Breaking The Routine

Chapter 8 Chapter 8 - Choosing Sides

Chapter 8 Chapter 8 - Choosing Sides

Sam glanced at the setting sun, and then towards her watch. It was nearly six in the evening. She had spent the whole day thinking of what she was going to do and now it was time to do the correct thing for once in her life. She lifted her chin in determination as she patted her hair lightly making sure it was still in its immaculate bun. She smoothed over her dark skirt and blouse then started towards the house.

She was sure if he saw her making an effort that he would forgive her. She tried to ignore the little voice in her head telling her she didn't really want to do this. That her father and her job could all go to hell. She stiffened, and told herself resolute. "No, this is the correct thing to do; this is what I should do. I need to stop acting like a stupid child who thinks she knows better than everyone else," Sam told herself quietly as she walked towards the elegant door of her childhood home. Her plan of coming to him had to work, if it didn't she didn't know what she was going to do.

She knocked on the door and her father opened the door almost as if he was expecting her. "What may I do for you?" he asked coldly and Sam gave him a pleading look. "I thought I made myself clear yesterday!" He snapped and Sam lowered her head nibbling on her lip feeling so ashamed of herself.

"I wanted to apologize. I realize now that you have been right and only have been thinking of my best interest. I also realize that I have done nothing to thank you for your efforts and in fact I seem to have done everything possible to make it harder on you. I know you're angry with me but I promise I won't cause you any problems again," she explained looking at him hoping desperately he would forgive her.

Her father stood there in silence for a moment and looking at her intensely as if he was examining her soul. "What about David Andrews?" He asked and she shook her head side to side slowly.

"I have told him it was a mistake. I realize that I was only thinking of myself and not of how it would affect you or the company. I will longer see him outside the office," she explained feeling her heart ached as she said it but she tried to swallow the pain. He opened the door wider so she could come in and she knew he had forgiven her.

"Well then that will be not at all. I fired him today," her father told her as he closed the door and Sam's head shot up in surprise.

"You're fired him?" She asked and her father eyed her with suspicion. "I mean I thought the company really needed him," Sam added trying to sound like she didn't care whether David was fired or not.

"That was before the idiot decided to sue me on two counts," her father spat angrily and she looked at her father confused.

"He is suing you, what for?" She questioned not understanding why David would do such a thing.

"First due to I wanted him gone because he so foolish let himself be placed in a situation very unprofessional with my daughter and secondly he actually was pretending you two had a relationship and that because of my "harassment" you two were having relationship problems," he explained laughing as if what he just said was the funniest thing of the century. She chewed her lip trying to fight off the fluttery feeling in her stomach. David was seriously willing to fight against her father...for her.

The idea almost made her giddy, but Sam shook her head in refusal. No whatever David was doing wasn't for his feelings for her, it was probably something as silly as pride. David couldn't really care for her like that, the only one who cared was her father and she wasn't about to betray him again. "I had just finished speaking with my lawyers, they actually want me to reach some agreement with that

idiot, I guess his lawyer had made a good case for the harassment lawsuit," her father snapped then looked at her with a hard determined face.

"Maybe I can talk to him, and get him to drop it," Sam said chewing on her bottom lip till it became raw wondering how she could fix all this mess she made.

"No, that isn't enough. No one messes with me like this and now that you've come to your senses you're going to clarify that I didn't cause any relationship problems and what's more there never was a relationship to begin with!" Her father commanded her callously. Looking at him with a shocked expression while her stomach knotted painfully Sam knew she couldn't do that; she would embarrass David if she claimed that!

"That would make him look like an idiot in front of everyone, I am sure I can convince him to drop it and there would be no need to embarrass anyone," she pleaded with her father but his face only grew colder and harder.

"No, you will do this! That boy wanted to do the same to me, and if he thinks he can make a fool of me then he has another thing coming. If you really meant everything you just said then you will do this," Her father demanded and her gaze drifted to the floor seeing no way out of it and nodded solemnly.

"Yes father, you're right. I will do it," she said defeated trying not to sound as crushed as she felt.

Once back at home she paced her living room back and forth feeling sick. Her father had literally written out exactly what she was going to say tomorrow morning when they met with David and his lawyer. She really didn't think she could do it, it was lying and wrong. There was only one way out, she thought as she picked up her phone and turned it on The phone started to ring almost immediately

and she saw it was David. She smiled for a second weakly thinking it must be a sign. If she could convince him then there would no need to lie.

"Sam, thank God, you finally answered," David said sounding relieved when she answered the phone and her insides twist with guilt and shame. "Please let me come over so we can talk! Give me a chance. I know we can figure this all out," he pleaded her desperately. She bit down on her lip hard realizing that it was going to be so much harder than she imagined.

"I don't think that is a good idea David," she managed to finally say. He started to reply but she cut him off. "Are you really suing my father?" She asked focusing on her irritation that he would do such a thing and making it so much easier to do what she had to do.

