Crash Into Me

Twenty Eight

‘She didn’t tell him about the kiss’. That was the thing he thought when John left with his motorbike. He would’ve punched him in the face if she had told him.

He’d been silent for weeks, faded into the background. But he always kept an eye on her, watched over her without anyone knowing. He knew where Patrick stayed on the island. He followed his every move. He had his private investigators keep a close watch on Patrick, and diverted him from chasing Sandy. It was the reason why she hadn’t received any further harassment from the guy.

Patrick wasn’t going to leave the island until he got his hands on Sandy. He could never forgive her for putting him in jail. He was raped and assaulted too many times in the short time he spent locked up in a foreign country, and it was not a fair trade for what he did to Sandy, at least for him. He wanted to even the score. He had spent weeks searching for ways to get to Sandy, but he was misled by false information that seemed to be planted to distract him and kept him off track. He got smarter, and disappeared from Lucas’s radar.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.


A few days later, they were taking a three day break from shooting. John and Sandy were cozying up with the crews at a seaside lounge. Andrea and Roland joined them for a night of wine and dine between close friends. They were relaxing on the lounges by the beach with a small bonfire between them.

Sandy was in John’s arms, it was a regular scene among the crew. They were always canoodling with each other at the set, sometimes they disappeared into his trailer or dressing room. They were always all over each other.

The crew have grown to know her, they love the fact that she made John happy, and she never interferes with his work.

John’s mobile alarm turned off, it startled him. He looked at it with a puzzled look on his face.

“What is it?” Sandy asked.

“Nothing, let me check this for a minute,” he took his phone and walked away to a quieter place.

A few minutes later, he came back and said there’s something he needed to do. “I’ll be back, okay? Just wait for me here,” he kissed her.

“But … where are you going?” Sandy was confused.

“I’ll be back,” he was in a hurry and ran toward the exit.

She didn’t think anything of it and continued the night with Andrea and Roland. It was already the fourth month of shooting, but she tried not to remind herself of that. She didn’t have an answer when Andrea asked her what she was going to do after the shooting wraps up. She just shrugged and smiled.

John hopped on his motorbike and sprinted out of the premises. His heart was pounding, his blood boiling. The alarm was triggered by a break-in at the cottage. He checked the CCTV from his phone and saw a man lurking inside the compound and broke the alarm system. He knew exactly who it was and he was going to after him alone.

When he arrived at the compound, the lock on the gate was forced open. He quietly entered the premises and looked around for suspicious movement. His cottage door was ajar but there was no movement. There was a commotion inside Sandy’s cottage, her lights were on. He walked towards Sandy’s cottage, hid behind the bushes to see.

A man came out of Sandy’s place, he stood on the doorway with both hands on his waist. He couldn’t see his face clearly, it was dark on her porch. He squatted forward to get a good look, he didn’t seem to bring any weapon. John wanted to know if it was safe to come out from the bushed to confront him. But before he could do that, the safety light was triggered by his movement, the lawn was lit up like a stage.

John saw his face, he was startled and looked his way. John stood up to show himself, “Hey!” he shouted at the man. The guy jumped off the porch and ran. John went after him. He was sprinting towards the gate but John managed to grab him before he reached it.

They fell onto the ground and wrestled. All the training for the movie was put to use. He punched the guy on the face, he fought back. They rolled on the driveway pavement and tried to overpower each other. John had the upper hand, he was much taller and well trained. He punched him again on the face, his nose was bleeding this time.

Patrick used all his strength to push John back, he finally had room to kick him in the stomach and John was pushed. He managed to stand up and made a run for the gate. John went after him again, but a car passed by. The son of a bitch climbed on a small motorbike he parked across the street and fled.

He was catching his breath and decided not to pursue him on the road. It would be too dangerous, and it was not a scene in a movie. He went back inside to see the damage. Sandy’s cottage was turned upside down. The most disgusting thing was the semen all over Sandy’s floor, the fucker had been jerking off in the dining area and the living room. Sandy’s things were scattered and there was graffiti on the walls and furniture.

“Die Bitch!!” “Fucking Cunt!” A picture of Sandy and Kevin fell on the ground and he wrote a note on it, “My son!”

John didn’t touch anything, he went over to his cottage to see the damage there. But his cottage was relatively fine, except for the writing on the wall. “I will make your girlfriend cum and you’re gonna watch!!”. John went outside and kicked a pot so hard that it smashed into pieces, he should’ve killed the son of a bitch.

A car pulled inside the compound, it was his management car. Larry and Sonya burst out of the car and Sandy followed behind them. “John! Are you okay?” Sandy shouted as she ran towards him. “I got a call from the alarm company and then I watched the CCTV … oh my God, why didn’t you tell me?” she was hysterical.

John was still struggling to accept that Patrick managed to escape. He held Sandy tight in his embrace. The guy was strong, not stronger than him but the image of him forcing himself on Sandy was raging in his mind. “I’m okay,” he said, but he wasn’t so sure.

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