Emperor of Havoc: A Dark Forced Marriage Mafia Romance

Emperor of Havoc: Chapter 11

The next morning, the taste of last night still lingers on my tongue.

Not the fish, thankfully—that delicate sliver of danger carved by Takeshi’s precise hands is gone, though my mouth was still tingly off and on when I was going to sleep. But the bitter taste of his next level power-play is still there.

You should know how good I am with a blade, fiancée.

I mean, fucking seriously? The man literally poisoned me at our engagement dinner, deliberately, in full view of everyone.

I pull the silk robe tighter around me as I pace my bedroom, my lips pursed and my thoughts still black. With a heavy sigh, I finally plop down on my bed and then flop back across it.

Furrcules curls against my hip as he shifts to snuggle a little closer. He’s snoring faintly, blissfully unaware of the turmoil storming within me.

Slowly, his warmth against me melts some of the fury away. With a wry smile, I turn to look at him, stroking the stripes behind his ears as he purrs contentedly.

I’d give anything to feel that kind of peace right now.

Nina knocks lightly before letting herself in, dressed casually in jeans and a hoodie. “I brought coffee,” she announces, holding up two steaming mugs. “How’s it going? You look like you’ve been stewing all night.”

“What gave it away?” I sign glumly, scowling as I stand and take the mug. The caffeine is necessary right now. Someone to vent to who won’t sugarcoat things might be even more so.

Nina takes my former spot on the bed next to Furrcules’ slumbering bulk, sipping her coffee as she watches me start to pace again. “This is about the fish, isn’t it?”

“The asshole could have killed me!” I sign furiously.

Nina raises a brow, calm as ever. “Okay, is there a chance it was an accident?”

I stop and shoot her a look. She makes a face.

“Fuck, Kat…” She shakes her head, her brow furrowed. “Does Ryu know?”

I only briefly mentioned the fish thing to Nina last night. I thought about telling Ryu—maybe even fantasized about his reaction to finding out Takeshi fucking poisoned me.

But then I thought about the utter shitshow that would ensue if Papa’s top advisor cut Takeshi’s head off at our engagement dinner. I ended up stewing on it instead.

I smile wryly. “I don’t mean to take this out on you.” I take a sip of my coffee and sigh. “Bet you’re glad you landed in this particularly dysfunctional family.”

She rolls her eyes. “Right, because my life before the Ishida household was definitely all sunshine and roses,” she mutters.

“Anyone ever get poisoned at your family’s dinner parties?”

“Probably,” she snickers before she sighs and shakes her head. “Okay, so, that’s a no to telling Ryu.”

“Can you even imagine?”

She grins. “No. But I’m guessing you have, in great detail.”

I run my fingers through my hair as I curl up in the chair, sipping the coffee.

“Hey, you okay?”

I nod. “Yeah,” I sign. “It was just…I mean, sitting there, trying to decide if he was playing a game or if I was about to die…” I shake my head. “He’s fucking crazy, Nina.”

She nods. “Definitely. But I think he’s mainly trying to get under your skin. And, given that you’re practically vibrating with fury, I’d say he succeeded.”

I grit my teeth. “I hate it. He’s been on my mind all night.”

Nina smirks as I realize what I just said.

“Not like that,” I sign quickly.

“Not in the slightest? Really?” She grins and wags her brows as she runs her fingers through Furrcules’ soft fur. “I mean, yeah, the man’s a psycho. But…I mean…”

When she trails off, I fix her with a hard look. “No, please,” I sign, my lips tight. “Don’t stop there.”

Nina rolls her eyes. “He’s hot, okay?”

I make a face, and she laughs.

“Oh, fuck you. Don’t make me the weird one for pointing out the obvious. Your fiancé is a lunatic, sure. But that is one fine looking man.”

“Hard disagree.”

“He’s hot, Kat,” she fires back with a snort. ‘Plus, that whole crazy thing amps it up a little more. Don’t even try to tell me I’m wrong.”

“I don’t have to try. You’re wrong. He’s not attractive.”

“He is.”

I roll my eyes. “Then you marry him!”

She laughs. “Well, I appreciate your blessing. But I’m not the one he’s clearly got his sights set on.”

“Lucky me.”

It’s times like this that remind me how fortunate I am to have Nina. None of her teasing was serious earlier today. But I know her well enough to know that her goal this morning wasn’t about convincing me of Takeshi’s physical attractiveness.

I mean, okay, yes, off the record, the man is gorgeous…though call me old-fashioned, but attraction has a way of dipping when someone feeds you nerve toxin.

No, her goal earlier was to get my head back in the game and get me energized and focused. And it worked. So now that I’m thinking more clearly, not just stewing in my room about what a hot psycho jerk Takeshi is, I’m focused on the realities of my life right now.

Papa is awake and alert, but the hospital is keeping him in one more day to run some tests. I’m glad that they’re taking such good care of him, but the problem is the longer he stays there, not making any sort of appearances, the more people are going to start…questioning things.

And now, with Takeshi out there blatantly trying to cozy up to my allies, playing on the patriarchal tendencies of some of the older Yakuza leaders to portray himself as “their guy”?

Yeah, I need to shore up my own alliances. Fast.

It’s nearly noon by the time I find Ryu. He’s in Papa’s office, barking orders to two fuku-honbucho—street-level leaders who report to waka gashira lieutenants.

