Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Chapter 11

We’d been flying for what felt like eternity. There was no one and absolutely nothing to do on this godforsaken plane.

“I’m bored.” I huffed to which he replied with a useless ‘Really ?’, raising an eyebrow at me. I know I sounded like a petulant child but I really was bored.

“Come on, stop being such a bore.” I grunted, irritated that he was ignoring me.

A self-satisfied grin plastered itself onto my face when he stopped typing away on his tab and put it down on the little table built-in at the end of his right armrest.

“I’m paying you, so aren’t you supposed to entertain me ?” He shot back, a small smile making its way onto his usually grim face. Ah, his face…..I just couldn’t get over how young and…..and good-looking he was.

There was one question nagging at my subconscious though, ‘Why in Lucifer’s name would he spend 10 million dollars to buy me when he could easily have absolutely any girl he wanted ?!’

“You’re staring again.” He blatantly pointed out, making me turn red in the face.

“Sorry.” I hurriedly apologised, trying to make him not think that I was a complete lunatic.

Tucking my hair back behind my ear, I looked out through the window, not to observe the pretty blue sky or anything, just to prevent myself from ogling him again.

“Will you tell me your name now ?” I asked, suddenly remembering that I didn’t even know his name yet. He seemed reluctant to respond as he refused to acknowledge my question.

“Pretty please !” I insisted, making puppy dog eyes at him. Rolling his eyes at my childish demeanor, he finally uttered his name, “Azriel.”

“Come on, your full name !” I further pleaded, taking advantage of this opportunity to get as much information about him as I could. The more secretive he acted, the curiouser I got to know more about him.

“Clarke. Azriel Clarke.” He replied, looking down at his tab which he once more picked up from the armrest table.

“Wow ! What a beautiful name !” I softly whispered, recognizing the name ‘Azriel’, I’d once come across it whilst reading the bible.

“So I take it you’re a Christian.” I slyly suggested. His eyes shot up from his tab, widening in shock. I smiled a mischievous grin, proud to have shocked him as I c****d my head, partly leaning against the headrest.

“How could you possibly know ?” He seemed genuinely interested to know how I’ deduced to what religion he belonged to.

“What can I say ? I’m just all knowing I guess !” I wickedly teased him, biting down on my bottom l*p. My arrogance shot to the sky when I saw his body tense up just a little bit.

“I’m not wearing a cross or anything close to biblical. “ He stated, urging me to speak up but like the stubborn girl I was I didn’t.

In the flash of a second, Azriel was suddenly against my face, his hands gripping the sides of my armrest, effectively trapping me.

“HOW….DO….YOU….KNOW ?” He gritted out, his jaw tense.

“Jeez, calm down.” I softly said, trying to pacify him. “Your name. Azriel. I read it somewhere in the bible, it’s of Hebrew origins. It means ‘God is my help’. People with Hebrew names are usually christians.”

“Oh !” Azriel suddenly seemed lost….confused even I dare say as he pulled back from me.

Sitting back down on his seat in front of me, he again started to say something but stopped himself.

After a heavy silence which lasted all of a billion seconds, he again spoke up, “Never in a million years would I have thought you would’ve read the bible.” He commented, more amused than I’d like to admit.

“Hah. So it’s impossible for you to believe that a girl selling herself for money could ever read a bible ?” I darkly stated, trying to mask the hurt by anger. Of course that’s what I’d been doing my entire life.

“I….” Azriel started, calm as an iceberg, not affected in the least by my anger towards him. But before he could finish, two waiters with food-laden trays made their way to us, emerging from behind my row.

“Monsieur.” One waiter greeted him, he didn’t even acknowledge the poor fellow’s greeting. The other waiter greeted me too, “Madame.” I gave him my most heartwarming smile, aware of Azriel’s glaring eyes on me, watching my every movement. Both of the waiters placed our food on our respective armrest tables.

After murmuring a small thank you to the nice waiter who left a short while after that, I was just about to dig into my very good looking food.

But I suddenly felt myself being pulled up from my seat and hauled onto someone’s back. That is when I realized that a furious Mr. Clarke was carrying me away to God knows where on his back.

After we were through the passage between the multiple passenger seats in the span of a microsecond, I heard him turning a knob whilst I relentlessly beat against his back, angrily ordering him to put me down.

I suddenly felt myself being thrown onto a very soft bed as Azriel stood in front of me.

“What the hell is wrong with you ?” I screamed at him, keeping myself up by the support of my elbows against the bed.noveldrama

He slowly started walking towards the bed, slowly making his way onto the bed and before I knew it, the bed sunk from his weight and I was soon under him. His magnificent body trapping mine.

“W…what are you doing ?” All the air had seemed to escape from my lungs.

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