"Yes," David answered after a moment of silence. "He is wrong in what he is doing to us Sam," he said and she shook her head in negation even though he couldn't see it.

"No he isn't, you shouldn't have done that," Sam told him angrily. Why couldn't he just accept that this wasn't meant to be, it was so clear to see! Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Sam listen," David started again but she cut him off. She couldn't let his speak or she would break down and she had to be strong to do what needed to be done.

"No, I want you to drop it David, you can't do this to him," she insisted.

"And what about us Sam, he can just make us do what he wants with us," David replied sounding angry.

"There is no us anymore! I told you that it was a mistake," she told him silently begging him to just stop all of this and accept that it was over.

"No," he snapped, "Sam I refuse to believe this was a mistake!"

"I am sorry David but it was," she insisted sadly.

"No," he shouted and she jumped slightly with surprise. "Say you're scared, say you changed your mind, but don't say it was a mistake because it wasn't. I don't fall in love by mistake," David argued and her stomach drop to her feet, he couldn't have just said that he loved her. That was impossible!

"Y-y-you don't mean that, you can't," she said her voice shaking terribly.

"I can very well mean it Sam, and I do," he replied with a calmer voice.

Sam shook her head in denial, he barely knew her; he can't be honestly in love with her! "David drop the lawsuit please," she begged going back to the subject at hand, not wanting to hear him say L word again.

David sighed loudly before he spoke again."Sorry Sam, but I have to do this, I won't let him bully me around and you don't have to either."

"He doesn't bully me around; he is my father! I must do what I can for him, please, please, drop it," she begged.

"I won't Sam, no matter what you say I won't. He is doing all this for himself not you. He may be your father but doesn't love you, not like I do. You don't have to do as he says Sam; I promise that I will be here for you...always!" David replied with a pleading tone.

Sam felt her chest tighten, how can he say such things. How could he dare to promise to be there for her always? No one in her life had ever been there for her always, no one except her father of course. She ended the call without saying another word. She just wasn't able to take any more. She fell down on the sofa tears streaming down her face. Her world was upside down and turned inside out.

She wasn't so sure what was right any more. Sam begged silently that someone tell her what she should do.

The next day Sam felt herself shaking as she got stepped out of the car; she didn't feel prepared for what she had to do. She stared at the building trying to prepare herself for what was going to be quite possibly the hardest day of her life. No matter how hard she tried not to, yesterday's conversation kept running through her head. David is lying; he had to be she told herself. There was no way after such short of time he could feel that way. But why else would he be fighting so hard with her and her father?

No! She told herself, he was lying and because of that she hurt and betrayed her father! Her father had been there with her all these years and would be until his dying day. Who knows how long David would really be interested in her, despite what he had said. Jeff had tried to warn her that day, he told her she couldn't keep a man.

Remembering that day Sam didn't allow herself to believe that David really loved her; he was so out of her league. It would be only a matter of time before he realized it and passed her up for someone else much more attractive than her. Then she would be alone, completely alone. She shoved all the sadness, guilt, and shame she felt deep down inside her till she felt nothing then she walked inside. "Good morning Samantha" Mrs. Simpson greeted her warmly but Sam just nodded as she made her way to her desk.

"I thought you got fired," Tabby asked her in a whisper when she sat down.

"My father gave me my job back when I apologized," she said momentously revising what she had to get done.

"So that's your choice then," Tabby said frowning at her clearly disappointed. Sam was tired of people judging her all the time.

"Yes Tabby this is my choice! I choose my father over some guy I have only known a few weeks and whom I met when I was drunk in a club," Sam shot back at the woman before her.

"Well that guy made you the happiest I have ever seen and that guy really loves you. You really should see the mess he is these past couple of days!" Tabby retorted and Sam flinched at the L word then plastered a cold smile on her face.

"No he doesn't, if I did what you asked and choose him over my father what am I to do when he moves on to something new and I am alone with no one?" Sam told her friend, wondering why everyone didn't get it, she and David weren't meant to be.

"So that is your excuse for kicking him to the curb. Better I dump him before he dumps me? I got a lot of experience with men Sam. So I really know them and I can pick out a player, a prick, or a good guy a mile away. David is a good guy Sam and he isn't going to be around a few weeks then go away! He seriously wants to be with you," Tabby argued but Sam shook her head again refusing to fall for their logic.

Just then Mrs. Simpson ushered David and his lawyer, which she was surprised to recognize from the night in New York, to her father's office. Sam ducked her head toward the table as they passed so he wouldn't see her. Her heart raced and she felt so awful noticing how haggard David appeared. She cursed silently feeling panicked but she closed her eyes forcing herself to stuff all of the dangerous feelings away before they threaten to overtake her.

"Stop being such a coward Sam and take a real gamble on someone for once," Tabby pleaded with her when they had entered in her father's office and Sam shook her head feeling numb once more.

"I won't, I can't! David and I are not going to happen," she hissed standing up as her father motioned towards her. "And after today, we will never happen," Sam added flatly.

"What are you going to do Sam?" Tabby asked looking at her worriedly.

