghetti, feeling angry with herself. Sam swore she must be possessed or something. She wasn't this volatile creature she had become over the simple course of twenty four hours. How could she change herself back to the person she was? It can't be that hard considering how easy she slipped into this nasty change, she thought as drained the cooked pasta.

A knock on her door broke her from her lamenting and she wasn't at all surprised to see it was Tabby. "Hey Tabby come on in!" She told her stepping aside so her friend could come in but instead of walking inside the house Tabby stopped at the door and gave her a long hard look as if she was trying to dissect Sam with her eyes. "What," Sam asked feeling suddenly self-conscious.

"Nothing just waiting to see if your head will start to spin and you vomit pea soup," Tabby replied with a nasty smirk. Sam narrowed her eyes and frowned at her friend.

"Oh, ha, ha, my God Tabby you're hilarious!" Sam said flatly and Tabby smiled a big bright smile.

"I know!" She stated cheekily as she walked into the house. "Though I must thank you Sam! Yesterday was the best day at work ever! God I have been so wanting to someone finally stand up to that damn stiff ass for years! Of all people it was you who did it making it all the sweeter," Tabby said excitedly as she walked directly the kitchen.

"It's not funny Tabby, my father is going to hold that over me till I am like sixty," Sam retorted setting a plate of spaghetti in front of her friend.

"Nah, he blamed the whole damn thing on me; it was me he was threatening to fire!" Tabby told her as she inhaled the smell of the pasta. Sam ground her teeth feeling the anger build up in her again threatening to take over.

"Of course it was your fault! Poor little Sam can't have her own thoughts and feelings that could possibly go against her honorable father! Oh no, someone must have planted them there," she snarled and sat down with her plate angrily. "And you know good and well he won't fire you, he isn't that stupid! The only reason his company is doing so well is because of you," She finished hotly then began to eat.

"Whoa, maybe I should call the priest or maybe you really are turning into a wildcat," Tabby joked but Sam froze. She let her fork drop down to her plate as she no longer had any desire to eat; in fact her stomach became a twisted mass of knots. She covered her face with her hands feeling so foolish.

"God Tabby, what is happening to me? I am never like this, ever since yesterday I seem to have lost control over aspect of my life," she groaned but Tabby grinned and patted her on the back.

"I know you don't believe me but that is honestly a good thing," she said before stuffing her mouth full of spaghetti while Sam made a sound between a scoff and a snort as she rolled her eyes. "Seriously," Tabby insisted when she had swallowed her food. "You finally stood up for yourself yesterday and didn't let your dad walk all over you like he always does," she explained. An impish glint twinkled in her eyes then she winked at Sam. "I told you having David around would be good for you," Tabby teased her and she crunched up her face with disgust.

"That man is what started all of this! God since he showed up my body has got a mind of its own and my emotions have gone hay wire," Sam despaired. Tabby laughed so hard she started to choke. After she calmed down she wiggled her eyebrows at Sam.

"You really have fallen for him huh," Tabby teased and Sam shook her head at her friend horrified.

"I haven't fallen for him! He is the most irritating person I have ever met! I swear I think he is enjoying making my life all screwed up," Sam said irritated.

"Well that's what love will do to you," Tabby continued to tease and Sam stared at her friend in disbelief, Tabby seriously did not just say the "L" word?

"That is not even close to funny Tabby! I am not in love with him, how can you even think that," she spat feeling offended. "This isn't love Tabby, I been in love before don't you remember Jeff! That was nothing like this crazy mess." Sam added pointedly.

Tabby rolled her eyes, and shook her head. Jeff had been her high school sweetheart and last boyfriend. They had been together for nearly five years. When he got accepted in a college in L.A. he broke up with her stating that long distance relationships never work and he had bluntly told her that he didn't want her to come with him to L.A. either.

"That wasn't love, especially real true love! I have more passion and romance in my little finger than he did in his whole body," Tabby replied with disgust all over her face.