When he spots me, he gruffly dismisses them, leaving us alone.

I don’t waste any time.

“I need to know who’s loyal,” I sign, my movements crisp and deliberate. “And who’s been talking to Takeshi.”

Ryu’s expression hardens. “You think he’s making a move, beyond antagonizing Yamamoto last night?”

“Wouldn’t you be, if you were him?”

Ryu swears under his breath and drags a hand through his hair. “I don’t like the bastard. He’s too smug, too sure of himself. He walked into this house like he owned it, and half these fools are already looking at him like he’s their savior.”

“I agree,” I nod. “That’s why we need to act now. This empire is yours and mine to run while Papa isn’t able to⁠—”

“Yours to run,” Ryu interrupts gently. “My duty is to support you in any way I can, as I always have your father.”

I smile at him. “You’re so good to this family, Ryu.”

He smiles. “This family is my family. I owe your father everything, including my life. I will protect this empire with everything I have and am.”

“Same,” I sign. “Which is why I’m not about to let Takeshi Mori slide in and take what isn’t his.”

Ryu’s sharp eyes search mine for a long moment. Finally, he nods. “What do you need me to do?”

I exhale slowly. “Keep your ear to the ground. Talk to the captains you trust. Let them know that my father’s wishes haven’t changed—the Ishida-kai answers to me.”

“And Takeshi?” Ryu growls, a hint of eagerness in his voice.

“Leave him to me,” I sign, a dangerous smile on my lips.

The rest of the afternoon is spent in quiet meetings and subtle maneuvering. I move through the estate like a shadow, pulling aside or calling in the waka gashira that I know personally and know I can rely on. With Nina translating when necessary, I remind them of their oaths to my father. I assure them that nothing has changed, and that I’m prepared to lead in his absence.

“Kolya-sama left you in charge,” a captain named Johnny Iwao murmurs, his expression uncertain, his eyes darting to Nina. “But Takeshi⁠—”

“Is an outsider,” I sign sharply. “He doesn’t understand our ways. He doesn’t understand this family.”

“Yet he’s to be your husband…?”

“Which does not mean my equal, nor does it automatically grant him power. Is that understood?”

The man nods slowly. “Perfectly. I trust you, Katarina-sama, same as I do your father.”

Good. That’s one more.

By evening, I’m exhausted. My feet ache, my head pounds, and all I want is a moment to myself. I retreat to the gardens, where the lanterns are starting to flicker to life. Furrcules walks beside me, occasionally swatting at leaves, his tiny growls breaking the quiet.

I sink onto a stone bench, leaning my head back and letting the cool night air wash over me.

This is what I’m fighting for. My father’s legacy. My place as the head of this family. I won’t let Takeshi or anyone else take it from me.

A rustle of footsteps breaks the silence, and I spot a dark figure emerging from the shadows and moving toward me.


Of fucking course.

Furrcules growls and bares his teeth, stopping my fiancé a few feet away. Takeshi’s eyes swivel to the tiger cub at my feet before drifting back to me.

“Has he been fed recently?”

“Why don’t you come a little closer and ask him yourself?” I sign, a docile smile on my face.

“Once we’re married,” he murmurs, “I hope you realize that little death machine is out. I’m not sharing a roof with him, much less a bed.”

“Shockingly,” I motion to him, “we’re on the same page there. You won’t, in fact, be sharing a roof with Furrcules, much less a bed. Because he’ll be in my bed, and you will be outside. Or in a ditch. Or…I don’t really care where.”

Takeshi chuckles quietly. “You put so much effort into this.”

“Into what.”

“Pretending you don’t daydream about my hands on you, and my fingers in you, and my cock pounding your tight little pussy after chasing you down and pinning you to the ground, every single time you look at me.”

My face goes crimson and I try to come up with a retort. But before I can think of anything, he just smiles at me.

“I hear you’ve been a busy bee today,” he murmurs. “Rounding up allies, whispering in corners. That’s cute, princess, but unnecessary. You’re fighting a war that doesn’t need to happen.”

“It does if it keeps you from taking what isn’t yours,” I sign back.noveldrama

His expression doesn’t waver, but a flash of something sharp and dangerous flickers in his dark eyes. “You think you can stop me?”

“Are you admitting that you’re trying to do what I’m accusing you of?”

Takeshi stares at me for a long beat, his gaze unwavering. Then, to my surprise, he smiles. Not his usual smug grin, but smaller, like he’s genuinely amused.

“You’re bold,” he murmurs, almost to himself. “I’ll give you that.”

“And you’re arrogant,” I sign, standing to face him and stepping closer until we’re nearly eye to eye. “But not as clever as you think. If you were, you’d know better than to underestimate me.”

For a moment, neither of us moves. The air is thick with tension, the space between us shrinking to nothing. Then Takeshi leans in, his voice a low whisper.

“We’ll see about that, princess.”

I don’t flinch. I don’t blink. I hold his gaze until he finally turns and walks away, disappearing into the shadows.

Furrcules growls softly behind me, sensing my unease. I turn and reach down to scratch behind his ears, exhaling slowly.

“We’ll see, indeed,” I whisper, the words barely audible. Takeshi Mori may think he’s winning, but he doesn’t know me.

Not yet.

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