Entangled With The CEO Brothers

Laura’s POV 131


I couldn’t help but put the necklace to my mouth and kiss it gently, and it wasn’t until then that I realized what kind of pain longing really was.

The chain was something he had given me back in Alcostan.

The bullets were flying, the war was raging, and we were living in a makeshift tent set up by the UN Peacekeeping Forces. I worked day and night writing press releases, and he stayed with me day and night. He found a small river in the mountains behind the tent area and picked up this intact shell and made it into a necklace for me …

Those days were the closest I’ve ever been to death and the closest I’ve ever been to happiness.

After staying at the beach for a while I went home, Rafael had already left, the smell of cigarette smoke in the living room had not yet dissipated, a note was left on the table, black on white, the strong and powerful strokes of the pen wrote only three words: I’m sorry.

My heart was in turmoil, and I threw the cigarette butts in the ashtray and the note into the trash.

The next day’s shooting still couldn’t catch up with the schedule. The director was lecturing me three times, and I felt more and more out of shape. Between breaks, I heard the director’s cynicism: “Nowadays, some people think they’re big names before they’re even popular! It’s good to have someone to back you up, you don’t have to act properly, you can still compete for the queen of the movie!”

I was a bit hot, so I asked the director to take a vacation, and I wanted to make some adjustments during the free afternoon.

The idea of escaping suddenly popped into my head.

Escape from this place, escape from all this chaos, let go of my mind, let myself be quiet for a while, maybe when I come back I’ll be in a much better state.

So I simply headed for George’s office to see if I could get him to help accommodate me, not realizing that there was someone in his office.

“Sorry!” As soon as I pushed the door open, I felt so reckless that I hurriedly withdrew.

But the person in the door stared at me silently.

“Just a moment!” He shouted, “It’s Ms. Laura, isn’t it?”

Stunned, I looked at him, sure that I didn’t remember this man.

The man smiled at me and said, “I saw the movie you were in, the one shot in the desert. The performances were great and the roles suited you really well!”

Oh, so it was a movie fan. I smile politely, “Thanks for the compliment.”

“Ms. Laura, may I have a moment alone?”


I look over at George in surprise, and he shakes his head gently, a look of wanting to say something on his face.

“Laura, come in first and close the door.” George slowly stood up and gave me another wink as he walked over to me.

I immediately realized that the visitor might not be simple.

“It is,” George introduced with a light smile, “This is the Commissioner of the UN Working Group, Mr. Kevin.”

“You can just call me Kevin,” he smiled and extended his hand.

George seemed to be considering the right thing to say, while this Kevin grabbed the conversation and addressed me directly, “Ms. Laura, I have something to say straight away. You should have seen the news, the international situation is unstable right now, and there is still a lot of war going on around the Middle East, which is a matter of great concern to the United Nations.”

I nodded, what does this have to do with me?

“The United Nations has deployed a large number of peacekeeping troops,” Kevin continued, “And as a special group of people, entertainers have a wide range of influence, and their every word and action is highly scrutinized, so they have to take on a greater social responsibility. We are looking for suitable entertainers all over the world to be UN Goodwill Ambassadors, traveling to war-torn areas to do promotional activities, so that more people care about current affairs and troubled areas.”

“So that’s it.” I suddenly realized.

“Yes.” Kevin laughed, “I’ve read Ms. Laura’s resume, and Ms. Laura is a journalist by trade and has worked as a war correspondent, covering the Alcostan region, is that correct?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s even better!” He looked quite excited, “Ms. Laura fits the criteria of a UN Goodwill Ambassador, both in terms of appearance and actual experience! That’s why I came here today is …”

“Laura can’t!” George patted him on the shoulder, playing an official voice, “Kevin, it’s not that my old friend won’t help you with this favor, Laura is shooting a movie right now, and her schedule can’t be staggered at all!”

“I know Ms. Laura is the pillar of your company!” Kevin laughed and said, “George, I’m not here to dig up your pillar, just a few days is enough! Besides, this is a good opportunity for your company to expand its influence!”

“I really can’t …”

“George!” Kevin was persistent, “The UN’s mission is not something that anyone can share! Other companies can’t even ask for this opportunity if they want it.”

