Claiming His Luna

Chapter 91: You’re Not Leaving Me Again

Remus’ POV

“Still no word from your daughter, Monsieur?” inquired Mariano, my newly-appointed butler. After killing both Russo and Henri, I found it necessary to have a reliable right-hand man. Mariano had served me faithfully for many years.

“She’s engrossed in her duties, Mariano,” I exhaled a puff of smoke from my cigar. Weeks had passed since I dispatched Vienna to Lucian’s territory, and I hadn’t received any updates from her since.

I know all too well about Lucian and Cercei. Being well-acquainted with their characters, I knew Lucian wouldn’t harm Vienna, being aware of her relationship with Cercei.

Whether Cercei had discovered her true origins remained uncertain, but it was only a matter of time. Predicting the actions of pure-hearted individuals proved rather simple.

“They’ve arrived,” one of my men announced, prompting me to dispose of my cigarette.

“About time,” I rose from my seat, ready to take action.

After Lucian’s recent stunt, it was time for me to retaliate in return. I grew weary of his silly games.

Descending to the dungeon, I found various investors and nobles from numerous packs in the West, all bound and blindfolded. I signalled my men to remove their blindfolds one by one, revealing their resentful gazes when seeing me standing before them.

“My honourable friends,” I gestured grandly, addressing them with an air of hostility.

“Welcome to my humble home,” I devilishly grinned as they remained on their knees, their mouths securely taped shut.

“No doubt you’re curious as to why you find yourselves in this situation,” I strolled around, my footsteps grumbling throughout the room.

“Hmm,” I mused, raising my hand to my chin as if pondering their predicament. My stride came to a halt, a calculated pause that heightened the tension in the room.

“That’s right, you find yourselves here to swear your undying loyalty and pledge your persistent alliance to me,” I proclaimed with chilling authority.

One of the Lords attempted to protest, his muffled words and fidgeting drawing my attention.

“Bring him to me,” I commanded, and my men quickly seized him and brought him before me.

With a flick of my hand, I removed the tape from his mouth.

“Ah, Lord Gregor from the strongest Xielo Pack. How delightful to have you join us,” I grinned, undeterred by the deadly intensity of his stare and the tight clench of his jaw.

“My loyalty will never be yours, Remus. You are no King,” he spat out with defiance.

In response, I coldly extended my hand, ruthlessly wrenching his heart from his chest. My smile remained rigid as I tore out his heart in one swift motion.

His lifeless body fell to the ground, the sound of impact echoing through the dungeon. I raised my blood-stained hand, his heart still in my grip, blood dripping down my arms to the floor below.

“You have a choice. Loyalty or death,” I enunciated each word, scanning the captives with a menacing gaze. The captured ladies trembled in fear while the Lords struggled to maintain their bravado.

“Now, make your decision,” I growled, underscoring the gravity of the moment.

One of the older Lords was the first to yield, submitting entirely to my dominion. The others followed suit, their surrender motivated by fear of the alternative, an existence with nothing left to cling to. Lucian had pushed me to my limits, and now I found myself driven to desperate measures.

“Lady Haelena of the Flower Pack, isn’t it?” I addressed one of the defiant women who remained on her knees, her head held high. Mariano removed the tape from her mouth at my gesture.

“I didn’t expect you to stoop to such desperation for an alliance, Alpha Crescent,” she smirked confidently.

“Well, they do say desperate times call for desperate measures,” I countered, uncompromising in my stance.

“So, you admit it; you’re desperate. You know you stand no chance against the King in the North. He has never tasted defeat in any battle,” she stated boldly. I laughed softly as I approached her.

“But I have already defeated him in battle,” I whispered into her ear before swiftly taking her heart, silencing her defiance.

“Anyone else?” I challenged the remaining few who still held their heads high. In an instant, they all bowed in compliance.

A triumphant smile spread across my lips as I seized fifteen Lords and Ladies now completely under my control. The tides had turned in my favour, and I enjoyed the power that surged through my veins, fueling my thirst for my coming wrath against Lucian.

The alliance was sealed in blood, an unbreakable oath made under the watchful eye of the full moon. In our wolfish world, betraying such a solemn pledge would bring eternal suffering, slow and agonising.

Now, the battlefield lies even. Lucian controls the North, and I reign over the West. The forthcoming war promises to be a fierce and severe clash.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What about your daughters, Monsieur?” Mariano inquired.

“Vienna has been sent to reveal Cercei’s true heritage, and she has yet to return. I assume she has gained Cercei’s support,” I replied.

“But what if Cercei decides not to return here once she learns the truth?” Mariano expressed his worry. I chuckled at his worry.

“That was never the plan, Mariano,” I shook my head.

“Then what is?” he asked, genuinely curious.

“Once Cercei discovers her true origin, all the lies she’s been shielded from will shatter her beliefs. She will harbour resentment towards her Mother, and above all, she will loathe Lucian,” I explained, pacing thoughtfully.

“Once she despises him, he will become weakened and vulnerable. We will seize the chance to bring him to ruin when that time comes,” I declared firmly.

I will be there to answer Cercei’s every question, guiding her thoughts and emotions in my desired direction.

While Vienna continues her charade, gaining their trust, I will multiply my forces, even if it requires forceful means and torture.

As for my beloved Emilia, she has admirably shattered my company, diminishing it to defeats. However, I would have been prouder if she had aimed her destruction at Lucian instead of me. My Queen, you have set your own castle blazing.

Blinded by false love and lost revenge for Henrì’s death, Emilia has been misled. Henrì is no match for her; he’s a mere servant, whereas Emilia deserves the world, and I am the only one capable of providing it for her.

I’m waiting for Vienna’s triumphant return, for I can’t endure this delay any longer. Weeks have passed, and there is still no sign of her. Lucian is no fool; he knows Vienna is on the brink of doing something vicious. He’s doing everything possible to prevent Vienna from getting close to Cercei.

However, Vienna is no quitter. She won’t return as a failure. Success is her weakness, and I am not worried about her safety. I know Lucian can’t bring himself to harm his mate’s sister, and Cercei is too gentle for violence.

It won’t be long before the world witnesses the fall of the North Empire. The dominoes have been set, and the game is now in motion.

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