Sam opened her mouth to argue with her friend but instead she felt a smile cross her face. "Will we ever agree on men," she asked and the blonde smiled shaking her head as she laughed.

"Not in this life time, Sammy!" Tabby glanced at her wrist watch and got up, "Time for me to head back because some of us actually have work to do." Sam smiled and followed her friend to the porch. "You should really give David a chance Sam. I think he really likes you," Tabby told her with a sly smile causing Sam to make her odd sounding snort sound again.

"Right keep telling yourself that, maybe one day you will believe it. The only thing that man likes about me is making my life a living hell," Sam retorted with a small frown.

"I am serious Sam," Tabby told her looking much too serious for Sam's liking. "I think you really left an impression on him in New York," Tabby told her. She felt a smile threaten to creep upon her lips and she bit the insides of her cheeks to keep her frown on her face but nothing could be done to stop her heart from racing. Sam tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach at the thought of him actually being interested in her.

Stop being so stupid Sam, she scolded herself. She didn't have what it takes to keep a man interested in her, especially one like David Andrews. She wasn't sure what had gotten Tabby into thinking he did have an interest in her. It didn't matter though because Sam knew the truth of things. Despite what everyone thought, Sam knew herself damn well.

"You are thinking way too much for your own good, woman! Try not to over think things...or be so stubborn! I will call you later," Tabby advised when Sam was quiet for a while. Tabby gave her a quick hug before walking to her car and Sam went back into the house. She gathered up the dishes washing them silently not being able to get what Tabby had said out of her head.

The next day Sam walked into the office with her chin held up high and determination. Mrs. Simpson smiled at her sweetly but there was something in her expression that Sam couldn't quite figure out what it was. With a mental shrug she told the older woman good morning and walked into the main lobby where her desk was. Her determination dimmed when she could clearly hear the hush whispers of the other employees as she walked past them.

Sam clenched her teeth together tightly. Great, just great! Now I am the town's latest piece of gossip, she grumped silently as she sat down at her desk. She turned on her computer, feeling irritated that everyone was still whispering about her. Calm down Sam, she told herself. They are just stupid

boring people with no lives, they will get bored once they see you're not going to freak out again, she continued to explain to herself.

There was one good thing about all of this, she realized. Now that she had made an idiot of herself she was sure David would now leave her alone or even get within ten feet of her. Almost laughing, Sam gathered the papers on her out box and walked over to her father's office. Her heart jumped up to her throat when she saw David enter the lobby and she quickly rushed to her father's office. Cursing herself as she closed the door upset to see how just having him around her made her so flustered.

The day went along surprisingly smoothly; in fact she didn't speak or even see David hardly at all. When it was time for lunch Sam couldn't believe how normal things had seemed to return. Maybe in the end, things wouldn't be so bad she thought getting up and grabbing her purse. With a smile on her face she walked out of the office building that fell when she saw David was leaning against her car.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked with her hand on her hips and a frown on her lips.

"Waiting for you Linda," he replied and she looked at him confused. He just called her Linda?

"My name isn't Linda," she told him pointedly.

"I know but yesterday I couldn't help but notice the similarities between you and Linda Blair," he told her with a chuckle. Sam's face tinted red from embarrassment and anger.

"Funny," she shot back getting in her car and wanted to scream when he got in the passenger seat. "What do you think you are doing," she demanded and he smiled at her.

"Going to lunch, or do you prefer to go someone where," he asked and Sam looked at him confused. What the hell did that mean exactly, she asked mutly. She took a deep breath in attempt to calm herself.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

"Don't you have your own car," she shot back.

"Not yet, it will be here by Friday besides why use two cars to go to the same place. Carpooling is good for the environment you know," he replied back his smile growing.

"Are you sure you want to be seen at the diner with someone comparable to Linda Blair or go off in bitch crazy again? Might not be a good way to start your stay in town," she told him trying desperately to get him to leave her car.

