Chapter 17

“Where are you going?” Barbra asked, sitting up the couch with a cover around her chest. Ray put on his pantsuit.

“Going after her.” He stated.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“She doesn’t want you anymore, she definitely said it…”

“Are you hearing yourself?. It’s El, We’re talking about here, I don’t going on my knees and beg, just so she forgives me and take me back.”

“Back, as what?”

“If it’s just as Friends, I’m good with it.”

She looked away from him.

“I doubt, if she would ever want to see your face again.”

“You caused this!” He glared.

“Didn’t force you to have sex with me.”

“Just shut it.”

He ruffled his hair. He was confused. He hadn’t expect her to be back. He never thought she would be back, not after what happened, there at Kenzo’s mansion. Besides she looks different when she came in here, she smells nice too, unlike the Elina he knew, what could have changed her or caused the change. He felts so disappointed in himself, for making out with her only friend. He sat on the floor.

How is he gonna approach her now, he doesn’t want to ever lose her yet, look what he done.

It was all a mistake, it shouldn’t have happened.

All these.

“You shouldn’t bother yourself about it, I’m sure she would be fine wherever she is.”

“Are you really her friend, or you had a facade all along. She never liked her. She trusted you. Loved you, like a sister. And that’s what you have to say, you ain’t feeling any sense of guilt..” he always warned her off friends like this. More reasons she was more glue to him.

she shrugged her shoulders.

“You’re a snake.” He snarled.

“Yet you f**k me.”

“Oh shut it.”

He said and stood up, throwing on a shirt. He pick up his phone, calling her but it went directly to voice mail.

“I messed up, big tell.”

He stare at the bullet injury on his shoulders. All that for nothing. If he knew this was gonna happen, he won’t have bothered, risking his life for her.

He slapjacks himself.

What’s he saying. He still would have done it.

She’s gone, finally out of his life.

His eyes glisten.

He still need Elina, you could say he’s possessive, but he doesn’t care. Even if he slept with her friend, he still need her. Right beside him. And he’s gonna get her back.

Whatever it takes.

“Are you okay Ray?”

“Yeah, I’m perfect.”

He bite his lips. And turned to the door.

“Any idea where she would have gone?”

“Suddenly care for her?”

She hissed.

“She’s clumsy you know, she might do something crazy, you can imagine, she might jumped down the cliff.”

“Stop saying nonsense.”

He opened the door, though giving it a thought, the look in her eyes, she hated him, the betrayal, the glare, and how hurt she was. She could do it, couldn’t she? He’d hurt her, his best friend.


Elina gulped the vodka down her throat, she felt it burn her throat. Just what she needed. This was her first time, taking such a drink, and she hadn’t give a damn. The familiar stranger. Was by her side, watching her. He brought her here anyway. A club. A fancy one at that, she could tell it was mostly for rich men, not like the one she had behind her street.

“Can I have some soda.” She ordered.

“Do you know your…”

“I don’t care about that.” She waved the stranger off.

“Just drink and die.” She slurred.

“You’re definitely drunk.”

“Not yet!” She shouted and laughed.

“I haven’t finish up the bottle yet.” She yelled.

“I can hear you, you don’t have to scream.”

“I’m not screaming, I’m whispering.” She screeched.

“Here is your soda.”

“Oh here, thanks you.” She laughed. And opened the soda. And turned to Sambas again.

“That’s bastard hurt me. After he knew I liked him. He had to do this to me.” She held her chest. And chugged the soda. She looked away from him.

“You look familiar, I know you, don’t I?”


“You’re cute..” she giggles like a child. What has he done, he made a big mess bringing her here.

“What are you doing.”


“I thought you don’t drink, how did you know that.”

“Trying out what I saw on movies. Mixing, Shaking, Drinking..” She chugged down the liquor. She laughed, then belched.

“This is amazing.” She throw her hands in the air.

“Won’t you drink. This is lit.”

“No, I’m good.” He quietly sips the glass in his hands. She was bad at it, he knew but why had he bring her here. He thought she needed it, since he wasn’t good with words. He took the glass from her hands.

