Chained By The Alpha Jessica Hall

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Dane continues ranting about tomorrow's significance as he leads us upstairs, but my mind lingers on Maya. What could she possibly be doing here? And why the hell was she coming out of an office?

Just then, as I reach the top step, the corridor ahead reveals more surprises. Lydia emerges, clinging to Boyd's brother with an intimacy that speaks of more than mere acquaintance. They're laughing, lost in their private joy until Lydia's eyes find mine. Her smile momentarily wavers then brightens artificially as she approaches

"Can you believe it, sis?" Lydia exclaims, pulling me into an awkward hug. "I'm so thrilled to be one of your bridesmaids tomorrow!"

I return her hug stiffly, my mind racing. "What are you doing here, Lydia?" I ask

"Oh, silly, your wedding of course," she laughs, releasing me to gesture at Boyd's brother, who watches us with a curious tilt of his head

"Besides, I told you the other week how we could still be sisters-I'm marrying Boyd's brother, remember!"

Her announcement spins in my head like a carousel too fast to grasp. It makes a grotesque kind of sense now, the pieces slotting together with chilling precision

Alpha Dane claps his hands, drawing attention as he joins us. "And with Lydia marrying into the family we'll take this city by storm. Alpha Samuel will make an official announcement tomorrow, right after your wedding," he says, his eyes gleaming with a mix of greed and

satisfaction. It clicks-a grim realization of how deep Samuel is tied into this plot too, how entangled everyone is in Dane's ambitious scheme

The realization leaves a sour taste in my mouth

As I nod mechanically to Dane's explanations, my father remains silent beside me, his eyes I can't quite read

"Everything 1s falling into place, Cleo," Dane murmurs, his voice smooth like oil over water

"Tomorrow will be a day to remember."

As he leads us further into the depths of the packhouse, my heart pounds. Maya's presence here isn't just a coincidence; it can't be

Something is going on. Alpha Dane leads me to a room at the end of the corridor before shoving me inside

"Get some sleep. Hair and makeup will be here around 8 am." Alpha Dane tells me, and my eyes go to my father behind him. "Come, Joseph; I have your suit arranged. You finally get to give your little girl away. How exciting." Alpha Dane tells him as he shuts my door and locks it. Locked in the room they've designated as mine for the night, the silence 1s oppressive, stifling. Fatigue battles with adrenaline, urging me to rest, but the storm inside me rages too fiercely

"Zayn," I whisper, knowing he won't answer, feeling the void where our connection should be. I press my palm against the cool windowpane, the moon's silver glow a spectral caress. Sleep is a distant dream, and I lay down with a heavy heart, praying for a miracle, for Zayn to have a plan

Because as the lock clicks into place, sealing myBelongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

fate, I realize the true depth of my entrapment

And yet, beneath the fear and betrayal, a spark of defiance remains a burning ember that refuses to be extinguished and I hold onto the hope that Zayn will find a way out of this mess

The plush comfort of the bed mocks me as I perch on the edge, my hands clenching and unclenching in my lap. I reach out with the mindlink, seeking that familiar tether to Zayn, but it's like grasping air-nothing but empty space where his presence should be as he blocks me out. All I'm met with is an echo of silence, a wall around his thoughts. It's as if he's deliberately keeping me out

A sudden noise snaps me from my head-the sound of the door handle turning. I spring to my feet, expecting a maid or perhaps Alpha Dane with more threats or twisted reassurances

Instead, Boyd steps through, a smug curve to his

lips as he closes the door with a definitive click of the lock

"Are you here to gloat?" The words come out sharper than I intend, my voice hard with suppressed fear and anger

Boyd just smiles, that infuriatingly self-assured grin that makes my skin crawl. "Why would I gloat, Cleo? This is just... necessary arrangements."

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading! Necessary arrangements. His words are bile in my throat, a reminder of the wedding preparations I saw outside, of the twisted future being forced upon me

"Arrangements that involve locking me in, apparently," I snap, folding my arms over my chest, trying to shield myself from the reality of my situation and from him

"Precautionary measures," he clarifies, his eyes scanning me like I'm a prize to be claimed. Panic rises in me, sharp and acrid, as he takes a step closer. Instinctively, I retreat until the small stand by the window juts into my back, sending a vase teetering precariously

"Careful now," Boyd chides mockingly

"Wouldn't want to break anything before the big



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