“But this movie of mine is costing me a fortune, and if I kill it a day late, it’s all money burned into it!”

“Old friend, don’t just look at the immediate benefits, okay?”


The two of them argued endlessly, yet as soon as I heard Alcostan, my heart involuntarily trembled and I made a decision just in a flash.

“President George!” I looked at him, then at Kevin, and whispered, “I would like to accept the assignment and run to Alcostan as a goodwill ambassador.”

“Wow, that’s great!” Kevin almost jumped up and down with joy, while George’s face was grim and cloudy.

“Laura, there’s no rush to reply so quickly,” he winked at me one time, “just think about it.”

“No need to think about it.” I reconfirmed with Kevin, “It’s to Alcostan, correct?”

“That’s right, that’s right! Every Goodwill Ambassador goes to a different place, but these are adjustments that can be made, if you find Alcostan inconvenient, you can apply to be transferred to another place …”

“I’m not going anywhere else, I’m only going to Alcostan!”I looked at him, “Please let me go to Alcostan, I’ve been there once before, I’ve done an understanding of the war environment and the human environment there, and I guarantee that I can complete the mission successfully.”

“No problem, I’ll arrange it right away!”

“Hey!” George couldn’t help himself, “You guys are talking quite a bit! Where to put me?”

“Laura,” he looked at me with a serious expression, “I’m ordering you as a superior, you’re not allowed to participate in this activity! The first priority is to make the movie, I won’t stop you from doing whatever you want after the movie is finished, but you can’t leave for a day until the movie is finished! Otherwise, you are violating the contract!”

The office suddenly quieted down, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, George is always kind, never talk to me like this, maybe this time was also forced by me.

But I was determined to go.

I looked at him quietly, took a deep breath, and said lightly, “President George, I’m sorry.”

“What did you say?”

“Let’s say I’m in breach of contract, even if I lose all my money, I’ll pay the breach of contract.”

“Laura, are you out of your mind?” George’s eyes widened, “It’s not about the money! If you mess up like this, I’m afraid that in the future you’ll find it hard to have good resources in this circle, how are you going to get a foothold? You …”

“I’m willing to pay any price!”

I raised my eyes to look at him, and he was stunned, stepping back slightly.

I’ve never been so determined, “Let’s count this event as something I took on privately, I’m breaking company rules, I’ll admit to punishing you any way you want, but Alcostan, I have to go!”

Three days later I got my pass to Alcostan.

This trip to Alcostan wasn’t quite the same as last time, the airport over there was bombed and couldn’t be flown directly, so you had to go overland, take a train and then change buses, and cross the borders of several countries. But thanks to the UN, the trip went very smoothly and I was escorted all the way.

Even so, I traveled for two days. When I finally arrived, it was as if I had been through a great catastrophe. After all the difficulties of traveling, not being used to the soil and water, and the harsh climate …, my immune system finally collapsed, and before I could start my campaign, I fell seriously ill.

Alcostan than six years ago, the situation is not much better, six years ago, corpses everywhere, six years later is still trampled by the war devastation, this ancient mysterious land lost the last trace of vitality.

Even in the capital, there is not even a decent hotel or hospital. Luckily, the UN team had a doctor with them and medicines, we stayed with local civilians, and the ceasefire was in effect for a few days, so I was able to heal.

That day I stood in the courtyard, which was not so much a courtyard as an open space surrounded by large gray square stones. The two palm trees at the entrance were listless, their charred leaves covered in a thick layer of dust, and standing under a gray sky, they looked particularly bleak.

On the outside of the courtyard was a bombed-out shrine once dedicated to the god of their branch of the religion.

However, even the god could not protect them.

I couldn’t help but feel sad that the world was so bleak.

Suddenly someone handed me a glass of water and two pills, I turned around and Kevin was smiling at me.

“Big Star, you’re in luck!” He laughed, “Our doctor said that if you don’t get any rest or treatment without stopping for the past few days, this illness of yours will definitely develop into pneumonia!”

I smiled gratefully, “Thanks to you guys taking care of me on this journey.”

“We’re the ones who brought you out, it’s only right to take care of you.”

Kevin sized me up, “You seem preoccupied?”

