Claiming The Rejected Omega

Chapter Forty

Chloe was languishing in the dungeon, her heart heavy with sorrow and despair. When the guard entered, announcing that she was to be taken for the mating ceremony, she felt a shiver run down her spine. As she was led to a room, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret for her current predicament. The maids in the room began to bathe and dress her up in fancy adornment and ornaments fit for a Luna. They asked her how she felt about being mated to Liam, and her response was a clear and emphatic one.

“I abhor the very thought of it,” Chloe said with a voice filled with conviction. “I am not in love with Liam, and I never will be. I would rather die than be mated to someone I don’t love.”

The maids looked at her with a mix of sympathy and curiosity. “Why do you feel this way, my Lady?” one of them asked gently.

“Because love cannot be forced,” Chloe replied. “It is a feeling that cannot be manufactured or dictated. I have my heart set on someone else, and that someone is Aiden.”

The maids exchanged knowing glances, as if they had suspected as much all along. They continued to dress her up, adorning her with the finest jewels and clothing fit for a Luna. Chloe couldn’t help but marvel at how beautiful she looked, despite her inner turmoil.

As they finished preparing her, Chloe couldn’t help but feel a tinge of excitement mixed with anxiety. She knew what was coming next, and she didn’t know what to expect. Would she be forced to go through with the mating ceremony against her will? Or would she be given a chance to speak her mind?

But one thing was for sure: she was determined to fight for her freedom and for the man she truly loved, no matter what the consequences.

Chloe felt her heart drop as she was brought into the throne room, tied up and surrounded by the Alpha and the other masters. She knew that Liam’s father didn’t like her and this whole situation made her feel uneasy.

The Alpha’s voice boomed through the room as he addressed her. “Chloe, you will only be marked by Liam to fulfill all righteousness. If he chooses to pick another Luna, he has every right to do so.”

Chloe couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had risked everything to be with Liam and now it seemed like everything was about to fall apart. “What do you mean he has every right to pick another Luna? We have a bond, a connection! You can’t just disregard that,” she pleaded.

The Alpha scoffed at her words. “You have no say in this matter. It is up to Liam to decide who he wants as his Luna. Your bond means nothing if he chooses to break it.”

Chloe felt tears prick at her eyes as she realized the gravity of the situation. “But I love someone else,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

The Alpha rolled his eyes at her sentimentality. “Love is a foolish thing. It has no place in the world of werewolves. The only thing that matters is strength and power.”

Chloe shook her head in disbelief. “How can you say that? You have a family, you must know what it’s like to love someone.”

The Alpha’s eyes narrowed as he glared at her. “Don’t you dare speak to me about my family. You know nothing of our ways and our customs. You are a mere human, a weak and fragile creature. Your place is beneath us.”

Chloe’s blood boiled at his words. “I may be human, but I am not weak or fragile. I have fought tooth and nail to be with Liam and I will not let you take that away from me.”

The Alpha let out a menacing laugh. “You think you can stand up to me? You think you can challenge our ways? You are nothing but a pawn in this game, a pawn that we can easily dispose of.”

Chloe refused to back down. “I may be a pawn, but I am not expendable. I will fight for what I believe in and what I love. And if that means standing up to you and your outdated ways, then so be it.”

The Alpha’s eyes glinted with anger as he took a step forward. “You are playing a dangerous game, Chloe. And if you continue down this path, you may not like the consequences.”

Chloe stood her ground, refusing to let her fear show. “I will not back down. I will fight for what I believe in, no matter the cost.”

Chloe couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The Alpha’s words cut deep, and she felt her blood boil with anger. She wasn’t about to take this lying down, and she stood up to face him. “How dare you speak to me like that,” she said, her voice trembling with fury. “I may be a prisoner, but I am still a person, and I demand to be treated with respect.”

The Alpha just laughed at her outburst, a cruel smile on his face. “Respect?” he scoffed. “You are nothing but a worthless human, a disgrace to our kind. You should be grateful that we are even considering mating you with our prince. It is a privilege that you do not deserve.”

Chloe gritted her teeth, struggling to keep her emotions in check. “I will not be forced into a mating that I do not want,” she said firmly. “I have my own life, my own dreams, and I will not let you or anyone else take that away from me.”

The Alpha’s expression turned cold, and he stepped closer to her, towering over her with his massive frame. “You forget your place,” he growled. “You are a prisoner here, and you will do as we say. Or else.”

Chloe refused to back down. “I would rather die than be mated to someone who doesn’t respect me,” she said defiantly.

The Alpha’s eyes narrowed, and he grabbed her roughly by the arm, squeezing it so hard she thought it might break. “You will do as you’re told,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “Or you will suffer the consequences.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Chloe tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. She felt a surge of fear mixed with anger. “I will not be intimidated,” she said through gritted teeth.

The Alpha’s grip tightened even more, and Chloe winced in pain. “You will learn to fear me,” he said, his voice like ice. “And you will obey me. Or you will regret it.”

Chloe didn’t back down. “I will never obey you,” she said, her voice shaking with anger. “I will fight you every step of the way. And I will never let you break me.”

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