Claimed By The Don

Chapter 38

Ava p. o. v

I collapsed on the hard wooden floor completely exhausted and breathless, my limbs ache and every parts of my body hurts like hell. I remain laying there on my stomach not wanting to stand up, my bones are too weak for any more movements plus I find it relaxing here.

My breathing is hard, short and fast. My throat is dried to the point it’s almost sore, sighing in contentment as I felt at peace laying on the floor and gathering my strength.

I had just finished jogging eight laps around the perimeter of the big Field that lay behind the beach house. I just want to lay here and sleep to God knows when, The door open and shut disturbing my peaceful rest.

“Donna.” I grunt and turn to Luca, my personal trainer and one of Vince most trusted men. Luca would easily passed as a giant, his stature is quite intimidating. He is tall, very tall easily towering over my 5’4 standing at six feet, large and extremely tense bulging muscles.

There’s is a five inches long scar across his left eye which gave him a fierce and Stern personality. His Sandy brown hair hung over his forehead partly covering his gery shaded eyes that look empty.

Groaning I reached out and took the bottle water from his stretch hand, Gulping down the entire content, I release a loud burp while dropping the bottle nosily on the floor.

“We’ll have a five minute break before moving to the next activity.” Luca offered walking to sit in one of the chairs whilst lifting weights.

I moaned in approval, I rolled on my back and release a hearty sigh. Today had to be the third day I’ve been having training sessions with Luca, three brutal days of my life. it’s lasted four hours each day but those four hours felt like four years to me.

The train sessions contains of jogging for my speed, with a target of ten laps. The first day I had only managed fours laps before going limp, and yesterday I made it to six laps. Luckily, I have completed eight laps and boy do I feel weak. All I wanted to do now is to crawl in a ball on my comfortable bed and sleep.

Next, I have to do fifty push-ups, and so far I’ve only reached twenty, I grimace dreading doing the push-ups but I have to, I needs to.

I have already sighed up for it, which wasn’t an job to do, convincing Vince to allow me train is not an easy job. Plus I need to learn to defend myself if need be, I’m not gonna sit around and wait for someone to come rescue me like so dasmel in distress.

I know Vince will protect me, but I can’t be completely powerless and defenseless. Remembering back to when I ask Vince to allow me train or file divorce got me chuckling and shuddering. Flashback

“There are only to option here” I watch his expression but his face has went blank.

“Either you let me train to defend myself….. Or We get a divorce.” My breath freezed waiting for his reaction




A sudden roared echoes throughout the house, it probably shook the house. I felt myself paralyzed with fear.

The sound of the mirror on the dresser shattering cause me to flinch in shock, I whine and gasp as he flipped the dressing table over creating a huge mess. He turned to me with a menace look, he was livid: his eyes darkened but you could see an internal flame burning within them.

His body is stiff and tensed, a vein in his neck is pulsing angry. His glare is intensified with how rapid his breaths are, I cringe from it unable to hold his stare, more like glare. My gaze lock with something dropping from Vince tight fist; A liquid. I frown.




I watch with an uncontrollably ache clenching in my heart as blood drops from Vince bruised knuckles, they must have split hence the blood. My fingers inch to go hold and tender to his wounds, but I fear he might flame up again and hurt himself even more.

He doesn’t seem to mind the pain though or maybe he didn’t notice. He took a slow predatory step towards me causing me to involuntarily lean back since I’ve been sitting on the bed, Vince was in front of me placing his hands on both sides of me trapping me in place before I know it.

His lips crashed on mine in a angry kiss bruising my lips in the process, the kiss last for a minute before he broke off. His lips angrily skimmed down my neck to my shoulder, his hot breaths fanned my neck and Left me gasping for air.

“You want to be free? You want a divorce? But you’re mine and you can’t have both. You’re are going to remain mine till my last breath, fuck! I’ll kill any bastard who tries to take you from me!” Vince hissed, his jaw locked and his eyes grew darker.

“For fuck sake, you’re the air I breathe, my strength and I love you!” His voice tone down at the end.

My eyes glaze over. I was thrilled beyond belief, I feel giddy and warm on the inside.

My hands became sweaty as my heart rate accelerate uncontrollably, all I could do was stare wide eyed and mouth open. I smacked my mouth shut realising how foolish I must look.

It’s still baffling; I mean, the mighty Mafia Don confessing his love to me? It’s shocking and left me speechless.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I wonder if he realize what he was saying and wether or not I should acknowledge it, it might just be the heat of the moment right? I mean, he may be to angry that he didn’t realize what he just said. I’m sitting there like ‘Did he just… Obviously he didn’t mean it.

I don’t know how to react, I stare up at his looming form. I searched his eyes and face for any sign that he didn’t mean it. But he was sincere, the sincerity was clearly over his face.

I gulp down harsh breath.