"What I have to," she replied. She entered in the office. David sat with his lawyer across from her father and his. She avoided looking at David as much as possible.

"Sam what are you doing here," David asked surprised.

"I work here," she said numbly not looking at him afraid of what would happen if she looked into his eyes.

"What is the meaning of this Mr. Peters," he demanded of her father and she could feel his gaze still locked on her and she kept avoiding his eyes and telling herself she was going to be doing the right thing.

"She is here to contradict your claims of harassment. Go on Samantha tell everyone here your account," her father demanded with a happy sneer. She took a deep breath, she had to do this, there was no other way, and exhaled slowly.

"I am not in a relationship with David Andrews nor have I been. We have merely seen each other on a couple of times but it was an only attempt on my part to cause problems for my father and his company," Sam stated robotically, she had memorized her lines to perfection. David stood up so quickly that he knocked over the chair.

"Stop Sam! You know that is a lie," he shouted at her and she grimaced and keeping her gaze on the floor, feeling so guilty and ashamed for lying. She didn't want to lie like this but he didn't give her any other choice, she begged him to just drop it. "What the hell did you do to make her say that?" he shouted at her father, glaring menacingly.

"He didn't do anything, I am here of my own free will," she said with a flat tone, desperately trying to keep from crying and letting her true emotions spill.

"I don't believe you Sam! Don't be afraid of him, you don't need him. I told you I am here for you and always will be but you have to stop this," he pleaded and moved closer to her. She tried to back away from him but he grabbed her hand. She gasped in surprised looking at him for the first time since she entered the office.

Her heart ached as she saw the pleading look in his face, his eyes filled with emotion, and her hand warmed with his touch. She wanted to run to him. Hug him tightly and kiss him never letting him go, believing he would always be there for her but she knew that was only a beautiful dream. She jerked her hand from his and forced her eyes back to the ground. "No he is my father and you are," she started harshly returning back to the script, "a co-worker...I used. I'm sorry," the last part she softly mumbled under her breath.

"He may be your father but he is using you like a puppet. We both know that he forced you into lying for him. I love you Sam and I will ask only one more time," David told her with anger and desperation dripping from his voice. Sam felt the world stop; he had said he loved her in front of everyone there. Did he really mean it? She had never wanted something to be true so bad in her life but she couldn't give in to him and betray her father again. "Don't do this Sam please, don't let him rule you like this," David begged her with a softer tone but she shook her head.

"There you have it. I believe that removes all grounds you could possibly have for your harassment case," her father said smugly. David's lawyer, started to say something but David cut him off. His face turned to a cold hard emotionless mask.

"We didn't lose any grounds; your daughter would have to explain how she planned how on using me to causing you problems when she didn't even know I was going to work for you when we first met and slept together in New York," David told her father harshly and her father's smug smirk disappeared into cold stoic expression then he turned his icy glare towards her.

"But forget it, obviously I was wrong in thinking I had something with her! I hope you're both very happy together," David finished coldly and Sam felt the words cut her like a knife but she knew she deserved the pain. This is for the best...for both of us, she thought keeping her stare on the floor.

"We still have the matter at hand about the unlawful termination," David's lawyer began and her father coldly dismissed her. Sam nodded and left the office quickly. She went to the bathroom as quickly as she could without running. She entered in the first stall she could and threw up. She began to cry and it was impossible to stop the stubborn tears as she crumpled to the floor of the bathroom. If she was doing the right thing, why did she feel so horrible she thought as she hugged her knees.

Sam wasn't sure how much time passed when she got up exhausted. She walked over towards the sink and glared at her reflection in the mirror. She sighed heavily feeling as if she aged forty years. She grabbed some tissue to clean her face and left the bathroom. She sat down at her desk gathering papers that need to be filed feeling empty and drained of life.

"That was the dumbest thing you have ever done," Tabby hissed at her and Sam just shook her head. "He will never want anything to do with you after this," she added bitterly.

Sam grabbed the papers angrily. "You don't think I don't know that! It had to be this way, now I have work to do, leave me alone!" She demanded stomped off with the papers.

"Samantha," Her father called from his office a few hours later. He was now the only one in the room. "You failed to mention that you met David in that silly little trip of yours to New York," her father shot when the door was closed and she flinched with his harshness.

"I am sorry I didn't think-" she started staring at the floor.

"No it's obvious you didn't. Let this be the last time you keep something from me understood," he demanded and she flinched again and nodded in agreement.

"It didn't matter in the end; neither of the lawsuits will go to court. We came to an agreement, he agreed to leave the company quietly and I have given him a generous severance check and a good recommendation. I am happy to say that he is going back to New York where he belongs!" Her father explained with a large smile on his face.

Sam felt her heart ache hearing David was leaving and knew for sure she would never see him again. She excused herself from her father's office and went to file the papers she held. Well now she could return to the normal routine that she had so desperately wanted when David had shown up but somehow this victory didn't seem as good as it did a few weeks ago.

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