“No.” I said, “It’s just that when I see see these two trees … at the door, I suddenly feel a little melancholy.”


I looked at him, “I’ve been here before and I’ve heard a lot of stories about Alcostan. At one time it was a rich and prosperous country, but now …”

I sighed softly and asked him, “Any idea what people measure wealth by here?”

He thought for a moment and laughed softly, “Real money? Oil? Real estate?”

“None of it.” I gestured to the doorway, “It’s them.”

“Palm trees?”

“Yes.” I said, “Because it’s in the desert, with high temperatures and little rain all year round, the climate is arid, and water is precious here, more expensive than oil. You need water to grow trees, so instead of comparing real money, they compare whose family grows more trees. Whoever’s family can afford to raise a yard of palm trees is definitely a tycoon.”

“I see!” Kevin laughed, “I, a UN staff member, don’t even know as much as you do.”

“This family has two trees in front of their door, so they must have been a well-off family once upon a time!” I shook my head, “But now it’s all we can do here, live one day at a time.”

“Don’t be so pessimistic!” Kevin patted me on the shoulder, “The United Nations has already intervened, and the peacekeeping force is also carrying out peacekeeping activities here, I believe that the rebels will soon be pressed down, and this place will regain its former prosperity.”


“Really!” He winked, “Plus with an enthusiastic and responsible public figure like you publicizing the situation here for the whole world to know, Alcostan will definitely be fine!”

“By the way, what’s our itinerary?”

“You’ve fully recovered physically?”

“No problem!” I said, “I want to get to work as soon as possible.”

“True to form, you’re a journalist.” He laughed, “The itinerary is like this, five days in total, and we’re limited to this area of the capital. We’ll go to a few schools first, and then to shelters and orphanages, which are not controlled by the rebels, and have been able to operate only with the support of international enthusiasts…. Anyway, the people who have suffered the most from the war are the children, and that’s one of the things we’re focusing on more on this trip.”

“Hmm.” I nodded, “So what do I need to do?”

“You can take pictures and play games with those kids or something. The children here, who have lost their loved ones in the war, are displaced, and can’t even guarantee basic survival and education, but they are innocent … so call for international attention to these children of war. It’s good that you spread such an idea.”

“Okay.” I promised, “I wonder if there are any more stores here?”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Shops?” He widened his eyes, “There were, a couple of large shopping districts that were huge, but they were bombed out a long time ago. The goods in the stores were looted and the stores were all forced to close.”

“And … where do they all go to buy things?”

“You’re going shopping, huh?” Kevin thought for a moment and said, “There’s a bazaar about three or four blocks from here. What do you want to buy?”

I smiled, “I thought I was going to the school and the orphanage! I can’t go empty handed, I want to buy some gifts for the kids.”

“That’s very thoughtful of you!” Kevin also smiled, “The children must be happy! Laura, you’re such a good person, no wonder you’re popular, you’re beautiful and kind-hearted, God will also bless you, your movie this time will surely be a big seller too!”

“Don’t praise me like that!” I was so happy that I couldn’t tell the difference.

“You seem to have special feelings for this land.” He said, “George was furious in the office that day, but you insisted on coming.”

“Yeah.” I agreed softly.

“It’s more than just contributing to UN peacekeeping, isn’t it?” He looked at me mischievously, “But to say that you want to seek fame and fortune through the status of goodwill ambassador is not quite like … To say fame and fortune, that movie of yours can compete for the queen of the movie!”

“How do you know I’m not trying to do something?” I raised my eyebrows, “The movie can be made at any time, but the status of UN Goodwill Ambassador will not be available again if you miss it. I’m putting in for the long haul!”

“No like no like!” He wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at me very seriously, “It’s not like I haven’t come into contact with other actresses before you. When they heard about the United Nations, they were all glowing, as if they really wanted to use this as a career springboard. But not you!”

“Laura, I can’t be wrong. You don’t see this as a springboard, you really want to come! Your eyes are lighter and more determined than theirs!”

I smiled sarcastically, “And you know how to read faces?”

“Let me guess …” He rubbed his chin with his hand and suddenly his eyes lit up, “Could it be that you’re from this religion?”

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