“That’s enough.”

“I haven’t even started.” She slurred, trying to get the cup from his grip. Her hands went the other way falling from her seat. She fell on her butt. And puffed, blew her hair off her face. And tired standing up, she fell back. On another table. Face down. She lay there, without standing up.

“I’m so sorry.” Sambas apologize, rushing to the table. And helping her up. From the table. Her dress was stain with the liquor.

“Bitch!” The man on the table yelled.

Elina laughed.

Sambas dragged her away from there. She pulled her hands away from sambas and began dancing to the song being played. She wiggles her hips to the song, and push her head backwards.

And began jumping up and down. Moved sideways. Sambas watched her, completely lost.

This was worse. He was thinking of dragging her away from the there. But he couldn’t, he had to be careful with her, if he had known he wouldn’t have brought her here.

Her hands were up in the air, and she danced crazily,

Sambas palmed his forehead, he was a little glad it was late. And the light were dim.

“If you’re really desperate on dying, you should have come to me, I know the easiest way.”

She stopped. Those deep voice right beside her. His hands were stuffed in his jean pocket, and a black sleeve. His looks were on plain expressionless. His voice Calm yet terrifying. And the cold aura that comes with it. Sending shivers done her spine. She twirled around.

“Kenzo Bren Bren Brennon.” She slurred.

Aziel who was beside him, we shocked. His eyes popped out. Did she just call him, by his full name.

How dare she?

“Ken zo .” She laughed.

“You bastard!”

Aziel moved forward to hold her but Kenzo stop him.

“You caused this.” She staggered towards him, pointing her finger at him. She poked his chest with it.

“You’re dead.” She clutched her fist.

“Shit!” Sambas cussed.

There was no escaping, she was dead, he would so much kill her, there’s no way she would survive.

She’s so dead.

Then she puke on his shirt, and fell. Hitting her face on his shoes.

“Aziel!” Kenzo growls.

“Take her.”

She was doomed.

Elina eyes flapped opened, she was hit by a sharp pain on her head. Sending her shutting her eyes again. With her hands clasped over her forehead.

What the fuck?

She felt like dying. What could have happened to her, where was she anyway, she slowly, opened her eyes again, and stare at the big room, awash with gold. The beautiful chandelier shining above her head.

She was certain, this wasn’t her room. She shook her head, with accompany with another pain.

Where is she?

The room, everything, smells rich, was she perhaps back there again.

She jumped from the bed, it was possible she was here again. How could it be?

How did she get here?

Jeez !

She couldn’t remember a damn thing. Gripping tightly to the pillow, she hugged it so tight. And buried her head in it.

She couldn’t be here, right.

She couldn’t be back to the mansion, not again.

“Aargh, my head hurts.” She groaned. She can’t even remember what happened last night, hope she didn’t do anything crazy, she had Low tolerance for alcohol. She couldn’t drink.

This was her first time, ever taking something like that, and this is where it ended her. Back to where she swore she was never coming back.

The open while she was still in thought, trying to think, what happened to her. What did she do?

He cleared his throat to get her attention.

“Good morning. Miss….”

Sambas moves closer. Her eyes were fixed elsewhere. She couldn’t seems to get her eyes off space.

“Miss.. miss… miss..”

He snapped his fingers in front of her eyes.

“Down to earth.”

“Miss Elina.”

“Oh! What happened.”

“Nothing happened.” He replied and moved backwards. She palmed her forehead. And looked at him. She said it, no wonder he looks so familiar, this was where she had met him and now she had confirm her doubt.

“Where I’m I?”

Sambas looked around the room.


She raise a brow.

“Here? Huh?”

“The mansion, you’re back here again.” He drawled the last word.

“Right. I said so, I’m here.”

She turned to him.

“You’ve been stalking me, ain’t you. He asked you to.”

“We only did that for your safety.”


“Yeah. You should drink, this it would help you hangover.”

She took the cup from his hands and chugged down everything, giving the cup back to him.

“What happened last night, did I…”

“You don’t remember.” He moved his face closer to hers.