"I doubt it, from the way people kept looking at you today, I am willing to bet you don't go off in bitch crazy very often," he said with a teasing tone. "Besides it wasn't that bad anyways. I have met some women that act like that on a daily basis," he added but that didn't make her feel any better. "You know if we keep arguing about this, we won't have any time to actually eat lunch," David stated. She huffed but didn't say anything as she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

She didn't say anything either as they arrived but just silently got out of the car and walked towards the diner. Once more David rushed to get to the door and open it for her and Sam clenched her jaw tightly as Dottie smiled brightly at them clearly misinterpreting the gesture. She could feel the patrons watch her sit down in her booth and whisper as David sat down in front of her. "What are you doing?" She asked for the second time that afternoon and he gave her an impish look of confusion. "Why are you sitting here, at my booth," Sam demanded.

"You're booth, I don't see your name on it," he teased and she wanted to scream at him. "Now Samantha you're going to make me think you don't like my company," he teased again and Sam almost said she didn't like his company but that would be rude and hurtful to say, even if it was true, and her father raised her better than that.

"Don't call me Samantha," she snapped.

"So you prefer Wildcat," he asked with a evil smile and Sam glared at him with anger.

"Be quiet, someone might hear you," she hissed and David kept his evil smile on his face.

"People call me Sam, just Sam. Only my father calls me Samantha," she told him grabbing the menu violently. Once more Dottie walked up to them with a large smile on her face.

"So what can I get you two today," she asked excitedly which cause Sam's insides to lurch. Sam ordered the first thing that caught her eye with a frown. Once Dottie had taken down their orders the older woman began waving herself as if she was really hot behind David's back and gave Sam two thumbs up.

A few people started chuckling, especially the mayor's wife and the town's biggest gossip. Sam gasped covering her flaming face and David simply gave her a smile that made Sam suspect even though he didn't see what had happened he had a pretty good idea. She wondered if he knew everyone was thinking there was something going on between them and if he knew why he wasn't putting a stop to it! Was this all part of some game of his?

It only got worse as the week continued and David always had some reason to carpool with her to the dinner. Sam was almost sure that dinner even had more people come to lunch just to watch David open the dinner door for her, and sit in front of her! When the weekend came, Sam only left the house once to do her grocery shopping and even in the supermarket she noticed people giving her sly smiles then whispering noisily behind her back.

Unfortunately for Sam, the weekend flew by and before she knew it, it was Monday again. She smiled weakly to Mrs. Simpson and gave her the usual "Good morning" greeting as she entered to office building. She set her purse down and started preparing for the day. Her father called to her office and she quickly gathered all the documents that needed his attention like she did every morning. "Good morning Mr. Peters," she started but her father held up his hand as he spoke on the telephone.

"Take all of the documents to David; he will be over seeing the office for today, while I meet with a potential client," he explained after he had hung up the phone. Sam felt the familiar pit in her stomach swallow her. No, no, no, there is no way she could work with him the whole day, she thought desperately and tried to think of anything that could get her out of working with that man. Her father raised his eyebrow seeing she hadn't moved.

"Yes sir," she said with a small sigh feeling defeated in that she couldn't think of anything that would be acceptable for her father. She left the office and towards the smaller office to her left as a condemned man would towards the noose. She knocked on the door softly, hoping he wouldn't hear it but cringed when she heard him tell her to enter. How in the hell was she supposed to be able to do this, she thought as she opened the door. She held up her head determined to professional but felt herself deflate as she saw that evil glint in his eyes and the playful smile on his face.

"Good morning Sam," he said with amusement dripping from his voice. Even though she kept a friendly and profession expression on her face, Sam was grumpily complaining inwardly. She stood before his desk and offered him the papers that she would normally offer to her father but David shook his head and patted a chair next to his.

"Sit here, I really don't want to work with you standing there," David said with a sly smirk of his face and she felt the urge to slap that smirk off of his face but she reminded herself that she wasn't a violent person. Violence never solved anything, she told herself.

