Call Me SIr

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Walking silently beside Lucas was torture, I could feel the heat radiate off him as I attempted to remain

calm, I was going to his house, he's going to make me coffee and lend me clothes. Fuck. How the hell

have I got myself into this, it’s not safe to be alone with him, god damn Its lizzie it’s not safe because

you know you won't be able to control yourself.

Continuing the internal argument on reasons why I should not be left alone with Mr Davey I sneak a

quick glance to my left, gasping to find him already watching me.

"Thinking about anything important” His smirk is etched onto his face as he stops walking. Oh god, he

knows I was thinking about him, he always seems to know what I'm thinking. Sometimes I doubt he's

even human, he always knows way too much.

"I asked you a question Lizzie" I gulp at his authoritative tone, where the hell has my voice gone.

" really, no" my face heats up from his glare

"You know I can tell when you are lying to me lizzie, I thought we could have a lovely day where you'd

be a good girl for me, but here we are with you failing to answer a question when first asked and give a

deceitful answer, tut tut Miss Sevenfold, I expected better" I feel myself shrink beside him, he was

already mocking me! here I was thinking the cold teacher I first met had been replaced, oh how wrong I

was, finally seeing his true colours.

"I. I’m sorry sir" Why was it that I couldn't say what I truly wanted to say? I couldn't walk away and tell

him to leave me alone, oh yeah that's right because 1, he is your teacher, and 2 you are attracted to


"You're sorry? what did I say to you on the first day we met? do you Remember lizzie because I

certainly do. I told you that you answer me when spoken to, and when I asked if you understood, you

said yes. Clearly you didn't" His tone is playful, almost as if he was attempting to get a reaction out of

me, fine. If he wants to play it this way, I shall play him at his own game.

"Well maybe you should help me understand then, sir" He's eyes immediately darken by at least three

shades as he takes a single step closer to me.

"Is that an invitation Miss Sevenfold?" He's voice is low and quiet yet somehow it manages to send

shivers down my spine.

"An invitation or a challenge, you choose" Somehow managing to keep my voice steady I hold my head

up high, not wanting this sudden boldness to slip and show the nerves below

"Ah, now if it were a challenge, it would be one you would lose. That I promise Miss Sevenfold,

because believe me, I have many, many ways to make you understand" My breath hitches, many ways NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

he can show me? oh Jesus why do I keep playing with fire

"Well I look forward to finding out, sir"

My words brought a smile to his lips "Well, this is my place" I look up from him to the house behind,

when did we even get here was I so caught up in my own mind that I don't even remember walking.

Tearing myself from my thoughts I glance over his home, a sudden feeling of Deja vu washing over me.

Lucas lived 2 minutes from my house. Great, I'm not too sure if the thought of him living so close in

comforting or nerve wracking.

"Come on Lizzie, stop thinking for a second and at least let me give you a change of clothes, you look

freezing" Lucas is stood at the open door, his arms folded as he continues to smirk at me.

"I wonder why, some clever person thought it would be funny to throw me in the sea" I answer him as I

step into his home, sarcasm lacing my every word. Before I can register what is happening my back is

pressed against a cold surface as hands are placed either side of my head.

"I'd be very, very careful how you speak to me Miss Sevenfold, after all, you are in the lion’s den" I fail

to breath at the close proximity of his body, at the darkened stare he was giving me, why did I agree to

this, shit. Lucas leans close so our lips are almost touching before kissing along my jawline, stopping to

bite the skin below my ear "And oh how delicious you look" He whispers.

Without giving me a chance to reply Lucas pulls away as he walks towards a closed door.

"Wait here for me, I'll be two seconds I'll just go find you some clothes" Not even daring to attempt to

speak right now I slowly nod my head, earning yet another smirk from Lucas, of course he knew I

would be speechless right now,

As I wait for him to return I glance around at his hallway, for some reason I expected it to be plain and

boring, yet the decorations were warm, the complete opposite of him.

"here you go" Mr Davey walks back into the hallway, looking happy with himself as he holds up to dark

items of clothing "Bathroom is first door on the left at the top of the stairs" I carefully take the clothes

from his grasp, thanking him as I begin to walk up the stairs.

"Maybe I'll show you just how Intend to win you challenge, Oh and Miss Sevenfold? Don't keep me

waiting, we both know how inpatient I am when I want something" I take one last look at Mr Davey

before continuing on my ascension up the stairs.

What they hell have I got myself into.

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