Dangerously Yours Till Eternity

Chapter 27 Calling…. Danger…

It had taken a while but it finally hit her.

They were no longer friends.

Workout thinking, she had all the locks changed.

Elsa had the keys to the old one and something about that didn’t feel so right anymore.

She was angry, pissed beyond imagination.

How dare she?! She should be the one trying to meet her halfway in all these, not push the blame totally on her. Besides, she had been the one to trick everyone to begin with.

How could she have been so blind.

Elsa had been very selfish and manipulative.

Now that she thought about, she had always been like that.

The real spoilt brat here was her!

She picked up a bag and started going around the house, dumping everything that was Elsa, or that reminded her of Elsa into the plastic bag.

“You are the real devil! I hate you! I pray that whenever you order they get your orders mixed up, and that they sprinkle peanuts all over your donuts, and may you never be able to draw a perfect eyebrow ever again!” She yelled as she got rid of anything and everything related to Elsa.

Dowe with that, she moved up to her room.

She had to ensure she got rid of all everything!

Childhood pictures in frames?


The piece of art they got together on one of their vacations?


The drawing set Elsa gifted her on one of her birthdays?

So long!

This little frame that had an art of someone singing drawn on it? Not related to Elsa but it did remind her of Elsa, so…


The bag got heavier and heavier, why were there so many things. She even had to get another plastic bag, then another.

After that was done with that, she looked around at her room.

It looked different, almost empty.

With the three heavy bags, she went down to the basement and dumped them there.

Good radiance.

She went back up, falling into the nearest chair, drained.

But it wasn’t over yet.

It was time to get rid of those voice notes and text messages she had sent to Elsa in desperate pleadings for them to fix things.

She rolled her eyes, annoyed at her sound of her own apologetic voice and her apology text.


Her, a whole Ivy Romina Rominnez!

This mustn’t leak to the press, she could lose her credit.

She got rid of the pictures, videos and everything else she could lay her hands on her phone, even deleted her number.

Elsa wasn’t the only one that knew how to be angry. She could be mad too!

Once all that was done, she took in a deep breath, plastering a smile on her face.

Shee got herself a bottle of champagne and a glass of wine. Then she settled back on the chair and called her dad.

He picked up almost instantly.

“Been trying to reach you all day–”

She busted straight away into tears.

“What happened?” Her father sounded so worried.

“Is that Romito?” She heard her Mother’s voice, distantly.

“Yes and she is crying.”

“Handle it, I’ll deal with the investors.”

“I’m here, I’m here.” Her Father told her over and over again, trying to calm her down.

When she finally felt a little better, she stopped crying.

“Elsa and I,” she said, stiffling her tears, “we, had a huge fight, she blocked me on all social medias.”

“Why?”Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Just some random reason,” she said, her voice still sounding teary.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.”

“She blocked me on all social medias and went to Kosha without me!”

Well, that sounded materialistic. Maybe she was indeed a spoilt brat after all.

“Should I come back home right now?”

“What for?” She asked wiping away her tears with the back of her hand.

“So that we can go to Kosha together. We can start the friendship pact. The catch here is, I won’t block you on all social medias,” his voice sounded cheerful.

“You are not even on most of them.”

“Well, I won’t block you on the ones I’m on.”

She chuckled, throwing her head back with the light-hearted laughter.

Her Father hadn’t stopped there. He had some pretty funny experience had to share with her and he did. Describing it all to her while she laughed her heart out, forgetting all her worries for that moment.

“That is absolutely ridiculous.”

“Hey, if you believe it enough, there is nothing that can be done.”

“Don’t do anything crazy, Pa.”

“I certainly won’t, Crazy isn’t my nature.”

He laughed and she joined him.

Then there was silence.

“Thank you, Pa. I feel so much better,” a smile played on her lips. “Goodnight.”

“And good morning to too. It’s 3am here.”

“Why are you still awake?”

“Because of you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I feel lucky that you called me. I love you, Ivy.”

“Is that mushiness I sense? No way I’m taking part in it. Nah.”

They chuckled and she hung up.

She took in a deep breath in relief.

Her father always did that, made her feel so much better.

That was why when he had told her she would be getting married to pay his Company’s debt, she had been so mad at him. She could expect that from anyone but not him, later on, she had discovered that her mother had put him up to it.

She switched on the TV, and switched to a comedy channel.

While they laughed and made jokes, she sipped her champagne, slowly getting drunk.


Her Father’s call had worked for only that night. The two days that followed, she occupied herself with work and the nights that followed, nights that followed, she watched comedy, with every moment the fight remained unresolved, she got angrier and angrier at Elsa.

It was like as if she could suddenly see clearly about how terribly Elsa had twisted the whole situation to her advantage.

Chris hadn’t tried to reach out to her too and for that, she was most grateful.

She needed an alone time.

Besides, she felt guilty for how she had behaved to him, he had down nothing wrong.

It wasn’t his fault that he was a whole package.

She watching her comedy once again, when her phone rang.


She really hoped it wasn’t an acquaintance who thought of themselves as friends, trying to invite her to another party or gathering of any form.

She had already said enough “no’s” today to last her a lifetime.

What if it was Chris?

She really hoped not.

She wasn’t ready to talk to him yet.

What if—

Her thoughts slowed down at what she was looking at.

It was a just a couple of numbers displayed on her screen.

A couple of numbers she knew by heart.


Oh-oh, she had a loooooot to say to her.

She answered the call and went full tiger on her.

“So you’re calling now, huh?! You better have an explanation for everything you did because I won’t accept a sorry! I can even sue to court for emotional damage.”

“A friend of Elsa’s?” The voice she heard was that of a man. Certainly not Elsa’s.

“Ye– wait, who are you?” She fired back, anger still rushing in her veins. “She put you up to taking the shouting on her behalf? Give her phone ri—”

“Ivy!” She heard Elsa shouting distantly and her grip around her phone tightened, her heart racing.

Then a scream!

Elsa’s scream!

“What are you doing to her?!” Her voice hitched with panic. “How much do you want. We’ll pay you.”

There was silence for a moment, then the voice spoke again.

“If you want to safe your friend, you will do exactly as I say.”

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