"I am quiet fine here thank you," she replied determined to not let whatever this sick twisted game he was playing get to her and offered him the papers again but he refused. Damn irritating man, she thought heatedly.

"I am not fine with you standing there so please sit," he said as his smile turned pure evil. "Or should I tell Mr. Peters you're refusing to work with me?" David added with a questioning tone. Maybe violence does solve some things, she thought with a frown. She supposed jail wouldn't be so bad. She

would have free room and board, they had a gym, and she was sure they had their own library too but the best would never have to deal with David Andrews again!

She let out a breath quickly through her teeth as she moved to sit in the chair. She cursed herself as she felt her pulse quicken by his closeness. It had been a week and her body still went crazy whenever she got near him.

Sam handed the papers to him and he placed his hand over hers catching her by surprise, she managed to keep from gasping from the shock. Her hand started to grow warm quickly at his touch and tried to pull hers away from his but he held hers tightly. She looked at him, knowing her surprise showed on her face and he gave a large grin that made her want to melt into a puddle on the floor. Sam gave herself a mental slap, and looked at him with an icy glare and he slowly let her hand go the grin still on his face. This is going to be impossible she thought grumpily.

How was she going to be professional when he obviously wasn't going to be? She lifted her chin once more determined to come out being the better person in this cramped office. She began to explain with seriousness and professionalism the details of the documents she just handed to him.

"I am sorry but where did you say was the last quarterly sum at for the Brown Account," he asked interrupting her. Sam clenched her jaw with irritation and explained where he could find the information. "I am just not seeing it," he said with a confused look on his face. She growled inwardly leaning forward and pointing to the paper.

"It's right here," she hissed with irritation.

"Ah now I see it, thank you," he said with amusement dripping from his voice and Sam realized that she was leaning against him. She snapped back into her chair feeling a blush rise to her cheeks. Her anger started to rise realizing he knew exactly what he was doing to her. Sam took a few deep

breaths trying to keep herself calm. Once she felt in control again she continued to explain the documents till she felt his leg brush against hers making her shiver.

Deciding just to ignore his immature games, she moved her leg so they were no longer touching and continued to relate the information. She felt his leg brush again against hers and she lost her concentration. She moved again making sure there was no way he wouldn't accidently be able to touch her trying to ignore the sly grin that remained on his face.

Once more his leg brushed against hers but this time she simply decided to ignore him and the warmth his touch was causing. However it was easier said than done as she desperately tried to keep her concentration on what she was doing. Thankfully she very little to say till she was finished and as soon as she was finished she stood up quickly putting distance between them smoothing her brown skirt nervously.

"Thank you Sam," he said still with that impish smile.

"Of course Mr. Andrews and if you need anything else please let me know," she answered with a professional tone feeling happy with herself for at least being the responsible adult in the room.

"Call me David, I believe we should be on a first name basis after everything don't you think" he told her and Sam's face started to heat up once more. "And don't worry I will gladly call if I need anything," he added with an evil tone that made Sam quickly regret she ever said those words.

She turned on her heel walking out of the office and straight to the bathroom. She splashed cool water on her face trying to cool her overheated face. She wondered what he was trying to achieve with these games of his, did he want her to do something stupid so he could get her fired, or did he just want to embarrass her for the rest of her life?

Lunch time finally came and Sam saw that the little office door was closed and so were the blinds on the windows; he wouldn't see her leave. She got up quickly and enjoyed a victory smile as

she left the office for once without David. She drove home deciding that the best way to avoid him was eating there. She tossed her keys into the small bowl and kicking off her shoes, she started to relax for the first time that morning but a knock on her door made her tense up once more. She walked over and opened it slowly only to see her worst fear. How the hell did he figure out where she lived?

"What are you doing here?" She gasped with surprise and David just gave her that evil and very sexy grin.

"Aren't you going to invite me in," he asked mischievously. She wanted to say hell no, she really did but before she realized it she stepped aside and let him in. Damn him, why is he here. "Nice house," he said after taking a quick look around.