“Did…. Did you mean it?” I found myself asking looking him straight in the eyes, his face twist to the one of confusion.

I swallow the thick lump that has form in my throat, scared of his reply. What if he didn’t mean it, what if I heard wrong. Shrugging those thoughts from my mind I asked

“Do you really love me?” I didn’t know he would actually love me, even I didn’t like him at first but now I admit I’m becoming attracted to him. But for him to love was completely out of the question to me.

“Yes! With every limbs in my body. I love every inch of your body, have you not realize it by now.” He peppered kisses all over my face.

“I worship your begin Cara mia, how come you didn’t know that yet?”

I was lost of words, I didn’t know what to say. My sluggish brain couldn’t even process it in time, this too much to take in. How did I not notice it? Maybe, I’m just in denial thinking I’m just paying off my dad’s debt.

“It’s okay, I didn’t expect you to reciprocate it back, yet! But do you at least have a little feeling for me?” He sound so vulnerable right now, like a little child denied of his chocolate sweet.

I gave a shy nod hiding my flushed from his piercing gaze, he chuckled and kissed my head affectionately muttering something along the lines of that’s been enough for him. By now the divorce and defense training has been forgotten.

“So you know why you can’t leave me, why I would kill anyone that tries to take you away from me.” Vince growled at whatever thought was going through his head.

Here I thought we have forgotten about that.

“I wasn’t planning on divorcing you.”

“Really? Then why did you speak of it.”

“I just wanted you to choose to allow me train to defend.” I reveal, my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

“About that.” Vince picked me up and sat on the spot I had previously occupied and sat me on his lap. “You won’t be needing that.” He mumbled against my skin causing me to shudder in delight, but I frown when I processed his words.

I groan knowing it isn’t going to be easy convincing him, then I have to put plan-b in action. Speaking to him in the language he understands. *Wink* Blushing.

End of flashback

After completing twenty five push-ups, we have another break before doing some circuits. Like star jumping, lunges, squatting and planking…. It felt like extreme yoga truthfully. Each set lasted forever and he made me do all of them.

Then after those circuits he would teach me self defense skills which we currently are at.

“Donna, you need to strike with more force than that. Use of elbows is best when been attacked from behind, and it demands force.” Luca instructs. But I was exhausted and I couldn’t wait for lunch time to take a nap.

“Again” Luca said, pretending to attack me from behind. With a new found determination to get this done and over with, I point my elbow towards the ground. I raised my elbow swiftly to hit him in the chin.

“Ava.” Vince snapped.

My eyes darted over to him, our movements paused. Luca released me from his hold as Vince hot glare rested on him burning holes on his skin. I stroll over to him walking into his embrace, I wrap my arms around him resting my head on his chest. I felt his lips on my head and I let out a sigh of contentment, he pulled back a little wiping away sweat from my face and looking me all over.

Searching for any bruised or injuries on my skin, he had harshly instruct Luca to not allow me get even a scratch. I rolled my eyes slightly getting used to this behavior of his but still embarrassed aware of Luca presence, He does this at every end of each training treating me like a child.

“That’s all for today Luca you can leave.” Vince dismissed.

“Yes Don, Donna.” He bow slightly before walking out of the basement. It’s the same routine everyday, we train but no words share, he never speak more than he should and when he does it only consist of training relate. And then Vince comes dismiss him, he would repeat the same words before leaving mutely.

He looks empty and lost, he seemed to have go through some kind of tragedy in life that has made him reserved and off close from people. From what Vince has told me, his always on his own never socializing with the others.

I felt the need to help him, to help him out of the shell he’s hiding in but all my attempts to raise a conversation with him were useless. Sighing I watch until his retreating back went out of sight, I brought my attention back to Vince whose nose rub against my front neck.

“I hate other men hands on you, I should be the only one touching you Cara mia.” Vince growled.

I pulled away from him playfully glaring at him, that explain his glare at Luca early. He must have irritated when he saw Luca’s arms grabbing my mid stomach and lifted me up in the air, I reach down and pulled the trainers off my aching feet.

Vince leads us out of the basement down the hall to the kitchen, I eagerly sat on a chair and gingerly heap my plate with the heavenly goodness set on the table. Wasting no time I dig in completely starving, from the corner of my eye I saw Vince staring at me with amusement but I pay him no heed.

“We’re going back home on Friday” Vince announced.

I still, my eyes darted to him in awe. A loud squeal escape my lips before I could stop it, I jump from my seat landing on Vince hugging him tightly.

“Oh.. ohh… I needs to buy something for everyone. And yes, a special something for Marco and Grace. Goodness! why am I still sitting? I need to go out shopping for them.” I mumbled and dragged Vince behind me upstairs to freshen.

My hunger and exhaustion completely forgotten, replace with the excitement of going home and going back to my usual life. More importantly, I’ve missed my family and best friend.

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