Fated is overrated

Chapter 153

Lola POV

I can't describe all that I am feeling and all that is running through my head right now, but I know I am on the brink of losing control in a way that I never have before.

When I lost Nick, I was less trained and skilled than I am now. I had a hard time controlling my rage back then as well, but this time my rage, or should I say our rage, is in overdrive as everything is coming together at once. Justice 'losing' her dragon mate, and all 3 of us possibly losing Zeke.

I do have to say Justice has grown fond of Zeke and Zane as well, it's like she has accepted them as her mate as well. Although Zeke was breathing when Zane teleported him to the hospital, it wasn't looking good.noveldrama

At all. Both my girls are explosively angry, fueling the anger molotov that is brewing inside of me. I am thankful my dad finally listened and evacuated everyone, because I fear innocent people would have gotten hurt otherwise.

I am unsure if the castle is away far enough for what is about to happen, but I pray to the goddess it is. As I suspected, it doesn't take long for the darkness to take hold of me once I let go of the little restraint I had. Zane POV I feel completely torn, standing in a private family room for what seems like forever already, waiting for the doctors to come give us some news about Zeke. It all went so fast, my mind has a hard time catching up to the fact that my twin brother is fighting for his life right now. And as Lola is as well, I feel conflicted on where I need to be right now.

I can't be of any use to Zeke here, other than praying for the doctors to save him, but she ordered me to leave with a sense of urgency I haven't seen from her before. I hate to leave her though, fighting for her life. I should be there for her.

Mom and dad are both sobbing in the other end of the corner. Luckily, they didn't get to see him before he was dragged in. His chest had a gaping hole in it and the sight of it will haunt me forever. Zeke is not just my other half, he is my best friend, and I can't lose him. But I can't lose Lola either.

"Mom, dad, I think I should go back to help Lola. She was still facing countless vampires and the dragon who injured Zeke" I speak softly, unsure of how they are going to take this. But, to my surprise, mom and dad come over towards me and envelop me in a hug. Something my dad rarely ever does, and mom hasn't done in over 2 years ago, since when we chased Lola off. She was so angry with us, she barely ever spoke to us anymore, unless it was to help us mind things with Lola.

And although I don't blame her as she was right, I did miss this. I missed them. I sink into the embrace of my parents for a few moments, before my mom pulls back to look at me.

I hadn't even noticed I was crying, until she starts wiping away tears from my cheeks. "Go, son. Bring both of you back home, safe" she kisses my forehead, and I offer her a weak smile before teleporting back to the battlefield.

As I stand there motionless, I am left wondering whether or not my teleporting abilities have failed me this time. Is this the same field even? It must be, as it looks like a literal warzone.

The field is nothing like I had left it a while ago. There were already bodies scattered everywhere when I left, but the sight before me is making my stomach churn. What the hell happened here?!

I can't figure out where to focus my attention first, everything is as gory as the next part. All kinds of body parts are scattered across the field and the grass is drenched in blood. Some parts of the field seem to be burned, I recognize the sight from what the royal training grounds looked like the day Lola was battling Ilona.

My eyes land on a body that seems relatively intact, compared to the other parts I have seen. The body is big and bulky, but it is unrecognizable as to who it is.

Or was, should I say. It looks like the skin has been stripped or burned off, and I flinch thinking about whether or not this person was alive when it happened.

I hope it isn't Drake or Damon, or any of their non-traitorous warriors, but I can't tell. Looking across the field, I can't find anyone that seems to be alive, and panic starts to set in. 'FIND MATE' Lance yells in my head, and he doesn't have to tell me twice.

I start searching around frantically, my panic increasing significantly with each limb or head I find. 'Can you smell her?!' I ask Lance, and he pushes me to shift so we will be able to smell better. Normally we would have smelled her immediately, but all the bodies and blood are drowning out any other scent.

I can faintly smell the delicious scent of amber wood and jasmine, despite the blood and gore trying to mask it. Lance follows the scent trail, which comes to an abrupt stop in the middle of the field. I can't see her anywhere, though. I begin to hyperventilate as my panic increases tenfold, my heart sinking with each breath I take.

'SHUSH HUMAN. I THINK I HEAR A HEARTBEAT' Lance scolds me, and I try to calm down enough so he can focus. Lance lets out a loud howl, calling to her, but there is no response. He stretches his ears and dives his head towards the ground to be able to hear better. He starts to walk north slowly, and I too can now hear a distant heartbeat drumming. Please goddess, let it be her!

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