Chained By The Alpha Jessica Hall

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

When he doesn't answer I move to grab the bag to leave when Joseph's eyes harden, the blue of them like chips of ice

"You can't have her," he mutters defiantly, clinging to his crumbling authority

A dark chuckle escapes me, rumbling through the tension-thick room. "Not for you to decide," I shoot back, my voice laced with contempt

Zarek bristles beneath my skin, but I keep him

in check for now

"Either you tell me what Dane has over you and let me help you, or..." I let the words hang, a silent ultimatum that vibrates through the air between us

Joseph's jaw clenches, and he looks away, the internal battle clear on his face. But I'm not here for his inner turmoil-I'm here for her. The thought of Cleo, waiting for me, only makes me want to leave more

"Dane knows things... things that could destroy this pack," he spits out, the word heavy with defeat

"Like what?" I prod, stepping closer, crowding him with my presence, my senses hyper-aware of every shift in his posture as he stands

"Although, I am pretty sure I already know," I tell him

His eyes look hollow and haunted by secrets and shame. "You know?" he finally asks, his voice no more than a whisper

I nod, my jaw set firm, my silver eyes locked on

his. "That you're Vance's father? Yes, I know

But he doesn't. Is that what Dane 1s holding over you?" My voice is sharp, like the edge of a knife ready to cut through the web of lies and deceit that has entangled this man before me

Joseph's gaze falters, a crack in his armor revealing the turmoil churning beneath. He nods slowly, confirming my suspicion. "That's part of it," he answers. The weight of this revelation hangs between us

"Does Cleo know?" he asks

"Not yet, but she will soon enough. I just need to speak with Vance first."

He hesitates, and the silence stretches long and thin until 1t snaps under the tension

"There's more isn't there?" My voice rumbles

like thunder, a low growl that vibrates through the tense air between us

He hesitates, and I see the struggle within him- the clash between self-preservation and the desperation of a father

"Out with it, Joseph. What else is Dane holding over your head?" I demand my patience fraying

The dark undercurrent of my emotions swirls dangerously close to the surface waiting to be unleashed

His gaze finally meets mine, and there's a flicker of the old defiance

"Your little secret almost cost my brother's life

My father would have killed him if I didn't get there in time." The rage in my voice is palpable, a living thing that fills the room and paints it in shades of red

"Your mother was foolish thinking she could keep him a secret."

I barely register the movement of my own body, instinct and rage propelling me forward. Before I even know it, my hand is outstretched, clutching his throat with an iron grip

"Say that again," I hiss, my fingers tightening Just enough to see the fear flicker in his eyes

Joseph's arms remain defiantly folded, but his voice wavers, betraying the confidence of his stance. "I told her to get rid of him when she

realized your father was her mate."

The air around us crackles with tension, every muscle in my body coiled and ready to strike

The disdain in his voice, the cold dismissal of his own flesh and blood-it ignites something primal within me. My wolf snarls at the surface, eager to leap out and defend our family honor

"You bastard," I growl, my voice laced with venom as I squeeze tighter, asserting my dominance and my wrath. "He 1s your blood!"

My grip tightens slightly, feeling the pulse of his deceit throb beneath my fingers. Joseph's eyes, those of a man who has forsaken his own blood, harden like ice as he spits out the venomous truth

"He may be my blood, but he isn't my son!" His defiance echoes off the walls, a chilling testament to his betrayal

The fury in me roars like an inferno, but the thought of her, my mate-his daughter-douses the flames. I can't let my rage consume me; not when it would burn her as well. With a snarl that rumbles from deep within my chest, I

release him, shoving him back

"If you weren't my mate's father, I would have killed you by now, but I'd only be hurting her," I growl, the words ripping from my throat. His body hits the wall with a dull thud, and he gasps like a fish out of water. "So, I'm giving you one more chance to tell me if that 1s all Dane has over you."Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Joseph steadies himself, rubbing at the red imprint my hand left on his neck. He's breathing heavily, and there's a flicker of something-a mix of fear and resignation-in his otherwise steely gaze

"Ts that it?" I press closer, towering over him

My presence alone is a heavy promise of violence, a beast barely caged by the need for answers. "Or does Dane hold more than just your past mistakes over your head?" he doesn't

answer until I turn to leave

But his next words freeze me mid-step, "If she doesn't marry Boyd, she'll lose the pack."

The threat slices through the tense atmosphere like a claw through flesh. I don't bother to turn around as I shoot back, "No, she won't. You will." My voice is a low growl

"Dane already owns it, her marrying Boyd ensures our family still has some control over what happens to it." Joseph admits

"Then I guess I'll just have to get it back for her

Choice is yours, Joseph, you better pick the right side, my mate is not marrying Boyd. And she is not losing her pack either."

"Exactly how do you plan on getting it back?" Joseph demands

"By proving it was never yours to begin with

And if I can't, I'll take it back by force." I tell him and he growls back menacingly, and I close the gap between

"But if you try to manipulate her further, if you even think of coercing her... Once I'm done tearing Dane apart, rest assured, I'll be coming for you."

His lip's part, but no sound escapes. There's a desperation in his gaze, one that might have elicited pity from me had he not been such a venomous snake threatening to take my mate in the first place

With a final piercing look, I retrieve Cleo's bag, slinging 1t over my shoulder and leave

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