“Nothing at all….”

“No… yes.. no… omg!” She clapped her hands and jumped up. She remembered she dance and then what else, she couldn’t recall.

“I dance last night. How crazy.” She itched her head.

“Not just that..”

“There were more, something more terrifying, it would send you to your early grave.”

Her jaw fell.

“What did I do.”

“You don’t remember, you puke on master’s shirt last night and called him, his name.”

“I did.. all that.”

“You even played with his name, in public, screaming, so everyone heard.”

She fell on the fall.

She was doomed.

“It’s all your fault!”

“How is it my fault?”

“Like you weren’t the one who took me there, you made me got drunk. If I’m getting punished, which I won’t escape from, you’re getting punished with me.”

“I was only helping you, didn’t asked you to puke on him or call his name. Like you did. I only tried to help, since you couldn’t stop crying. That was the only way, I thought I could help you get out of the mess you were in.”

“Yeah and directly took me to another one, you should have just let me cry, I won’t die from it. How did he found out were we there, if you didn’t snitch..”

“I always report all my movement.”

“Yeah sure!” She scoffed.

She drew her legs up to her chest and hugged them.

She would have definitely, cried, till she died, what could be more hurting than that, they simply didn’t care how she would feel, seeing them like that. They don’t care at all. The picture wouldn’t just go away, she sniffed and blinked the tears away.

Besides, what was she expecting, Ray to openly welcome her, if it hasn’t been Barbra it could have been someone else, but it would have been much better if it was someone else, other than her best friend.

She tells everything.

She knew she had a crush on him.

That she liked him.

How could she?

Hurt her this much.

She’s not even pretty, Barbra was more prettier, has a good figure too, pretty face, everyone loves, she’s just a stupid nerd girl, no body wants.

The tears eventually broke through. Pouring down her face. She wipe them off with her palm.

It hurts cause she still love Ray.

And she doesn’t know what to do, to stop loving him, was it because he was her first.

She sniffed and clean her eyes again.

Her sight was getting more blurry.

“Do you want revenge?”

She lift her gaze to look at the tall figure, everyone in the mansion were all tall, and handsome. Like he did a pick on the guys. Moreover, they held similar stoic looks.

“It clearly seems, they don’t want you anymore, your out of their life now, you got to move on without them. This house, is what it is..”

“What do you mean?”

“We were all cast out, by family, by friends, by Love ones. And here we’re. We grow stronger. And deal with everyone who dealt with us. Revenge it is for us.”

Elina looked at him, with the tears streaming down her face, she didn’t bother, wiping them off. But just let it flow.

“How I’m gonna get revenge?”

“They hurt you, you hurt them back.”

She gave a tart laugh.

“How is that even possible?”

“That’s why you’re here, we train you, build you. You don’t have a choice, master would have still asked for, if you need to be here, you had to be tough.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“You certainly don’t. You’re already in, you’re already in, since the very first day you step in her. It was only two options then, either you die or live, if you live you become part of us. Never going out of the mansion.”

She sniffed and wipe her face, with her dress.

“If you don’t want to have your revenge, you could correct their mistake, he said it was a mistake didn’t he? Help him, correct them.”

He smirked. And looked at the door. A faint knock came in.

“Miss Elina, Sire, said you should be down at the visiting room, this instant.” The butler announced, Elina shivers. She was going to face him. She was wasn’t ready to. She can’t face him, now, like this. After what she did.

“the master is asking for you. You need to see him. He’s waiting for you. And one rule. Which you must obey, if you don’t want to get into more troubles. When he calls, be quick, be there before the next word fall from his lips. Be there. Don’t be a second late. Run if you had to. Just be ready to face him.. don’t stutter, don’t hold fear.”

“That’s a lot of rule. I can’t keep all that.”

“You’ll have to. Mandatory.”

“You should go see him. And stay alive.” He grin. And walked out of the room.

Elina stood up from the floor.

At least he would kill her.

But he could do worse. Torture her. She rubbed her hands over her hair. And wipe her face again.

Ready to leave. With her entire body shivering.

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