Capturing the Millionaire’s Heart on Divorce Day

Chapter 0154

Chapter 0154

Chapter 0154

The sudden arrival of President Grant had set the whole of Mukino Airlines abuzz with speculation. “Could it be some sort of corporate crisis?” murmured one employee to another as they hastened along.

“I don’t have a clue. But if it were really serious, would they call in the cleaning and security staff too?” another retorted, quickening their


From the vice president to the janitorial staff, everyone was herded into the cavernous conference room with a capacity for two thousand -a rare occurrence that had many on edge.

The vice president, usually the epitome of composure, was visibly tense. He had no more information than anyone else, only that President Grant’s grim-faced arrival was accompanied by a singular command: “Five minutes. Every last person from Mukino Airlines, in the conference room for a meeting.”

The building thrummed with the footsteps of over a thousand employees, taking the stairs in droves as the elevators couldn’t accommodate the sudden influx. The air was thick with anxiety- nobody wanted to risk a tongue-lashing or, worse, dismissal for tardiness.

In the conference room, a hush fell as the suit-and-vest-clad man made his entrance. The vice president respectfully handed him the microphone, announcing, “President Grant will now address us.”

All eyes were glued to him-the younger flight attendants looked up in awe, their eyes gleaming as if beholding a deity.

With the microphone’s volume set to reach the furthest corners of the room, President Grant began, “I’ve called you all here on short notice for one reason only.”



Everyone in the room leaned forward, breaths held, ears straining.

“There’s been talk circulating within the company about my personal life. I’d like to clear the air right here.

His gaze, sharp as blades, swept across the room, sending Frank and his flight department team into an uncomfortable rigidity.

“There has only ever been one woman in my life.”

He paused, the silence swelling before he continued, “Captain Madison of the flight department has always been the one.”

The room seemed to inhale in unison, a collective gasp as eyes widened. Their hushed conversations had not prepared them for this direct confirmation from the man himself.

For the female attendants who’d harbored no designs on Ethan, this revelation was a sweet vindication for Captain Madison-official recognition from the CEO of Mukino International herself!

Ethan’s voice carried clearly as he addressed the crowd, “I will not tolerate any gossip that could harm my relationship with my girlfriend or upset her in any way. Should this occur again, the perpetrator can submit their resignation directly to HR.

Those who had partaken in the discussions hung their heads, daring not to draw a breath louder than a whisper.

“As for the newly employed Captain Shihua, our acquaintance goes back to childhood. She was a student of my mother’s, nothing more.”

He looked up, “I trust my words have been heard and understood. Is that clear?”

“Crystal clear!”

“Loud and clear!”


Over a thousand voices rose in a resounding chorus that seemed to shake the very foundations of the building.

Captain Madison’s flight crew was airborne and not present, a detail Ethan took note of with a slight, satisfied smile. “Good. Everyone can return to their posts. Manager Frank step into my office, please.”

Frank rose, equal parts relieved and apprehensive, trailing after his boss.

In the flight department’s managerial office, Ethan sat in Frank’s chair, a cigarette dangling languidly from his lips, while Frank stood across the desk, bracing for reprimand.

Though Ethan’s-expression seemed thunderous as he typed on his phone, the actual content of his W******p conversation painted a different picture.

Ethan: Babe, have you washed your hair yet? [star-eyed emoji]

Madison: Almost, just drying it.

Before coming to Mukino’s office, Ethan had kept his reasons to himself, leading Madison to suggest a trip to a nearby salon.

Ethan had planned on calling in a stylist from the PR department, but Madison had declined.

Ethan: Next time, let a professional do it. Why tire yourself out?

Madison: It’s just a few steps away. How is that tiring? Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Ethan: Limbs as precious as yours should be treated with care.

Speaking of which…

Frank, still standing there, noticed the Chairman’s head lift and his heart rate spiked in anticipation.

Ethan flicked ash from his cigarette, “How’s that insurance policy I

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asked William to remind you about coming along?”

“Right here!” Frank presented the policy like a prized trophy, laying it before the Chairman.

Ethan scanned the document briefly while Frank explained, “We

selected the highest coverage for Captain Madison. Any mishap befalling her eyes or limbs, the insurance will cover.”

Coolly, Ethan signed where required.

Frank inwardly sighed.

True love on display.

Such a substantial insurance policy-bought on the spot for his girlfriend!

After signing, Frank stood by, waiting for the critique that never


“Do you have nothing better to do?” Ethan glanced at him, exhaling a plume of smoke.

“Ah?” Frank was baffled.

Ethan raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t you working?”

Frank gestured awkwardly at Ethan’s seat, his voice a dry whisper, Mr. Grant, this is…”

He wanted to work.

But would the man ever give up the seat?

Realizing his fa where Frank


his b

Ethan stood and moved to the reception sofa, brought over an ashtray and a glass of water.

en the unprecedented tension of being under eeling the weight of his presence not five

So consumed by the need to appear busy, Frank reviewed an

obsolete flight report, wondering why President Grant was lingering in

the office.

Doesn’t the President have work? Shouldn’t he be with his girlfriend?

“Quite the diligent manager we have here, reviewing last year’s resumes this year?” Ethan’s voice floated over, wryly amused.

Frank nearly jumped out of his skin, mustering the most passionate smile he could manage, “Just revisiting the past to gain new insights, Mr. Grant…”

With a nonchalance that belied the gravity of the moment before, Ethan stood and headed for the door, with Frank scrambling to open it ahead of him, “Take care, Mr. Grant.”

Without looking back, Ethan parted with a final note, “Keep an eye on Shihua. If she stirs up trouble, you’ll be the first I call.”

“Understood!” Frank maintained his smile, even as the boss

vanished into the elevator.

The moment Ethan was alone, his demeanor softened, and he sent Madison a W******p message.

Ethan: Babe, I’m coming for you! [cute.jpg]

Little did he know, two coworkers in the elevator caught a glimpse of his smile, their eyes nearly popping out of their sockets in shock.


President Grant had two faces after all!

Today’s Bonus Offer

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