Dangerously Yours Till Eternity

Chapter 44 – Back and Forth with the Fangs

It was foolish to fall for the same trick twice!

Or down the same rabbit ho— forget that, will complete it later.

Ivy didn’t think twice or at all before she pulled her hand away in a quick jerk.

The next thing she knew, she was locking the doors, yelling to the gatekeeper to escape for his life in breath-deprived warnings, and just like that, she was in her car, driving out of the compound and hitting the road.

Then, with a final a screech, she was in front of a hotel.

Quickly she lodged in, and in no time, she was in her assigned room.

As she laid on the bed, after ensuring the the doors and windows were securely locked, she thought to herself.

‘Not today, Death.

Not today.’


She had been tempted many times that night to call Elsa, in order to find out of if it was safe enough for her to come home now, but then the thoughts that she might lie to get her there and eventually drain her blood, sent chills down her spine.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

So, she didn’t.

Another temptation she had to resist was calling Chris. She wanted to tell him that Elsa needed help to go back to being normal, although Ivy hadn’t seen her go all vampire on her when she ran away, but that could have just been because she hadn’t waited enough for that to happen.

Or could it be that Elsa was already better with control and she hadn’t even go any level of vampire at all?

3:32 am, yet she hadn’t been able to sleep a wink.

She just couldn’t stop worrying!

What if Elsa broke out of the room and hurt people? What if she had hurt the Gatekeeper or even killed him? What if she was already out hurting people? Or what if her parents took one of their unexpected flights back and Elsa was hurting them right?!

She jumped up to her feet and grabbed her keys.

She had better go back before she would lose her mind.

She rushed back downstairs, while she called her parents over the phone.

She got into the car in no time but they still hadn’t picked up and by now, she was really going crazy.

Before she hit the road again though, her Father finally picked up.

Never had she felt so relieved.

They were fine and they were still at CarDavo.


She dropped the phone and hit the road.

Having in mind that if anything weng wrong or she got home to meet a disaster, she would call Chris.

He was the only one that she had in mind a d despite everything that was going on right now

He seemed like the best shot.

She must have driven so fast because in no time, she was back in the compound.

From the looks of things, everything seemed to be fine, there wasn’t blood everywhere and the gatekeeper had seem fine, he even offered her a sympathetic look when locking the gate.

Whatever that was for.

She went into the house and everything seemed fine. The locks were still intact, but what surprised her the most was the fact that Elsa was still on the sofa when she stepped into the sitting room.

She moved closer carefully, her finger barely am inch above Chris’s contact on her phone, in case of emergency, all she had to do was click.

But when she finally came around and stood in front of Elsa, her heart slowly felt cold.

There were many alcohol bottles littered over the table.

“I just discovered something terrible about being a vampire,” Elsa said, raising a glass to get lips. “you just can’t get drunk, “then she let out a frustrated sigh, leaning back against the sofa, “no matter how hard you try.”

Ivy wanted to take a step closer but Elsa’s voice stopped her quickly.

“Careful, I haven’t been able to clean the bottles yet. Mood issues.”

“What is going on?” Ivy asked, completely lost.

“I’m trying to get drunk,” Elsa looked straight at her, her eyes quite glassy with a lazy smile on her face.

“I thought– you’d be–”

“Going after you for your blood? Come on, I learnt control from the best. My Sire is unmatched,” she ended with a wink.

“Hmmm,” Ivy looked away at the thought of Chris, her grip still tight around her phone.

Then Elsa left and came back with materials to clear up the broken bottle pieces before disappearing back to the kitchen to dispose them properly.

When she came back, Ivy didn’t join Elsa on the sofa, instead she sat on the opposite one, her finger still lightly over Chris contact displayed on her phone’s screen.

One could never be too careful.

“I like this, you know. I like being fast and strong, and beautiful, of course. This enteral youth thing going on,’ she sat up, her stance a little playful. “Do you know how much I would have spent on my skin in future if I hadn’t become this,” she laughed hysterically.

“Probably all my fortune, because I love to look goodddd.”

This conversation felt absolutely unsettling.

Elsa’s smile slowly dwindled, “But I also get to have claws, crace blood, have fangs, my skin is fucking cold all the fucking time, and I know my heart isn’t beating even if I can fool everyone that it is,” she paused, then added, “I know I’m not breathing.”

Ivy looked away, blinking away the tears that was slowly welling up in her eyes.

“And the most annoying thing is I can’t get drunk. I mean, normally, it’s hard for me to and now, it’s just impossible,” Elsa chuckled again, but Ivy didn’t join in.

This wasn’t funny.

Her laughter stopped abruptly and she exhaled, silence surrounding them.

“But then it’s all my fault.”

She pured herself another glass and gulped it down. “I always said handsome men would be my doom, I didn’t know they would actually be the death of me,” her lips dipped at the corners and she shrugged. “Crazy, right?”

“I thought you were happy,” Ivy said quietly, observing the look in Elsa’s eyes.

“I prefer this to bring dead. I mean I’d but– you know what I mean.”

Ivy frowned, realizing something, “you are not happy.”

“I don’t kn–” her voice faded abruptly, choked with tears. “This is too much for me, it happened so fast and I’m grateful for everyone, don’t get me wrong, I really am. I’m not mad that I was saved or at the cost, I’m sure about that. But being happy, I haven’t thought about it. I didn’t want to.”

She paused.

“I wanted to pretend everything was back to normal and I’ve managed to fool myself that it was, until tonight, I saw that fear in your eyes again, how you ran away from me.”


“It’s not your fault, I’m dangerous. It’s just you’ve never looked at me like that. But then, I was never a life threatening monster until now.” She signaled to Ivy’s hand on her phone screen.

Ivy bit her lip feeling a little uneasy but she still kept her hand there.

“You are not a monster,” she said Instead, but her words were not convincing enough, even to her own self.

“I am. The only nice thing about it, is that I come in a sexy disguise,” shs said dismissively, then added in a serious pleading voice, “Can you just trust me a little bit, that I’ll never hurt you.”

“That is going to take a lot of work. I still remember how– you know what? It’s going to take all the work in the world.”

“Well,” she stood up. “I better start doing all the work in the world then. Have to start by clearing this bottles.”

She picked them up and left.

Ivy’s tight grip around her phone loosened, and she stared in the direction of the Kitchen where Elsa had disappeared to.

She was still dealing with the consequences of having to make a life changing decision only a week ago and now, here was another one.


She needed a break!

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