"Thank you, it was my grandmother's she left it to me when she passed a few years ago," she replied politely and scolded herself for not saying what she really should be saying. "Get the hell out of my house and never come back!"

She closed the door and glared at him. "What are you doing here," she asked him for a second time.

"We always have lunch together," he said as if he was stating the obvious and walked over to a collection of photographs she had over her chimney. "But I admit I also came for curiosity," he added not taking his eyes of the pictures. She pressed her lips against each other with irritation.

"Curiosity about what," she snapped, not even in her own home was she safe from him.

"You what else," he replied turning his attention back to her with one of his half smiles that made her want to kiss him just as much as she wanted to slap him. She took a deep breath trying to keep her strangely raging hormones under control.

"There is nothing to be curious about. What you see is what you get, nothing more," she told him honestly with impatience. His eyes ran over her body and she felt suddenly very self-conscious so she crossed her arms over herself.

"No I don't think you're that simple," he started. "When I first saw you I thought you to be a good person," he told her.

"I am a good person!" Sam snapped feeling insulted that he hinted otherwise. In fact she would happily go so far as to say he was the only ass in the room.

"Then why did you sneak away in New York," he asked her the playful look on his face gone. She gasped and blushed fiercely with embarrassment. He would have to mention that horrible night! Sam looked at her feet not wanting to admit she left because she couldn't take his rejection in the morning and how embarrassed she was by the way she had behaved that night.

"Right, that's what I thought," he said coldly and Sam looked back up glaring at him. Her anger returned as he dared justify himself using that night as an excuse when she positive he was happy when he woke up that morning alone.

"But," he stated the amusement returning to his face. "You're not exactly a bitch either," he added and Sam's eyes opened wide with shock, no one had ever called her that in her life! He walked towards her till he stood in front of her.

"I am not sure who you are Sam," he said plainly. She looked up at him confused not sure exactly what he was getting at or how to reply.

Before she had much time to think about it he suddenly placed his hand on her hips and kissed her. She gasped shocked and squirmed against him for a second holding on to the last scrap of clarity she could muster. What the hell did he think he was doing, she wondered as she pushed against his chest, this really couldn't be happening.

David's hands slide along her hips to rest against her back pulling her against him and Sam felt her resistance slip from her as the confusing feeling of lust took over her. She kissed him back hungrily moving her hands up along his chest and shoulders before she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He seemed just as breathless as her when the kiss finished, she looked up at him not sure what to say or do. She wasn't even sure what was happening. "God Sam how you can do this to me," he said hoarsely and bent down brushing his lips across her jaw line causing a shiver to run down her back. Sam bit her bottom lip softly and leaning into his caress as it moved along her jaw towards her neck.

"What are you talking about? I am not doing anything," she replied roughly removing her arms around his neck and let her hands slid down his should to rest on his chest. "If anyone is to blame for anything then it would be you Mr. Andrews," she told him pointedly and slowly as her ability to form words seems to have diminished greatly since he kissed her.

David laughed against her neck sending tingling waves of excited pleasure through her body. "I can't be blamed for this. If you weren't so damn sexy I'd be able to control myself," he replied as he pulled her tucked shirt free from her skirt. Sam felt her breath caught in her throat and her heart crashed against her rib cage doubting if she really heard him correctly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she told him breathlessly as his hands slipped under her shirt as he kissed her neck softly.

"Don't pretend you don't know how badly you turn me on," he told her and Sam gasped in shock and looked at him in disbelief. He couldn't be serious, it was impossible for her to turn anyone on. This another part of his game that he was playing with her, she thought and she tried to push him away from her but he pressed her against him and gave her another passionate kiss.

Once more the anger and indignation disappeared with his hot kiss and the incredible feeling of his hands that moved slowly up the skin of her back. She leaned into him returning his kiss unable to fight the lust he provoked her into.

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